Berghahn Books 2021
"Lands of the Future" (2021)
Berghahn Books announces publishing the Land of the Future Volume within the Integration and Conflict Studies Series
Abbink, J.; Askew, K.; Feyissa, D.; Fratkin, E.; Gabbert, E. C.; Galaty , J.; LaTosky, S.; Lydall, J.; Mahmoud, H. A.; Markakis, J. et al.: Lands of the future: transforming pastoral lands and livelihoods in eastern Africa. (2014), 28 pp.
Buffavand, L.: ‘The land does not like them’: contesting dispossession in cosmological terms in Mela, South-West Ethiopia. Journal of Eastern African Studies 10 (3), pp. 476 - 493 (2016)
Buffavand, L.: From clanship and rituals to maize fields and markets: exploring the transformations of the Bodi-Dime relationship. In: Movements in Ethiopia: Ethiopia in movement; proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 2, 1. ed. Ed., pp. 51 - 68 (Eds. Ficquet, E.; Omer, A. H.; Osmond, T.). Tsehai Publishers, Los Angeles (2016)
Gabbert, E.C.: "The global neighbourhood concept: a chance for cooperative development or festina lente", in A delicate balance: land use, minority rights and social stability in the Horn of Africa, edited by Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe (Inst. for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa Univ., Addis Ababa, 2014), pp. 14-37
Schlee, G.: Why states still destroy pastoralism and how they can learn that in their own interest they should not. Nomadic Peoples 17 (2), pp. 6 - 19 (2013)
Schlee, G.: Territorializing ethnicity: the imposition of a model of statehood on pastoralists in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 36 (5), pp. 857 - 874 (2013)