

Between the Archives and the Field. A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of thе Balkans. (co-editors: Karl Kaser and Miroslav Jovanović).Zur Kunde Südosteuropas - Band II/24, Udruženje za društvenu istoriju - Posebna izdanja / Teorija I/1, Graz.-Belgrade.

Childhood in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Growing Up in the 19th and 20th Century. (co-editor: Miroslav Jovanović). Zur Kunde Südosteuropas - Band II/28, Udruženje za društvenu istoriju - Posebna izdanja / Ideje 2, Graz-Belgrade.

Gender Relations in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives
on Womanhood and Manhood in the 19th and 20th Century. (co-editor Miroslav Jovanović). Zur Kunde Südosteuropas - Band II/33, Udruženje za društvenu istoriju - Posebna izdanja / Ideje 4, Graz-Belgrade.

All three books have been reissued by LIT Verlag:

Between the Archives and the Field. A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of the Balkans. (Miroslav Jovanović, Karl Kaser, Slobodan Naumović, Eds.), Studies on South East Europe, Vol. 1, Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT Verlag.

Childhood in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Growing Up in the 19th and 20th Century. (Slobodan Naumović, Miroslav Jovanović, Eds.), Studies on South East Europe, Vol. 2, Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT Verlag.

Gender Relations in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Womanhood and Manhood in the 19th and 20th Century. (Miroslav Jovanović, Slobodan Naumović, Eds.), Studies on South East Europe, Vol. 3, Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT Verlag.

Studying Peoples in the People’s Democracies II. Socialist Era Anthropology in South-East Europe, (Mihăilescu, Vintilă, Ilia Iliev and Slobodan Naumović, Eds.), Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 17, Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT Verlag.


Journal Articles

“Evans-Pričardovo istraživanje religije Nuera” (E.E. Evans-Pritchard’s Study of Nuer Religion). Gradina 5-6, pp. 98-104.

“Pitanje vizuelne gradje u etnologiji.” (The Question of Visual Sources in Ethnology). Etnološke sveske IX, Beograd - Novi Pazar, pp. 113-123.

“The Cultural Affirmation Strategy. Identity Symbols and the Change of Ritual Practice in Southern Banat.” Ethnological Review, Vol. 26, Belgrade/Zagreb/Ljubljana, pp. 49-63.

“Tradicija i procesi tranzicije: kratka priča o ljubavi i potiskivanju.” (Tradition and the Processes of Transition: A Short Tale of Love and Repression), Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, XLIII, Beograd, pp. 141-150.

“Srpsko selo i seljak: između nacionalnog i stranačkog simbola.” (Serbian Village and Peasant: Between National and Party Symbols), Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, XLIV, Beograd, pp. 114-128.

 “Ustaj seljo, ustaj rode: Simbolika seljaštva i politička komunikacija u novijoj istoriji Srbije.” (Rise Peasant, Rise My Kin: Peasant Symbolism and Political Communication in Modern Serbian History), Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, Sveska 1, Beograd, pp. 39-63.

“The ‘Double Insider Syndrome’ Or Is Romanticist Heritage the Primary Source of  Ideologised Discourses in Balkan Ethnology.” Zbornik Filozofskog Fakulteta, Knjiga XIX, Serija А, Beograd, pp. 319-351.

“Romanticists or Double Insiders? An Essay on the Origins of Ideologised Discourses In Balkan Ethnology.” Ethnologia Balkanica, Vol. 2, pp. 101-120.

“Opanken im Parlament. Betrachtungen über die Bedeutung baüerlicher Symbole.” Historische Anthropologie, Jahrgang 7, Heft 1, pp. 63-82.

“’Balkanski kasapi’: mitovi i pogrešne predstave o raspadu Jugoslavije”,
(Butchers of the Balkans: Myths and Misconceptions on the Break-up of Yugoslavia),Nova srpska politička misao, Nova edicija, Vol. VI (1999), no. 1-2, pp. 57-77.

“Identity Creator in Identity Crisis: Reflections on the Politics of Serbian Ethnology”, Anthropological Journal on European Cultures, Volume 8, Number 2, (1999), The Politics of Anthropology at Home II, pp. 39-128.

“NetWars: Internet i agresija na Jugoslaviju”, (NetWars: Internet and the
Aggression on Yugoslavia) Nova srpska politička misao, posebno izdanje 1 (1999), Srbija i NATO I, pp. 253-276.

