
    • Cole, Elisabeth, Rosoux, Valérie, and Van Metre Lauren, « Deepening Understandings of Success and Failure in Post-Conflict Reconciliation », Peacebuilding, special issue, 2022.
    • Rosoux, Valérie, « Memory and Narratives of Hate and Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Societies », in Amrita Narlikar & Fen Hampson (eds), International negotiation and political narratives. A comparative study, New York, Routledge, 2021, pp. 484-515.
    • Rosoux, Valérie, « Federalization of the Belgian national past: do collaboration and colonization still matter? », in Min Reuchamps & Didier Caluwaerts, Belgian Exceptionalism. Belgian Politics between realism and surrealism, New York, Routledge, 2021, pp. 171-184. (link to pdf download here)
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