Curriculum Vitae
Since October 2017
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany.
PhD candidate at the International Max Planck Research School for the Anthropology, Archaeology, and History of Eurasia (IMPRS ANARCHIE)
Since October 2015
University of Warsaw, Poland, Institut of History
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Warsaw, Poland, Institute of History
MA in History, specialised in Archive Studies
University of Warsaw, Poland, Institute of History
BA in History
Professional Experience
English Teacher in multiple language schools in Warsaw
Freelance translator of academic, legal, and technical texts
Accountant at Buchna Artist Agency
Conference Presentations
Staszic jako filantrop – nieznane konteksty, X Spotkanie Staszicowskie, Piła 2017
Celebrity Studies as a Tool for a Historian, International Conference History & Society – Dialogue of the Deaf, Warsaw 2017
The Metropoly of Freedom and Benevolence: 18th-century London in the eyes of a Pole, Fantastic London: Dream, Speculation, and Nightmare, London 2017
The long 18th-century British Prisons' Struggles with Gaol Fever, International Conference on Medical Humanities, Warszawa 2017
British Prison Reform - A Step Towards the Common Refutation of Violence? Violence and Society International Conference, Warsaw 2017
Pojęcie filantropii w pre-wiktoriańskiej myśli brytyjskiej, „Dzieje Imperium Brytyjskiego Od Zarania do Końca Wieku XIX” Conference, Warsaw 2016
Polish (native)
English (proficient)
French (good in reading)
German (beginner)