“The Ethnology of Transformation as Transformed Ethnology: The Serbian Case.”, Ethnologia Balkanica, Vol. 6, pp. 7-37.

“The Social Origins and Political Uses of Popular Naratives on Serbian Disunity”, Filozofija i društvo XVI, pp. 65-104.
“A pehely súlya”, in: “Új barazda”, 2000 Irodalmi éstársadalmihavilap, pp. 19-29.

“On the heaviness of feathers, or what has culture got to do with the failure to establish an organic poultry production in contemporary Serbia”, Etnoantropološki problemi, Nova serija, Vol. 1, 2006, pp. 103-124.

“‘Otpor!’ kao postmoderni Faust : društveni pokret novog tipa, tradicija prosvećenog reformizma i ‘izborna revolucija’ u Srbiji” (Otpor as a Postmodern Faust: Social Movement of a New Type, the Tradition of Enlightened Reformism and the Electoral Revolution in Serbia), Filozofija i društvo. Br. 3(31) (2006), pp. 147-194.

“Da li je Faust bio Otporaš? O subjektivističkom objektivizmu i
objektivističkom subjektivizmu u interpretaciji (post)modernih društvenih i političkih pokreta” (Was Faust a Member of Otpor? On Subjectivistic Objectivism and Objectivistic Subjectivism in the Interpretation of (Post)Modern Social and Political Movements), Filozofija i društvo, Br. 3 (2007), pp. 117-146.

Chapters in Books

“Upotreba tradicije. Politička tranzicija i promena odnosa prema nacionalnim
vrednostima u Srbiji 1987-1990.” (The Use of Tradition. Political Transition and the Change of Relationship Towards National Values in Serbia 1987-1990). In M. Prošić-Dvornić (ed.), Kulture u tranziciji, Plato, Beograd, pp. 95-119.

“Od ideje obnove do prakse upotrebe: ogled o odnosu politike i tradicije na
primeru savremene Srbije.” (From the Idea of Renewal to the Practice of Instrumentalisation: An Essay on the Relation of Politics and Tradition in Contemporary Serbia), Od mita do folka, Liceum, Beograd-Kragujevac, pp. 109-145.

“Faşancu la Grebenaţ: Folklorizam, simboličke strategije i etnički identitet rumunske nacionalne manjine u Banatu.” (Faşancu la Grebenaţ: Folklorism, Symbolical Strategies and Ethnic Identity of the Romanian National Minority in Banat), Položaj manjina u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji, SANU, Naučni skupovi LXXXIV, Odeljenje društvenih nauka knj. 19, Beograd, pp. 697-708, (co-author: Nikola Pavković).

“Instrumentalised Tradition: Traditionalist Rhetoric, Nationalism and Political
Transition in Serbia, 1987-1990.” In: Miroslav Jovanović, Karl Kaser, Slobodan Naumović (Eds.), Between the Archives and the Field. A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of thе Balkans, Zur Kunde Südosteuropas - Band II/24,Udruženje za društvenu istoriju - Posebna izdanja / Teorija I/1, Belgrade-Graz, pp. 179-217.

“‘Балканските касапи’: митове и грешни представи за разпаднето на бивша Югославия”, in: Димитрова, Снежана и Елена Тачева, ред., Рицари и миротворци на Балканите. Походи, преселения и поклоничество, Благоевград, pp. 52-74.

“Ka istoriji slavljenja istorije” (Towards a History of Celebrating History), in: Miterauer, Mihael (Mitterauer, Michael), Milenijumi i druge jubilarne godine (Milleniums and Other Jubilees), Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, Beograd, pp. 7-25.

“Instrumentalised Tradition: Traditionalist Rhetoric, Nationalism and Political
Transition in Serbia, 1987-1990”, in: Miroslav Jovanović, Karl Kaser, Slobodan Naumović (Eds.), Between the Archives and the Field. A Dialogue on Historical Anthropology of thе Balkans, Studies on South East Europe, Vol. 1, Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT Verlag, pp. 179-217.

“Nacionalizacija nacionalne nauke? Politika etnologije/antropologije u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj tokom prve polovine devedesetih godina dvadesetog veka” (Nationalisation of a National Science? The Politics of Ethnology /Anthropology in Serbia and Croatia at the Beginning of the Nineties), in: Kovač, Senka, ed., Problemi kulturnog identiteta stanovništva savremene Srbije (Problems of Cultural Identity of the Population of Contemporary Serbia), EtnoAntropološki problemi, Zbornik radova, Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, pp. 17-60.

