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Journal Article (2440)

Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second thoughts on smallholders: tea production, the state and social differentiation in the Rize region. New Perspectives on Turkey 4: 57–79.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Socialism and King Stephen's right hand. Religion in Communist Lands 18(1): 4–24.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second economy and civil society. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 21–44.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Introduction. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 1–20.
Journal Article
Trajano Filho, Wilson. 1990. A troca silenciosa e o silêncio dos conceitos. Serie Antropologia 107: 1–25.
Journal Article
Turner, Bertram. 1990. Kritische Überprüfung des ethnographischen Quellenwertes von Photographien am Beispiel des Orients. Zeitschrift für Kultur-Austausch 40(3): 440–459.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1989. Ordres juridiques et immigration: le cas des Marocains en Belgique. Anthropologie et Sociétés 13(1): 155–168.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1989. Rapport sur les symposiums de la "Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism", 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Zagreb, Yougoslavie, 26-29 juillet 1988. Anthropologie et Sociétés 13(1): 201–203.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1989. 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences - 12th ICAES: 24-31 july, 1988, Zagreb, Yugoslavia; 3 symposias organisés par la "Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism" (26-29 juillet 1988). Droit et Cultures 18: 251–255.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1989. Nomadische Territorialrechte: das Beispiel des kenianisch-äthiopischen Grenzlandes. Die Erde 120: 131–138.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1989. Zum Ursprung des Gada-Systems. Paideuma 35: 231–246.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1988. Le fondamentalisme musulman et le statut personnel dans les pays arabes: rencontre bi-annuelle, sous la direction du Professeur Rüdiger Schott (Universität Münster / Institut für Völkerkunde), du "Fachgruppe für Rechtsgeschichte, orientalische Recht und ethnologische Rechtsforschung"; conférenciers: Professors Dr. Barber Johansen, Naguib Hosni, Sami Aldeed Abu-Salieh. Droit et Cultures 15-16: 233–235.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1988. Christianity's internal frontier: the case of Uniates in South-East Poland. Anthropology Today 4(3): 9–13.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1988. The causative in Rendille. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (15): 5–65.
Journal Article
Trajano Filho, Wilson. 1988. Que barulho é esse? O dos pós-modernos? Anuário Antropológico: 133–151.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1987. Nouvel ordonnancement juridique de la reproduction humaine? La Revue Nouvelle 86=43(7/8): 25–40.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1987. The emergence of land concentration in the West African savanna. American Ethnologist 14(3): 523–541.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1987. Rendille ornaments as identity markers. Kenya Past and Present 20: 31–37.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1986. Asielrecht en erkenningsprocedure in België: het proces van een procedure. Panopticon 7(4): 345–353.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1986. "Extra-collegegeld voor buitenlandse studenten aan Belgische universiteiten"? Jura Falconis 1985/86(4): 535–544.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1986. Notes from a medical college. Cambridge Anthropology 11(3): 104–108.
Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 1985. De 'wet-gol' (28 juni 1984): of de wet van de veelvoudige administratieve afwijkingen. Kultuurleven 52: 346–351.
Journal Article
Görlich, Joachim and Thomas Voss . 1985. Zwei Beiträge zur politischen Anthropologie. Anthropos 80: 237–243.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1985. Rural transformation on the East Black Sea coast of Turkey: a note on Keyder. Journal of Peasant Studies 12(4): 101–110.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1985. Interethnic clan identities among Cushitic-speaking pastoralists. Africa 55(1): 17–38.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1984. Barma bridewealth: socialization and the reproduction of labour in a domestic African economy. Africa 54(4): 59–72+88.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Intra- und interethnische Beziehungsnetze nordkenianischer Wanderhirten. Paideuma 30: 69–80.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Nomaden und Staat: das Beispiel Nordkenia. Sociologus 34(2): 140–161.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Une société pastorale pluriethnique: Oromo et Somalis au Nord du Kenya. Production Pastorale et Société 15(automne): 21–39.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1983. Dual class formation and agrarian underdevelopment: an analysis of the articulation of production relations in Upper Volta. Canadian Journal of African Studies 17(2): 211–233.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1982. Kisüzemi gazdálkodás Tázláron a hetvenes években. Ethnographia 93(1): 33–72.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Rural change in Hungary and Poland. Cambridge Anthropology 6(1/2): 142–150.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Tázlár: the frontier community since 1945. New Hungarian Quarterly 21(78): 139–147.
