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Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, R. Poniat, and S. Gruber. 2018. Age heaping patterns in Mosaic data. Historical Methods 51(1): 13–38. DOI:
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek. 2017. Editors’ introduction: Murdock and Goody revisited. Cross-Cultural Research 51(2): 79–91. DOI:
Journal Article
Gruber, Siegfried and Mikolaj Szoltysek. 2016. The patriarchy index: a comparative study of power relations across historical Europe. History of the Family 21(2): 133–174. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2016. A stem-family society without the stem-family ideology?: the case of eighteenth-century Poland. History of the Family 21(4): 502–530. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Siegfried Gruber . 2016. Mosaic: recovering surviving census records and reconstructing the familial history of Europe. History of the Family 21(1): 38–60. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Family systems and welfare provision in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: discrepancies and similarities. Belaruski Histaryčny Zbornik 42: 25–57.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Residence patterns and demographic constraints: the case of historical Eastern Europe. Journal of Family History 40(3): 323–350. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Komputerowa mikrosymulacja sieci krewniaczej a wzorce współmieszkania: rzecz o demograficznych uwarunkowaniach rodziny chłopskiej w okresie staropolskim. Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 37(1): 107–161.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Siegfried Gruber. 2014. Living arrangements of the elderly in two Eastern European joint-family societies: Poland–Lithuania around 1800 and Albania in 1918. Hungarian Historical Review 3(1): 101–140.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, Siegfried Gruber, Sebastian Klüsener, and Joshua R. Goldstein. 2014. Spatial variation in household structures in nineteenth-century Germany. Population 69(1): 57–83. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2012. Spatial construction of European family and household systems: promising path or blind alley? An Eastern European perspective. Continuity and Change 27(1): 11–52. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2012. The genealogy of Eastern European difference: an insider’s view. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 43(3): 335–371.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, Joshua Goldstein, and Sebastian Klüsener. 2012. Towards an integrated understanding of demographic change and its spatio-temporal dimensions: concepts, data needs, and example case studies. Die Erde 143(1-2): 75–104.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Siegfried Gruber. 2012. Stem families, joint families, and the European pattern: how much of a reconsideration do we need? Journal of Family History 37(1): 105–125. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, Siegfried Gruber, and Rembrandt Scholz. 2011. Real and synthetic household populations and their analysis: an example of early historical census microdata (Rostock in 1819). Historical Methods 44(2): 107–113. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, Siegfried Gruber, Barbara Zuber-Goldstein, and Rembrandt Scholz. 2011. Living arrangements and household formation in an industrializing urban setting: Rostock 1867-1900. Annales de Démographie Historique 2(112): 233–269. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2009. Familienformen: ein einheitliches Osteuropa gab es nicht; wie die historische Demografie dazu beiträgt, mit pauschalen Vorstellungen aufzuräumen. Demografische Forschung aus erster Hand 6(1): 4–4.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2009. Life cycle service and family systems in the rural countryside: a lesson from historical east-central Europe. Annales de Démographie Historique 117: 53–94. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Barbara Zuber-Goldstein. 2009. Historical family systems and the great European divide: the invention of the slavic East. Demográfia 52(5): 5–47.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2008. Three kinds of preindustrial household formation system in historical Eastern Europe: a challenge to spatial patterns of the European family. History of the Family 13(3): 223–257. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2008. Rethinking Eastern Europe: household-formation patterns in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and European family systems. Continuity and Change 23(3): 389–427. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2007. Central European household and family systems, and the "Hajnal-Mitterauer" line: the parish of Bujakow (18th-19th centuries). History of the Family 12(1): 19–42. DOI:
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2007. Science without laws?: model building, micro histories and the fate of the theory of fertility decline. Historical Social Research 32(2): 10–41.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2006. Proofs and refutations: the old and the new in historical-demographic studies of changing reproductive regimes. Studia Demograficzne (1/149): 3–27.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2006. Anthropological demography, demographical anthropology: towards hybrid research fileds. Lud 90: 177–191.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Od patriarchatu do partnerstwa: miłość i relacje małżeńskie w przeszłości w perspektywie antropologii historycznej. Genealogia 17: 93–114.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Dziedziczenie i międzypokoleniowa wymiana w parafii Bujaków, 1766-1803, głos w dyskusji nad geografią europejskich form rodzinnych. Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 26: 79–116.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Rozrodczość w perspektywie ekonomicznej i demografia przeszłości. Annuals of Economic and Social History 65: 25–52.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Will anthropology redeem demography? Historyka 35: 35–49.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Am Rande von Nordwest-Europa? Haushalt, Familie und Besitz in einem oberschlesischen Kirchspiel (18. Jahrhundert) - ein Arbeitsbericht. Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission 3: 155–162.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2005. Na rubiezach Europy Polnocno-Zachodniej? Rodzina, gospodarstwo domowe i wlasnosc w gornoslaskiej parafii w XVIII wieku - raport z badan. Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission 3: 57–66.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Konrad Rzemieniecki. 2005. Between 'traditional' collectivity and 'modern' individuality: an atomistic perspective on family and household astride the Hajnal's line (Upper Silesia and Great Poland at the end of the 18th century). Historical Social Research 30(3): 130–170.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2004. Od mikromodeli do mikrohistorii – gospodarstwo domowe w parafii Bujakowskiej w latach 1766-1803. Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 25: 7–75.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2004. Astride the Hajnal line: household and family in the upper Silesian parish of Bujakow 1766–1803. Polish Population Review 11: 59–93.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2003. Teoria rodziny w ujęciu Petera Lasletta i The Cambridge Group: „angielska tajna broń” jej krytycy i jej „długie trwanie.” Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 24: 7–44.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2003. Demografia historyczna i co dalej?: nowe perspektywy w badaniach nad historią rodziny XVI-XIX wieku. Annuals of Economic and Social History 63: 119–143.
Journal Article
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2002. Od strategii przetrwania do międzypokoleniowej wymiany: perspektywa antropologiczna w badaniach nad rodziną, gospodarowaniem i pokrewieństwem. Przeszłość Demograficzna Polski 23: 143–165.