„Балканские мяасники:  мифы и заблуждения о распаде Югославии“, in:
Йованович, Мирослав, Ред. (Jovanović, Miroslav, Ed.), Сербия о себе (Serbia on Itself), Издательство „Европа“, Москва, pp. 79-113.

“Zur historischen Anthropologie: Traditionelle rechtliche sowie gesellschaftliche Institutionen und Normen auf dem Gebeit des heutigen Serbien und Montenegro” (Towards Historical Anthropology: Traditional Legal and Social Institutions and Norms on the Territory of Contemporary Serbia and Montenegro), in: Walter Lukan, Hrgs., “Serbia-Montenegro”, Österreichische Osthefte, vol. 46/2005, (2006), pp. 103-136, (co-author Nikola Pavković).

“Brief Encounters, Dangerous Liaisons and Never-ending Stories: The Politics
of Serbian Ethnology and Anthropology in the Interesting Times of Yugoslav Socialism”, in: Mihăilescu, Vintilă, Ilia Iliev and Slobodan Naumović, (Eds.), Studying Peoples in the People’s Democracies II. Socialist era Anthropology in South-East Europe, Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 17,  Halle-Münster-Berlin-London: Lit Verlag, pp. 211-261

Miscellaneous Publications (selected)

Invited Comment on “Robert M. Hayden, Moral Vision and Impaired Insight: The Imagining of Other Peoples’ Communities in Bosnia”, Current Anthropology. -Volume 48, Number 1 (February 2007), pp. 123-124.


International Conferences (selected)

Conference of the Association for Balkan Anthropology, “Ideology in Balkan Anthropological research”, Sofia / Bankya, Bulgaria, 29th  -31st August, title of paper: “From ‘Romanticism’ to ‘Advocacy’: Ideological Discourses in 20th Century Serbian Ethnology”.

Congress of the Association for Balkan Anthropology, “Identity, Migration and Boundaries in the Balkans”, Bucharest, Romania, 4th   - 7th September, title of paper: “On ‘Us’ as ‘Them’: Political Construction of Quasi-Ethnic Difference in Contemporary Serbia”;

International Workshop “Anthropology Researchers and Film-makers and their Status in the Ex-Communist Countries”, organised by Astra Film Studio and the Foundation for Visual Anthropology, Sibiu, Romania, 15th  - 17th October, title of paper: “Reflections of a Lonely Videographer or On the Fate of Visual Anthropology in Serbia”.

Seventh International Round Table of the University Seminar for Balkan Studies of the Southwestern University “Neophite Rilsky”, Bansko / Petrich, Bulgaria, 26th February – 1st March, title of paper:“ The Balkans as Stigma or on the Political Dispute between the ‘Two Serbias’”;

5th EASA Conference, “The Politics of Anthropology. Conditions for Thought and Practice”, Frankfurt a. M., Germany, 04.-07.09.1998., title of paper: “Identity Creator in Identity Crisis. Reflections on the Politics of Serbian Ethnology”.

International Workshop “Childhood in the Balkans”, organised by the Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa- Institut and Graz University, Vienna, Austria, 21st – 22nd  January, title of paper: “Cultural Determinism and the Syndrome of Prolonged Childhood in Serbia”;

International Colloquium organised by the CNRS and the University of Nice (Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis), on the topic of  “Les ‘traditions inventées’. Bilan et perspectives d’un paradigme” (Invented Traditions. Results and Perspectives of a Paradigm), Nice, France, 18th -20th May, title of paper: “Entre décadence historique et renouveau national:  la rhétorique neo-traditionaliste dans la politique serbe contemporaine” (Between Historical Decline and National Renewall: Neo-traditionalist Rhetoric in Contemporary Serbian Politics);

Conference of the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA), Sofia, Bulgaria, 14.-17.09.2000., title of paper: “The Ethnology of Transformation as Transformed Ethnology: The Serbian Case”.

41. Internationale Hochschulwoche, organised by the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft and the Akademie fuer Politische Bildung, Tutzing / Munich, Germany, 8th -12th October, title of paper: “Volatile Memories of a Virtual War: NATO’s Kosovo-Intervention as Remembered by the World Wide Web”.

Premières rencontres des études balkaniques en France: “Etudes balkaniques : état des savoirs et pistes de recherché”, Paris, France,19th - 20th  December, title of paper : “Explaining Serbian Identity Splits : Communist Legacies, Nationalism and the Making of the ‘Two Serbias’”.

