Stefan Pfeiffer

Principal Faculty IMPRS ANARCHIE
Professor of Ancient History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Telephone: +49 (0) 345 55 240 14

2001: M. A. in History, Egyptology and Classical Archaeology at the University of Trier
2002: First Staatsexamen in History and Catholic Theology at the University of Trier
In 2002, I gave courses in Egyptology and was Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Centre "Foreigners and the Poor: Changing Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion from Classical Antiquity to the Present Day" working in the project "Creation and Development of a Multcultural Society in Graeco-Roman Egypt" at the University of Trier.
2004: Ph.D in Ancient History with a specialisation in Egyptology and Papyrology at the University of Trier
2007: Habilitation in Ancient History at the University of Trier
From 2004 to 2010 I was lecturer in Ancient History at the universities of Trier, Mannheim and Münster.
2010-2013: Professor in European Antiquity at the University of Chemnitz
Since 2013 I hold the chair for Ancient History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

Fields of Interest
History of Greco-Roman Egypt; ruler cult in antiquity; cultural contacts between Rome and the East; multilingual texts from Egypt (the Decree of Canopus and the victory stela of C. Cornelius Gallus); Greek and Latin epigraphical records from Egypt; texts on a Ptolemaic functionary called Boethos


2010 Der römische Kaiser und das Land am Nil: Kaiserverehrung und Kaiserkult in Alexandria und Ägypten von Augustus bis Caracalla (30 v. Chr. - 217 n. Chr.). Stuttgart (Franz Steiner).
2009 [with Friedhelm Hoffmann and Martina Minas]: Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus. Übersetzung und historischer Kommentar. Berlin (de Gruyter). Die Zeit der Flavier. Vespasian – Titus – Domitian. Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
2008 Herrscher- und Dynastiekulte im Ptolemäerreich. Systematik und Einordnung der Kultformen. München (C. H. Beck).
2004 Das Dekret von Kanopos (238 v. Chr.). Kommentar und historische Auswertung eines dreisprachigen Synodaldekretes der ägyptischen Priester zu Ehren Ptolemaios’ III. und seiner Familie. München (K. G. Saur).

Edited Volumes
2010 [with Altay Coşkun and Heinz Heinen]: Repräsentation von Identität und Zugehörigkeit im Osten der griechisch-römischen Welt. Frankfurt am Main (Peter Lang).
[with Katja Lembke and Martina Minas-Nerpel]: Tradition and Transformation: Egypt under Roman Rule. Proceedings of the International Conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3–6 July 2008. Leiden (Brill).
2009 [with Raimar Eberhard, Holger Kockelmann and Maren Schentuleit]: „... vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!“ Papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer. Berlin (de Gruyter).
2007 Ägypten unter fremden Herrschern von der persischen Satrapie bis zur römischen Provinz. Frankfurt am Main (Antike).
2006 [with Andrea Binsfeld and Heinz Heinen]: Vom hellenistischen Osten zum römischen Westen: Ausgewählte Schriften zur Alten Geschichte. Stuttgart (Franz Steiner).

2012 The Imperial Cult in Egypt In: Christina Riggs (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt. Oxford (Oxford University Press), pp. 83–100.
2010 Naukratis, Heracleion-Thonis and Alexandria: Remarks on the Presence and Trade Activities of Greeks in the North-West Delta from the Seventh Century BC to the End of the Fourth Century BC. In: Damian Robinson/Andrew Wilson (eds.): Alexandria and the North-Western Delta: Joint Conference Proceedings of Alexandria: City and Harbour (Oxford 2004) and The Trade and Topography of Egypt's North-West Delta: 8th century BC to 8th century AD (Berlin 2006), Oxford (School of Archaeology, University of Oxford), pp. 15-24.
[with Martina Minas-Nerpel]: Establishing Roman Rule in Egypt: The Trilingual Stela of C. Cornelius Gallus from Philae. In: Katja Lembke/Martina Minas-Nerpel/Stefan Pfeiffer (eds.), Tradition and Transformation: Egypt under Roman Rule. Proceedings of the International Conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Plizaeus-Museum, 3–6 July 2008. Leiden (Brill), pp. 265–298.
2009 The Alexandrian Jews and Their Agon for Affiliation: the conflict of the years 38-41 AD. In: Andreas Gestrich / Lutz Raphael / Herbert Uerlings (eds.): Strangers and Poor People. Changing Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe and the Mediterranean World from Classical Antiquity to the Present Day. Frankfurt am Main (Peter Lang), pp. 113-134.
2008 Ptolemy II, Sarapis and the Beginnings of Ruler Cult in Ptolemaic Egypt. In: Paul McKechnie/Philipe Guillame (eds.), Ptolemy II Philadelphus and His World. Leiden (Brill), pp. 387–408.

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