Journal Article
Hann, C. M. 1979. Tázlár: the frontier community on the Great Plain. New Hungarian Quarterly 20(74): 116–121.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1979. Social evolution: a learning-theory approach. Journal of Anthropological Research 35(3): 336–349.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1977. Marriage payments, household structure, and domestic labour-supply among the Barma of Chad. Africa 47(1): 81–88.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1977. The rationality of divorce: marital instability among the Barma of Chad. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 8(2): 269–288.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1976. The extending strategy: regulation of the household dependency ratio. Journal of Anthropological Research 32(2): 182–198.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. 1975. Making do when the rains stop: adjustment of domestic structure to climatic variation among the Barma. Ethnology 14(4): 405–417. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1973. Sprachlich gesteuertes Verhalten: die grafische Reproduktion abstrakter Zeichen in Abhängigkeit von deren Benennungen. Sociologus 23(2): 127–164.

Book Chapter (2703)

Book Chapter
Bortolotto, Chiara and Philipp Demgenski. 2024. Decontextualization from UNESCO to China: the embarrassment and empowerment of economic uses of intangible cultural heritage. In: Chiara Bortolotto and Ahmed Skounti (eds.). Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development: inside a UNESCO convention. Key Issues in Cultural Heritage. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 161–175.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2024. Individual personhood in anthropological approaches to international law. In: Tom Sparks and Anne Peters (eds.). The individual in international law: history and theory. The History and Theory of International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 363–386.
Book Chapter
Nieber, Hanna. 2024. Inexpressible reading: the efficacious non-discursivity of drinking the Qur'an. In: Urmila Mohan (ed.). The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. New York: Routledge, pp. 27–41.
Book Chapter
Sona, Federica. 2024. Coping with honor, shame, and modesty: Muslims undergoing biomedical treatments in Italy. In: Ayang Utriza Yakin, Adis Duderija, and An Van Raemdonck (eds.). Shame, modesty, and honor in Islam. London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 159–179.
Book Chapter
Sona, Federica. 2024. Medicalizzazione e bioetica islamica: l'approccio alla vita nascente. In: Giovanni Boniolo and Enrica Martinelli (eds.). La cura del paziente a la diversità spirituale: per una medicina interculturale. Milano; Udine: Mimesis Edizioni, pp. 145–174.
Book Chapter
2023. Interview with Günther Schlee, Halle (Saale), 10 December 2018. In: Markus Virgil Hoehne, Echi Christina Gabbert, and John R. Eidson (eds.). Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 357–376.
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, Ildikó. 2023. The Uyghurs: conceptual highlanders of Xinjiang. In: Jelle J. P. Wouters and Michael T. Heneise (eds.). Routledge handbook of Highland Asia. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 93–104.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2023. Ανθεκτικότητα Σε Τι Και Για Ποιον; Η Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά Μεταξύ Μετάδοσης Και Εμπορευματοποίησης Στη Σύγχρονη Κίνα [Resilience to what and for whom? ICH between transmission and marketization in contemporary China]. In: Panas Karampampas (ed.). Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά Σε Καιρούς Οικονομικής Κρίσης: Ένταξή Στην Αγορά Και Ανθεκτικότητα [Intangible cultural heritage in times of economic crisis: marketisation and resilience]. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, pp. 70–77.
Book Chapter
Duan, Zhipeng. 2023. Professionalised designing in between plural makings. In: Satu Miettinen, Enni Mikkonen, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, and Melanie Sarantou (eds.). Artistic cartography and design explorations towards the pluriverse. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies. New York: Routledge, pp. 156–170.
