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Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Heady, Patrick and Lale Yalçın-Heckmann. 2020. Implications of endogamy in the southwest Eurasian highlands: another look at Jack Goody’s theory of production, property and kinship. History and Anthropology 31(2): 257–281. DOI:
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2018. Heady's comment on D. Read "Generative Crow-Omaha terminologies". Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 12(2).
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2018. Priests and midwives: godparenthood and the cognitive framing of kinship and local ties. Journal of Family History 43(1): 88–98. DOI:
Journal Article
Vasile, Monica, Jennifer R. Cash, and Patrick Heady. 2018. Contemporary godparenthood in Central and Eastern Europe: introduction. Journal of Family History 43(1): 3–11. DOI:
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2017. A “Cognition and Practice” approach to an aspect of European kinship. Cross-Cultural Research 51(3): 285–310. DOI:
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek. 2017. Editors’ introduction: Murdock and Goody revisited. Cross-Cultural Research 51(2): 79–91. DOI:
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill, Jaroslava Panáková, and Patrick Heady. 2014. Culture, perception, and artistic visualization: a comparative study of children’s drawings in three Siberian cultural groups. Cognitive Science 38(1): 76–100. DOI:
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2013. Naučni razmišlenija vărchu rodstvoto: za prevrăštaneto na etnografskoto prozrenie v aksioma. Bălgarska Etnologija 39(3): 297–320.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2013. Meždinni perspektivi: teoretizirane na otnošenieto meždu rodstvena terminologija i praktika. Bălgarska Etnologija 39(4): 512–517.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2012. European kinship today: patterns, prospects and explanations. Ethnologie Française 42(1): 93–104.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2012. KASS: research aims and research design. Ethnologie Française 42(1): 13–22.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2012. Implicit formality: Keesing's challenge and its significance for European kinship. Structure and Dynamics 6(1).
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2007. Fertility as a process of social exchange. Demographic Research 17: 465–496.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2007. What can anthropological methods contribute to demography - and how? Demographic Research 16: 555–558.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2003. Conscripts and Christians: representing kinship and affinity in the Carnian Alps. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9(1): 77–95.
Journal Article
Heady, Patrick. 2003. Gellner's ideal kinship language and the connection between biological and social kinship. Social Evolution and History 2(2): 75–87.

Book Chapter (30)

Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2018. Kinship, community and the transition to adulthood: geographical differences and recent changes in European society. In: Sarah Irwin and Ann Nilsen (eds.). Transitions to adulthood through recession: youth and inequality in a European comparative perspective. Youth, Young Adulthood and Society. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 176–197.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2017. Feeling secure to reproduce: economy, community and fertility in Southern Europe. In: Philip Kraeger and Astrid Bochow (eds.). Fertility, conjuncture, difference: anthropological approaches to the heterogeneity of modern fertility declines. 1. ed. Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality 36. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 133–163.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2012. The implicit contracts of European kinship: gender, generation and society. In: Nancy Konvalinka (ed.). Modos y maneras de hacer familia: las familias tardías, una modalidad emergente. Manuales universidad. Madrid: Bibliotheca Nueva, pp. 33–52.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2011. Family, community and state: some implicit contracts in European family life. In: Isabell Stamm, Peter Breitschmid, and Martin Kohli (eds.). Doing succession in Europe: generational transfers in family businesses in comparative perspective. Zürich: Schulthess, pp. 67–82.
Book Chapter
Gruber, Siegfried and Patrick Heady. 2010. Domestic help. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 83–125.
Book Chapter
Gruber, Siegfried and Patrick Heady. 2010. Kinship in transformation: measures and models. In: Hannes Grandits and Patrick Heady (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 1; The century of welfare: eight countries 1. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 363–390.
Book Chapter
Gruber, Siegfried and Patrick Heady. 2010. Structural help. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 127–158.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Appendix 3: sampling, fieldwork and data quality. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 423–432.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: a brief overview of the three-volume series. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 11–13.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Groupes traditionnels de jeunes et réseaux d'alliances matrimoniales dans les Alpes carniques. In: Cyril Isnart (ed.). Figures de la jeunesse: fête, ruralité et groupe de jeunes. Collection Le Monde Alpin & Rhodanien. Grenoble: Musée Dauphinois, pp. 71–85.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: a brief overview of the three-volume series. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; The view from below: nineteen localities 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 9–11.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: introduction to the three-volume series. In: Hannes Grandits and Patrick Heady (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 1; The century of welfare: eight countries 1. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 9–21.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2010. Introduction: care, kinship and community; the view from below. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; The view from below: nineteen localities 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 13–59.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick, Siegfried Gruber, and Tuba Bircan. 2010. The quantitative background. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; The view from below: nineteen localities 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 61–90.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick, Siegfried Gruber, and Zhonghui Ou. 2010. Appendix 2: data processing for analysis. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 421–422.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick, Siegfried Gruber, and Zhonghui Ou. 2010. Birth rates, values and social patterns. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 203–224.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick, Siegfried Gruber, and Zhonghui Ou. 2010. Family, kindred and marriage. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 31–69.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick and Martin Kohli. 2010. Introduction: towards a political economy of kinship and welfare. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 15–30.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick and Zhonghui Ou. 2010. Reciprocity and altruism in practical assistance. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 159–176.
Book Chapter
Kohli, Martin and Patrick Heady. 2010. Conclusion: implications for policy. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 395–410.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther and Patrick Heady. 2010. Terminology and practice: European kinship in a world-wide perspective. In: Patrick Heady and Martin Kohli (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy 3. Frankfurt/Main; New York: Campus, pp. 347–374.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2007. Kameraden und Geschwister: Sympathie, Solidarität und Identität in sozialen Netzwerken. In: Johannes F. K. Schmidt, Martine Guichard, Peter Schuster, and Fritz Trillmich (eds.). Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft: zur Unterscheidung und Verflechtung zweier Beziehungssysteme. Konstanz: UVK, pp. 343–367.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick and Liesl L. Gambold Miller. 2006. Nostalgia and the emotional economy: a comparative look at rural Russia. In: Maruška Svašek (ed.). Postsocialism: politics and emotions in Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Berghahn, pp. 34–52.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Barter. In: J. G. Carrier (ed.). Handbook of economic anthropology. London: SAGE, pp. 262–274.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Inheritance and kinship in Europe: overview. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005. Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, pp. 14–15.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Nuclear families and cognatic descent: reflections on two characterizations of European kinship. In: Peter Skalník (ed.). Anthropology of Europe: teaching and research. Prague: Set Out, pp. 67–76.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Property and kinship in rural Russia - and elsewhere. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005. Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, pp. 46–49.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick. 2003. Kinship and economy in the Russian countryside: a provisional model. In: Patrick Heady, Hannes Grandits, Richard Rottenburg, Burkhard Schnepel, and Shingo Shimada (eds.). Distinct inheritances: property, family and community in a changing Europe. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 2. Münster: LIT, pp. 297–312.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick and Liesl L. Gambold Miller. 2003. Cooperation, power, and community: economy and ideology in the Russian countryside. In: Chris Hann and "Property Relations" Group (eds.). The postsocialist agrarian question: property relations and the rural condition. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 1. Münster: LIT, pp. 257–292.
Book Chapter
Heady, Patrick and Hannes Grandits. 2003. Introduction: Property, family and community in a changing Europe: a system and historical approach. In: Patrick Heady, Hannes Grandits, Richard Rottenburg, Burkhard Schnepel, and Shingo Shimada (eds.). Distinct inheritances: property, family and community in a changing Europe. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 2. Münster: LIT, pp. 1–30.

