Publications of Detelina Tocheva

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2014. Rupture systémique et continuité éthique: l’orthodoxie russe postsoviétique. 28.
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2014. The economy of the temples of God in the turmoil of changing Russia. European Journal of Sociology 55(1): 1–24. DOI:
Journal Article
Ładykowska, Agata and Detelina Tocheva. 2013. Women teachers of religion in Russia: gendered authority in the Orthodox Church. Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 162: 55–74.
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2011. Crafting ethics: the dilemma of almsgiving in Russian Orthodox churches. Anthropology Quarterly 84(4): 1011–1034.
Journal Article
Benovska-Sabkova, Milena, Tobias Köllner, Tünde Komáromi, Agata Ładykowska, Detelina Tocheva, and Jarrett Zigon. 2010. 'Spreading Grace' in post-Soviet Russia. Anthropology Today 26(1): 16–21. DOI:
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2008. Pozicija antropologa pri issledovanii problem kcenofobii. Antropologičeskij Forum 8: 117–126.
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2007. Enfances dans le kollektiv en Estonie et en ex-URSS. Ethnologie Française 37(3): 449–455.
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2006. Logiques de la réciprocité dans trois centres de protection de l'enfance en Estonie. Tsantsa (11): 73–82.
Journal Article
Tocheva, Detelina. 2005. «De l'orphelinat soviétique à la protection des enfants à «problèmes» en Estonie ou l'histoire discrète d'un changement post-soviétique». Etudes Finno-Ougriennes 37: 65–90.

Book Chapter (7)

Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2022. Changing mutuality: building a house with unpaid labour in Bulgaria. In: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann (ed.). Moral economy at work: ethnographic investigations in Eurasia. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 8. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 156–174.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2015. "They work in a closed circle": self-sufficiency in house-based rural tourism in the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria. In: Stephen Gudeman and Chris Hann (eds.). Oikos and market: explorations in self-sufficiency after socialism. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 2. New York: Berghahn, pp. 137–161.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2015. Kurban: shifting economy and the transformations of a ritual. In: Stephen Gudeman (ed.). Economy and ritual: studies of postsocialist transformations. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 1. New York: Berghahn, pp. 107–136.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2011. An ethos of relatedness: foreign aid and grassroots charities in two Orthodox parishes in north-western Russia. In: Jarrett Zigon (ed.). Multiple moralities and religions in post-Soviet Russia. New York: Berghahn, pp. 67–91.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2011. Ot vosstanovlenija chrama k sozdaniju obščiny: samoograničenie i material'nye trudosti kak istoričniki prichodskoj identičnosti. In: Аlexander Agadjanian (ed.). Prichody i obščiny v sovremennom pravoslavii: kornevaja sitema rossijskoj religioznosti. Moskau: Ves' Mir, pp. 277–297.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2010. Community and economy in parish life. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Religion, identity, postsocialism: the Halle Focus Group 2003 - 2010. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 111–113.
Book Chapter
Tocheva, Detelina. 2009. Frontière politique, ethnicité et clivages sociaux: un exemple estonien. In: Boris Petric and Jean-Franςois Gossiaux (eds.). Europa mon amour: 1989-2009; un rêve blessé. Collection Autrement Frontières. Paris: Autrement, pp. 136–146.

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Tocheva, Detelina. Enfants et parents "à problèmes": façons de penser, façons de faire dans l'institution de la protection de l'enfance en Estonie. PhD Thesis, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

Other (2)

Gudeman, Stephen, Chris Hann, Jennifer Cash, Nathan Light, Miladina Monova, Detelina Tocheva, Monica Vasile, and Bea Vidacs. 2010. Economy and Ritual. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Dapertment II 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2008/2009(1).
Benovska-Sabkova, Milena, Tobias Köllner, Tünde Komáromi, Agata Ladykowska, Detelina Tocheva, and Jarrett Zigon. 2008. Religion and morality in European Russia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department II 'Socialist and Postsocialist Eurasia' 2006/2007.

Monograph (1)

Tocheva, Detelina. 2017. Intimate divisions: street-level orthodoxy in post-Soviet Russia. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 35. Münster; Berlin: LIT.
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