Research Interests
Family dynamics, kinship, generation, gender, government policies on the family, West African societies, global flows and mobilities, migration, women's trade flows
Research Areas
Cape Verde, Senegal
Andréa LOBO is a PhD in Social Anthropology and a professor at the Anthropology Department of the University of Brasília (UnB). A scholar of Cape Verdean society since the early 2000s, she has published books and articles on family dynamics and contexts of mobility, gender, government policies on the family, global transits. She is coordinator of the Laboratory of Ethnography of Circulations and Migratory Dynamics (MOBILE/UnB) and integrates the research groups: Ethnology in African Contexts (ECOA/UnB); Ethnography of Institutions and Power Practices (LEIPP/UnB). She is a member of the international laboratories of "Research in Social Sciences" (LPCS), University of Cape Verde (UniCV) and of LAAP, Laboratoire D'Anthropologie Prospective, UCL, Belgique. She is the editor of Vibrant, a journal of the Brazilian Anthropology Association (ABA).