Book Chapter (11)

Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2016. Historical family systems and European inequalities: a way forward for the future. In: Matthijs Koen, Saskia Hin, Jan Kok , and Hideko Matsuo (eds.). The future of historical demography: upside down and inside out. Leuven: Acco, pp. 49–52.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2016. Mikrodemografi a rodziny staropolskiej: kategorie współmieszkania a rodzinne sytuacje opiekuńcze ludzi starych. In: Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska, Katarzyna Sierakowska, and Andrzej Szwarc (eds.). Ludzie starzy i starość na ziemiach polskich od XVIII do XXI wieku (na tle porównawczym) 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, pp. 99–132.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2016. De invloed van demografische parameters op de huishoudsamenstelling in het achttiende-eeuwse Oost-Europa: wat kunnen we leren door data van historische volkstellingen en uitkomsten van microsimulaties te vergelijken? In: Paul Puschmann, Richard Paping, and Matthijs Koen (eds.). Familie en levenskansen in het verleden: jaarboek historische demografie 2015. Leuven: Acco, pp. 153–182.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Households and family systems in early modern Europe. In: Hamish Scott (ed.). The Oxford handbook of early modern European history, 1350-1750 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 313–341.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Residence patterns and the human-ecological setting in historical Eastern Europe: a challenge of compositional (re)analysis. In: Philip Kreager, Bruce Winney, Stanley Ulijaszek, and Cristian Capelli (eds.). Population in the human sciences: concepts, models, evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 431–468.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Age heaping and digit preference in eighteenth-century Poland-Lithuania: who was rounding off their age, and why? In: Piotr Guzowski and Cezary Kuklo (eds.). Studies on family and household in preindustrial Poland. Białystok: Institute for Research of European Cultural Heritage, pp. 163–198.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2014. Patriarchy and feudalism in time and space: the comparative study of co-residence across Eurasia. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 71–74.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2012. Struktura gospodarstwa domowego w Koronie i na Litwie a funkcje rodziny w końcu XVIII wieku: rozbieżności czy podobieństwo? In: Cezary Kuklo (ed.). Rodzina, gospodarstwo domowe i pokrewieństwo na ziemiach polskich w perspektywie historycznej — ciągłość czy zmiana? Warschau: Wydawn, pp. 173–208.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2009. Female headship, household position, and gendered well-being in peasant societies: evidence from the territories of the historical kingdom of Poland (18th century). In: Margarida Durães (ed.). The transmission of well-being: gendered marriage strategies and inheritance systems in Europe (17th- 20th centuries). Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 447–486.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2008. Household and family in Central Europe: the case of the parish Bujakow. In: M. B. Denysenko and I. Troitskaia (eds.). Historical demography: collected essays. Moskau: Maks Press, pp. 239–275.
Book Chapter
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and D. Biskup. 2008. Heterogeneity or homogeneity? Peasant households in historical Poland and Silesia at the end of 18th century. In: C. Kuklo and P. Guzowksi (eds.). Family and household on the Polish territories 15th-19th centuries. Warschau: Wydawnictwo DiG, pp. 363–390.

Working Paper (5)

Working Paper
Baten, Jörg and Mikolaj Szoltysek. 2014. A golden age before serfdom?: the human capital of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe in the 17th - 19th centuries. MPIDR Working Papers 8.
Working Paper
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2012. Family systems and welfare provision in Poland-Lithuania: discrepancies and similarities. MPIDR Working Papers 16. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Working Paper
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and Jörg Baten. 2012. The human capital of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe in European perspective. MPIDR Working Papers 2. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Working Paper
Szoltysek, Mikolaj and S. Gruber. 2012. Quantifying patriarchy: an explorative comparison of two joint family societies. MPIDR Working Papers 17. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
Working Paper
Szoltysek, Mikolaj, S. Gruber, S. Klüsener, and J. R. Goldstein. 2010. Spatial variation in household structure in 19th-century Germany. MPIDR Working Papers 30. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.

Issue (2)

Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek (eds.). 2017. Special Issue: Murdock and Goody revisited: (pre)history and evolution of family systems, part I. Cross-Cultural Research 51(2).
Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek (eds.). 2017. Special Issue: Murdock and Goody revisited: (pre)history and evolution of family systems, part II. Cross-Cultural Research 51(3).

Other (1)

Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2017. Patriarchy and familism in time and space: the comparative study of co-residence across Eurasia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2014/2016.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2006. Ponowoczesne rozterki demografii, czyli kto się boi postmodernizmu? Studia Demograficzne (1/149): 89–109.

Monograph (2)

Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 2; data quality assessments, documentation, and bibliography. Population, Family, and Society 21. Bern; Berlin; Bruxelles; Frankfurt/Main; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang.
Szoltysek, Mikolaj. 2015. Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1; contexts and analyses. Population, Family, and Society 21. Bern; Berlin; Bruxelles; Frankfurt/Main; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang.
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