Book Chapter
Elliesie, Hatem and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2023. Islam in Europe: balancing between conflicting values and interests; the case of unanaesthetised slaughter of animals. In: Adam Possamai, James T. Richardson, and Bryan S. Turner (eds.). The sociology of Shari'a: case studies from around the world. 2. ed. Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies. Cham: Springer, pp. 239–252.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Katayoun Alidadi, and Dominik Müller. 2023. Introduction: the search for justice in plural societies; the opportunities and pitfalls of accommodative law and practices. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Katayoun Alidadi, and Dominik Müller (eds.). Redesigning justice for plural societies: case studies of minority accommodation from around the globe. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–17.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2023. Article 22: diversité culturelle, religieuse et linguistique. In: Fabrice Picod, Cecilia Rizcallah, and Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (eds.). Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne: commentaire article par article. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 653–674.
Book Chapter
Fürstenberg, Michael. 2023. Der neue Terror von rechts: eine fünfte Welle des Terrorismus? In: Marc Coester, Anne Daun, Florian Hartleb, Christoph Kopke, and Vincenz Leuschner (eds.). Rechter Terrorismus: international - digital - analog. Edition Rechtsextremismus. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 77–99.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2023. Multiscalar social relations of dispossession and emplacement. In: Markus Virgil Hoehne, Echi Christina Gabbert, and John R. Eidson (eds.). Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 308–334.
Book Chapter
Lambert, Laura. 2023. Externalisierung. In: Tabea Scharrer, Birgit Glorius, J. Olaf Kleist, and Marcel Berlinghoff (eds.). Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Nomos Handbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 513–520.
Book Chapter
Lambert, Laura and Franziska Zanker. 2023. Westafrika. In: Tabea Scharrer, Birgit Glorius, J. Olaf Kleist, and Marcel Berlinghoff (eds.). Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Nomos Handbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 701–706.
Book Chapter
Lems, Annika and Tabea Scharrer. 2023. Ethnologie. In: Tabea Scharrer, Birgit Glorius, J. Olaf Kleist, and Marcel Berlinghoff (eds.). Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Nomos Handbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 77–86.
Book Chapter
Margaria, Alice. 2023. Genetics and the construction of parenthood: The ECtHR jurisprudence on transnational surrogacy. In: Nina Dethloff and Katharina Kaesling (eds.). Between sexuality, gender and reproduction: on the pluralisation of family forms. European Family Law Series 54. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 189–201.
Book Chapter
Mitchell, Lisa. 2023. The railways and the city in the history of Indian political practice. In: Ralf Roth and Paul Van Heesvelde (eds.). The city and the railway in the world from the nineteenth century to the present. Routledge Studies in Modern History. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 229–240.
Book Chapter
Scharrer, Tabea, Birgit Glorius, J. Olaf Kleist, and Marcel Berlinghoff. 2023. Editorial. In: Tabea Scharrer (ed.). Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Nomos Handbuch. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 21–28.
Book Chapter
Schmidt, Mareike. 2023. Produzenten- und Produkthaftung. In: Martin Schmidt-Kessel and Malte Kramme (eds.). Handbuch Verbraucherrecht. Hürth: Carl Heymanns Verlag, pp. 721–764.
Book Chapter
Schmidt, Mareike. 2023. Die Lehre der Digitalisierung in der Rechtswissenschaft: eine Einführung. In: Mareike Schmidt and Hans-Heinrich Trute (eds.). Die Lehre der Digitalisierung in der Rechtswissenschaft. Recht und Digitalisierung/Digitization and the Law 11. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 13–36.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2023. Geschlechter(un)gleichheit und patriarchale Strukturen im islamischen Familienrecht. In: Sabine Berghahn and Ulrike Schultz (eds.). Rechtshandbuch für Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte. Hamburg: DasHöfer.
Book Chapter
Sona, Federica. 2023. Paths to (in)justice? The interplay between Sharīʿah tribunals and public policy. In: Mavis Maclean and Rachel Treloar (eds.). Research handbook on family justice systems. Research Handbooks in Law and Society. London: Edward Elgar, pp. 229–249.
Book Chapter
Sona, Federica. 2023. Marriage practices: Western Europe. In: Joseph Suad (ed.). Encyclopedia of women and Islamic cultures.
Book Chapter
Turner, Bertram. 2023. Politics of belonging and the litmus test of retaliation. In: M. Hoehne (ed.). Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 154–173.
