
Forthcoming 2013
With Agata Ładykowska. “Gendered authorities in religious education: women teachers of religion in the Russian Orthodox Church”. Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions.

“Kurban: shifting economy and the transformations of a ritual”. In Economy and Ritual: Six Postsocialist Studies. Edited by Stephen Gudeman and Chris Hann. New York: Berghahn Books.

“‘They work in a closed circle’: self-sufficiency in house-based rural tourism in the Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria”. In Outside the Market: Explorations of Self-Sufficiency. Edited by Stephen Gudeman and Chris Hann. New York: Berghahn Books.

Book review of Pelkmans, Mathijs (ed.) 2009. Conversion after Socialism: Disruptions, Modernisms and Technologies of Faith in the Former Soviet Union. New York: Berghahn Books. In Religion and Society: Advances in Research 2: 190-191.

“Ot vosstanovleniia hrama k sozdaniiu obshchiny: samoogranichenie i material’nye trudnosti kak istochniki prihodskoi identichnosti”. In: Prihody i obshchiny v sovremennom pravoslavii: kornevaia sistema rossiiskoi religioznosti (“From the rebuilding of a church to the creation of a community: self-limitation and material hardship as sources of parish identity.” In: Parishes and communities in contemporary Orthodoxy: the basic system of Russian religiosity). Edited by Alexander Agadjanian and Kathy Rousselet. Moscow: Ves’ Mir: 277-297.

“Crafting ethics: the dilemma of almsgiving in Russian Orthodox churches”. Anthropological Quaerterly 84 (4): 1011-1034.

“An ethos of relatedness: foreign aid and grassroots charities in two Orthodox parishes in north-western Russia”. In: Multiple moralities and religions in post-Soviet Russia. Edited by Jarrett Zigon. New York: Berghahn Books: 67-91.

with Milena Benovska-Sabkova, Tobias Köllner, Tünde Komáromi, Agata Ładykowska and Jarrett Zigon. “’Spreading grace’ in post-Soviet Russia”. Anthropology Today 26 (1): 16-21.

"Nationalism and xenophobia as research topics". Forum for Anthropology and Culture 5: 133-140.

“Frontière politique, ethnicité et clivages sociaux: un exemple estonien”. In: Europa mon amour: 1989-2009, un rêve blessé, edited by Jean-François Gossiaux et Boris Petric.  Collection Autrement Frontières. Paris: Autrement: 136-146.

“Pozitsia antropologa pri issledovanii problem ksenofobii”, Antropologicheskii Forum, 8, pp. 117-126.

“Enfances dans le kollektiv en Estonie et en ex-URSS”, Ethnologie française, 3, p. 449-455.

“Logiques de la réciprocité dans trois centres de protection de l’enfance en Estonie”, Tsantsa, 11, p. 73-82.

“De l’orphelinat soviétique à la protection des enfants à « problèmes » en Estonie ou l’histoire discrète d’un changement post-soviétique”, Etudes finno-ougriennes, 37, p. 65-90.

“Les ONG et les nouveaux modes de politique familiale. Survie des familles, survie des associations”, Informations Sociales, numéro spécial Pays de l’Est, n°124, p. 118-125.

“Etes-vous Russe ou Estonien ? Ethnicité et transformation sociale dans l’Estonie contemporaine”, Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, vol.35, n°3, p. 67-98.

“Peurs européennes, peurs malthusiennes”, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, n°2, p. 141-156.

“Stéréotypes balkanistes dans la presse française quotidienne : le Figaro, Le Monde et Libération”, Études balkaniques, Cahiers Pierre Belon, n 8, p. 199-208.

“L’élargissement de l’Union européenne entre objectifs européens et stratégies nationales. Les États membres de l’Union européenne face aux États candidats”, Géoéconomie, n 21, p. 87-101.

Compte-rendu de l’ouvrage de Maria Todorova Imagining the Balkans (New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997), Ethnologie française, n 2, p. 273-274.

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