
October 2020

Workshop: Webinar “The aftermath of 2015 – Lessons learnt from the so-called Migration Crisis in Germany”
Date: 28 October 2020

May 2019

Workshop: Forced Migration, Exclusion, and Social Class

Date: 23-24 May 2019
Venue: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
Convenors: Zeynep Yanasmayan, Tabea Scharrer, Magdalena Suerbaum, Christian Hünkler
Workshop Report

March 2019

Conference: Representations of Migration and Emotions of Exclusion

This conference examines representations of migration, emotions of exclusion and the connections in between. The conference brings together a cohort of multi-/interdisciplinary scholars and graduate students whose current research examines the experiences, emotions and narratives of exclusion in migration processes.

Date: 20–21 March 2019
Venue: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Convenors: Sonia Cancian, Deepra Dandekar, Soňa Mikulová (Max Planck Institute for Human Development within the framework of the WiMi initiative)
Registration: Karola Rockmann () (by 17 March)

June 2018

Max-Planck-Forum Berlin: Recht auf Willkommen? Juristische Perspektiven zur Flüchtlingskrise

Law establishes the rights and duties of refugees and asylum seekers and forms the basis for their integration into the host community. Is German law up to the current challenges? During the forum, legal research meets legal practice as participants discuss whether German law provides a suitable framework for successful asylum policy. This includes how the law deals with people who want to come to Germany as well as with those who are already in the country. Do the laws ensure that the humanitarian rights of asylum seekers are protected and that they get a fair hearing? What exclusionary regulations are necessary in order to protect democracy and the rule of law? How much do international agreements limit the options for policy-making in Germany? How can law be applied most effectively to ensure social harmony over the long-term? The event draws on the findings of the Max Planck research initiative "The Challenges of Migration, Integration and Exclusion" (WiMi). The project brings together the expertise of six Max Planck Institutes in order to understand the mechanisms that underlie current migration and integration dynamics. The goal is to open up new strategies for political action and address the challenges brought up in the coalition agreement of the German government.

Date: 28.06.2018, 19:00
Venue: Französische Friedrichstadtkirche, Georges-Casalis-Saal, Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Berlin
Speakers: Marie-Claire Foblets, Constantin Hruschka, Uwe Berlit

February 2018

Podiumsdiskussion: Alltägliche Grenzen: Migrant*innen in Halle
(in German)

In den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen und politischen Debatten über Migration nach Europa und Deutschland lag die Aufmerksamkeit bisher darauf, wie die Integration von Migrant*innen und Asylsuchenden gelingen kann. Mit der von der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft finanzierten Wissenschaftsinitiative Herausforderungen von Migration, Integration und Exklusion (WiMi) wird der Fokus jetzt vielmehr auf Muster und Mechanismen der Exklusion gelegt. Am 27. Februar 2018 sollen auf einer Podiumsdiskussion der Wissenschaftsinitiative Phänomene der Ausgrenzung von Migrant*innen im konkreten Kontext des Lebens in Halle von verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet werden. Wie findet man eine Wohnung und Arbeit? Können die Kinder die richtige Schule besuchen und sind sie medizinisch gut versorgt? Wie geht man mit alltäglichem Rassismus oder Unterschieden zwischen sozialen Gruppen um? Expert*innen aus der Praxis und Vertreter*innen von Migrantenorganisationen aus Halle, aber auch Migrant*innen selbst werden von ihren Erfahrungen mit der alltäglichen Realität berichten. Für das Auditorium soll sich so ein differenziertes Bild der Situation ergeben, das zum Nach- und Weiterdenken anregt.

Date: 27.02.2018 17:00 - 19:00
Venue: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Advokatenweg 36, 06114 Halle
Organisers: Marie-Claire Foblets, Günther Schlee, Zeynep Yanasmayan-Wegele
Registration: Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 26.2.2018 per email an: Zeynep Yanasmayan-Wegele (

November 2017

The inclusion and exclusion of migrant communities sharing similar cultural backgrounds with their host societies

This workshop seeks to compare the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion of migrant communities. Adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, researchers will discuss whether cultural resemblances such as a shared cultural heritage or language may systematically lead to better integration. Several aspects of the inclusion and exclusion will be examined in different national contexts.

Date: Monday, 20 November 2017
Venue: Wissenschaftsforum, Markgrafenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Organisers: Population Europe Secretariat, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development within the framework of the WiMi initiative
Registration: (by 10 November)

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