Book Chapter
Walker, Iain. 2023. The Hadrami diaspora: a plurilocal mahjar. In: Dalia Abdelhady and Ramy Aly (eds.). Routledge handbook on Middle Eastern diasporas. London ; New York: Routledge, pp. 367–382.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf, Timm Sureau, and Thomas Goetzelmann. 2023. Digital infrastructuring as institutional affect(ing) in German migration management. In: Millicent Churcher, Sandra Calkins, Jandra Böttger, and Jan Slaby (eds.). Affect, Power, and Institutions. Routledge Studies in Affective Societies. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 105–124.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Foreword. In: Jessika Eichler and Kyriaki Topidi (eds.). Minority recognition and the diversity deficit: comparative perspectives. Oxford: Bloomsbury, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Hanschel, Dirk. 2022. Climate-caused migration. In: Javier Cremades and Cristina Hermida (eds.). Encyclopedia of contemporary constitutionalism. Cham: Springer.
Book Chapter
Walker, Iain. 2022. Mayotte, France and the Comoros: mimesis and violence in the Mozambique Channel. In: Iain Walker and Marie-Aude Fouéré (eds.). Across the waves: strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean island societies. African Social Studies Series 44. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 200–223.
Book Chapter
Walker, Iain and Marie-Aude Fouéré. 2022. Introduction: strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean island societies. In: Iain Walker and Marie-Aude Fouéré (eds.). Across the waves: strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean island societies. African Social Studies Series 44. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 1–18.
Book Chapter
Alidadi, Katayoun. 2022. Anti-discrimination rules and religious minorities in the workplace. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 661–678.
Book Chapter
Anam, Beate and Hatem Elliesie. 2022. Rechtslinguistik: Sprache, Recht und Translation. In: Matthias Kötter, Tilmann Röder, Jens Deppe, and Julie Trappe (eds.). Rechtsstaatsförderung: Handbuch für Forschung und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 294–299.
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von. 2022. Law and anthropology in the Netherlands: from adat law school to anthropology of law. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 210–227.
Book Chapter
Berta, Anne Erita Venåsen. 2022. Freedom and control: analysing the values of niche business owners in Aarhus, Denmark. In: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann (ed.). Moral economy at work: ethnographic investigations in Eurasia. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 8. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 20–36.
Book Chapter
Bianchini, Katia. 2022. Legal and anthropological approaches to international refugee law. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 792–807.
Book Chapter
Bradbury, James and Mascha Schulz. 2022. Performing the secular: street theatre and songs as 'secular media' in Bangladesh and West Bengal. In: Jacob Copeman and Mascha Schulz (eds.). Global sceptical publics: from non-religious print media to 'digital atheism'. London: UCL Press, pp. 71–96.
Book Chapter
Bruckermann, Charlotte. 2022. Labour. In: James G. Carrier (ed.). A handbook of economic anthropology. 3. ed. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 110–120.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2022. Einfach unvergleichlich: die Konstruktion des "Outstanding Universal Value" beim UNESCO-Welterbe. In: Michaela Haug and Rosalie Stolz (eds.). Ethnographic encounters: essays in honour of Martin Rössler. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 77–89.
Book Chapter
Buzalka, Juraj. 2022. Post-peasant progressivism: on liberal tendencies in the Slovak countryside. In: Juraj Buzalka and Agnieszka Pasieka (eds.). Anthropology of transformation: from Europe to Asia and back; essays in honour of Professor Chris Hann. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, pp. 179–204.
Book Chapter
Buzalka, Juraj and Agnieszka Pasieka. 2022. Introduction. In: Juraj Buzalka and Agnieszka Pasieka (eds.). Anthropology of transformation: from Europe to Asia and back; essays in honour of Professor Chris Hann. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, pp. XIII-XXVIII.
Book Chapter
Chaki, Sudeshna. 2022. The embedded trajectory of small-scale enterprises in provincial India. In: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann (ed.). Moral economy at work: ethnographic investigations in Eurasia. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 8. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 75–95.
Book Chapter
Copeman, Jacob and Mascha Schulz. 2022. Introduction: non-religion, atheism and sceptical publicity. In: Jacob Copeman and Mascha Schulz (eds.). Global sceptical publics: from non-religious print media to 'digital atheism'. London: ULC Press, pp. 1–36.