2nd InASEA Conference “Becoming Citizens of United Europe: Anthropological and Historical Aspects of EU Enlargement in Southeast Europe”, Graz, Austria, February 20-23rd, title of paper: “Imagining, Interpreting, and Experiencing Europe at the Turn of the Century: The Case of Serbia”.

Second Regional Workshop of the Balkan Sociologists on “Economic Culture of the Balkan Societies in the Contemporary World”, June 18-20th, 2004, Sofia, organized by the Bulgarian Sociological Association, title of paper: “It’s hard for chicks to take to the sky! Contingency and Culture in the Struggle to Establish an Organic Agro-Business in Contemporary Serbia”;

Second International NEXUS Conference “The Balkans and Globalization”, 4 – 7 June 2004, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Organized by the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) and the Center for Policy Studies (CPS), CEU, title of paper: “National Traditions, Communist Legacies and the Blurring of Political Identities in Contemporary Serbia”;

International Conference “An Asset or a Liability? Eastern European Economic Cultures in the EU”, organised by the Institute for the Sciences of Man (IWM, Vienna) and the Diplomatic Academy (Vienna) in the frame of the ACCESS Project, September 30-October 1, Vienna, Austria, title of paper: “On the Heaviness of Feathers. The Traps of Establishing an Organic Agro-Business in Reformist Serbia”.

The Fifth Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post-Socialism “Uncertainty and Freedom: Second-generation change in the post-socialist world”, organized by NECEN (Nordic and East-Central European Network for Qualitative Social Research), April 22-24, Tyriheim, Norway, title of paper: “The Politics of Ethnology and Anthropology in Post-Socialist Serbia”;

3rd INASEA Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, May 20-25, title of paper: “Images of Belgrade and the Idea of Urbanity in the Serbian Culture Wars in the ’80 and ‘90s”;

Colloque international, Ecole doctorale en sciences sociales de l’Europe centrale et orientale, Université de Bucarest, Romania, 14th  – 15th October, « Des études folkloriques à l’anthropologie dans les pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale : analyses réflexives et état des lieux », title of paper : « Politique de l’ethnologie en Serbie à la fin du XXe siècle et au début du XXIe » ;

Journée d étude « Les révolutions dans l’espace post-soviétique », organisée par le Centre d’étude des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC) et le Laboratoire d’anthropologie des institutions et des organisations sociales (LAIOS), EHESS, Paris, France, 21st  October, title of paper : « La naissance du mouvement serbe Otpor ».

Workshop “Local State and Social Security in Rural Hungary, Romania and Serbia”, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, 27th – 29th May, title of paper:
“Local State Administration Reform and Issues of Social Security in Serbia: An
Workshop “Doing Anthropology in Communist Times. The Case of Southeast Europe”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Hale/Saale, Germany, 8th -9th June, title of paper: “Theoretical Anthropologisation: A Discipline in Transition Foreshadows Political Transition in Serbia”;

9th Biennial EASA Conference “Europe and the World”, 18th – 21st September, Bristol, UK, title of paper: “The Two-Horned Dilemma of the Siamese Solution: a Case Study of the First Agricultural Twinning Project in the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management”.

DIOSCURI Project Final Conference, Institute for Human Sciences IWF, Vienna, Austria, 20th – 22nd April, title of paper: “Muddles in the Model: Who Gained What, How and from Whom in an Agricultural Twinning Project in Serbia?”;

Workshop “Towards an Anthropology Of Hope? Comparative Post-Yugoslav Ethnographies”, University of Manchester, UK, 9th – 11th November, title of paper: “Is there still hope for hope? Paradoxical outcomes of globalist re-appropriations of new social movements. The case of Otpor”.

Second “Blue Bird Club” Meeting, “The New Nationalism in the Balkans”, 6th –
7th June, Belgrade, Serbia;

10th Biennial EASA Conference, “Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality”, Workshop on “New trends in regional visual ethnography” (Workshop Convenors Nasko Kriznar and Slobodan Naumovic),  26th – 29th August, Ljubljana, Slovenia, title of paper: “Twenty Years of Filming in the Villages of Vojvodina. So What?”.



“When the Gypsy is in Want – Carnival Wedding Procession in Vračev Gaj” – 30 minute ethnographic film. Camera, directing, production: Slobodan Naumović, (edited by Branislav Godić).

“The Life and Death of a Custom” – 32 minute ethnographic film. Co-directed by Ilja Slani. Production: Radio Television of Serbia-TV Belgrade.

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