Since October 2015
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany
Ph.D Candidate at the International Max Planck Research School for the Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Eurasia (IMPRS ANARCHIE)
Koç University, Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities, İstanbul
M.A., Comparative Studies in History and Society
Thesis: “The notion of home: The Kurdish refugees from Syria in Bayramtepe, Istanbul”
Koç University (KU), College of Social Sciences and Humanities, İstanbul
B.A., Department of Sociology
Double majoring with International Relations.
Presentation at Conferences
“Hope for a Home: Syrian Kurdish Refugees in Bayramtepe, Istanbul”
Central European University Graduate Conference, June 12-13th 2015, Budapest
Research Interests
Forced migration, Refugees and Displacement, Economic anthropology, Gender and Family.
Research Area(s)