Book Chapter
Deniz, Ceren. 2022. The morality of relatedness in medium-sized businesses in Central Anatolia. In: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann (ed.). Moral economy at work: ethnographic investigations in Eurasia. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 8. New York ; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 96–115.
Book Chapter
Desplat, Patrick. 2022. On belongings and betrayals: migratory projects and moral obligations among youth in Mahajanga/Madagascar. In: Ian Walker and Marie-Aude Fouéré (eds.). Across the waves: strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean island societies. African Social Studies Series 44. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 127–156.
Book Chapter
Eichler, Jessika. 2022. Collectivising human rights or scales of collectivisation: Andean constitutionalism and other juridical points of departure. In: Jessika Eichler and Kyriaki Topidi (eds.). Minority recognition and the diversity deficit. Oxford: Bloomsbury, pp. 53–73.
Book Chapter
Eichler, Jessika and Kyriaki Topidi. 2022. Introductory remarks: minority recognition and its transformative potential; critically engaging with the diversity deficit. In: Jessika Eichler (ed.). Minority recognition and the diversity deficit: comparative perspectives. Oxford: Bloomsbury, pp. 1–17.
Book Chapter
Elliesie, Hatem. 2022. Thematische Einführung: wie begegnet die Rechtsforschung und -praxis außergerichtlicher Konfliktregulierung ("Paralleljustiz") nahöstlich geprägter Bevölkerungsgruppen? In: Hatem Elliesie, Silvia Tellenbach, and Irene Schneider (eds.). Migration und 'Heimatrecht': Herausforderung muslimisch geprägter Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Studies on Islamic Cultural and Intellectual History 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 13–30.
Book Chapter
Elliesie, Hatem and Peter Scholz. 2022. Strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung von Kriminalität im arabisch-migrantischen Milieu Berlins: ein Fallbeispiel zum Umgang mit "Selbstjustiz" und "Familienehre". In: Hatem Elliesie, Silvia Tellenbach, and Irene Schneider (eds.). Migration und 'Heimatrecht': Herausforderung muslimisch geprägter Zuwanderung nach Deutschland. Studies on Islamic Cultural and Intellectual History 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 31–43.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Kinship through the twofold prism of law and anthropology. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 532–549.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Het verbod op onbedwelmd slacten van dieren: inmenging in de godsdienstvrijheid? In: Cedric Jenart (ed.). De Grondwet en Jan Velaers: Deel IV; Een vriedschapsgewijze commentar 4. Brugge: Die Keure, pp. 89–102.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jean-Yves Carlier. 2022. Law and migration in a changing world: general report. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-Yves Carlier (eds.). Law and migration in a changing world. Ius Comparatum: Global Studies in Comparative Law 31.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker. 2022. Introduction: mapping the field of law and anthropology. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–15.
Book Chapter
Fosztó, László. 2022. Beyond blue eyes? Xenophobia on the eastern margins of the European Union. In: Juraj Buzalka and Agnieszka Pasieka (eds.). Anthropology of transformation: from Europe to Asia and back; essays in honour of Professor Chris Hann. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, pp. 155–178.
Book Chapter
Fürstenberg, Michael. 2022. Staatlich geförderter Terrorismus: das Sponsoren-Dilemma. In: Liane Rothenberger, Joachim Krause, Jannis Jost, and Kira Frankenthal (eds.). Terrorismusforschung: interdisziplinäres Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis. ISPK-Studien zur Terrorismusforschung 3. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 239–251.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2022. Bi-directions and new directions in migration research: theorizing dispossession and power from Connie Sutton's work on transnational migration. In: David Sutton and Deborah A. Thomas (eds.). Changing continuities: and the scholar-activist anthropology of Constance R. Sutton. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, pp. 247–253.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2022. A critique of Gellner's neo-liberalism: economy, equality, epistemology. In: Petr Skalník (ed.). Ernest Gellners legacy and social theory today. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127–154.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2022. Afterword. In: Catherine Alexander and Daniel Sosna (eds.). Thrift and its paradoxes: from domestic to political economy. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 10. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 208–212.
Book Chapter
Hanschel, Dirk and Elisabeth Steyn. 2022. Environmental justice. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 550–569.
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