
A typology of godkinship practices in Romania, Annuaire Roumain d’Anthropologie, vol. 48 (2012)

Territoriality versus kinship in early Europe. The Romanian case and the theses of Henri H. Stahl, [in English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 8, 2, pp. 21‐44

Regles de propriete et pratiques locales dans les forets communes villageoises de Vrancea: l'obstea d'aujourd'hui (Roumanie) in "Transitions foncières dans les Balkans : Roumanie, Albanie, Grèce" Montpellier : CIHEAM‐IAMM, 2009. 108 p. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens ; n. 82)

Property reforms in rural Romania and community‐based forests, co‐authored with Liviu Mantescu, [in English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology)7, 2, pp. 95‐113

Corruption in Romanian Forestry ‐ Morality and Local Practice in the Context of Privatization, [In English] Revista Româna de Sociologie (Romanian Revue of Sociology) 20, 1‐2, pp. 105‐120

Nature Conservation, Conflict and Discourses around Forest Management: Communities and Protected Areas from Meridional Carpathians, Sociologie Romaneasca (Romanian Sociology) 6, 3-4

A Content without Shape: Obştea Vrânceană. Statutary and Customary in the Dynamics of Defining a Collective Property System, Sociologie Romaneasca (Romanian Sociology) 6, 1

Sense of Property, Deprivation and Memory in the Case of Obstea Vrânceana. Sociologie Romaneasca (Romanian Sociology) 5, 2

Property Relations and Socially Embedded Institutions: Reopening the Study of Obstea in Vrancea. Romanian Journal of Sociology 17, 1-2

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