Working Paper (5)

Working Paper
Heady, Patrick and Lale Yalçın-Heckmann. 2016. Pre-Bronze-Age principles? Implications of endogamy in the south-west Eurasian highlands. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 176. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Working Paper
Heady, Patrick. 2015. Ringing the first bell: ritual and the management of mutual expectations in large-scale interactions. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 161.
Working Paper
Heady, Patrick. 2014. Thinking scientifically about kinship: towards an axiomatic formulation of ethnographic insights. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 158.
Working Paper
Heady, Patrick. 2001. Kinship, courtship and conscription: Lévi-Straussian aspects of some alpine village rituals and their theoretical and institutional implications. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 23.
Working Paper
Heady, Patrick. 2000. Growing together: methodological aspects of joint research in the Property Abteilung. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 16.

Issue (4)

Vasile, Monica, Jennifer R. Cash, and Patrick Heady (eds.). 2018. Contemporary godparenthood in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Family History 43(1).
Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek (eds.). 2017. Special Issue: Murdock and Goody revisited: (pre)history and evolution of family systems, part I. Cross-Cultural Research 51(2).
Heady, Patrick and Mikolaj Szoltysek (eds.). 2017. Special Issue: Murdock and Goody revisited: (pre)history and evolution of family systems, part II. Cross-Cultural Research 51(3).
Heady, Patrick (ed.). 2012. Parentés et paternités en Europe. Ethnologie Française 42(1). Paris: PUF.

Other (7)

Heady, Patrick, Martine Guichard, and Alexander Pashos. 2017. Kinship Universals and Variation (KUV). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict' 2014/2016.
Schlee, Günther, Christian Laheij, Jacqueline Knörr, Peter Finke, and Patrick Heady. 2017. Department 'Integration and Conflict'. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict' 2014/2016.
Mann, Bettina, Bertram Turner, and Patrick Heady. 2010. Training, cooperation, and networking. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2008/2009(1).
Heady, Patrick. 2008. Kinship and Social Security (KASS). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2006/2007.
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Eigentum und Verwandtschaft im ländlichen Russland: und anderswo. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Heady, Patrick. 2005. Verwandtschaft und soziale Sicherung (KASS): (EU-Projekt des 6. EU-Rahmenprogramms); ein komparatives Forschungsprojekt über europäische Verwandtschaft. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Guichard, Martine, Patrick Heady, and Wolde Gossa Tadesse. 2003. Friendship, kinship and the bases of social organisation. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2002/2003.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Heady, Patrick. 2007. S. K. Wegren "The moral economy reconsidered: Russia's search for agrarian capitalism". Journal of Agrarian Change 7(1): 135–137.

Collected Edition (4)

Collected Edition
Grandits, Hannes and Patrick Heady (eds.). 2010. The century of welfare: eight countries. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
Collected Edition
Heady, Patrick and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). 2010. Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; The view from below: nineteen localities. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
Collected Edition
Heady, Patrick and Martin Kohli (eds.). 2010. Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 3; Perspectives on theory and policy. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
Collected Edition
Heady, Patrick and Hannes Grandits (eds.). 2003. Distinct inheritances: property, family and community in a changing Europe. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 2. Münster: LIT.

Monograph (1)

Heady, P. 2001. Il popolo duro: rivaltà , simpatia e struttura sociale in una valle alpina. Udine: Forum.
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