Curriculum Vitae
2014 – present
PhD Candidate, Department 'Law & Anthropology', Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany
