Research Interests
economic sociology and economic anthropology, ethnography of design, valuation studies, waste studies
Research Area(s)
East-Central Europe, Poland, England
Emma Greeson is currently researching a project entitled “Polski design: Nostalgia, nationhood, and everyday objects in global capitalism”. Her dissertation, completed in 2018 (University of California, San Diego), is a multi-sited ethnography that follows a value chain of used clothing that stretches between England and Poland. Both projects are ethnographies of exchange, following specific material objects as they move across geographies, through different infrastructures, and as they undergo economic, symbolic, and material transformations. Emma’s postdoctoral research brings together her expertise in economic sociology and anthropology—especially around issues of valuation and waste—with her previous research on nations and nationalism (MA, Jagiellonian University) in an analysis of the value transformations of socialist-era everyday design objects.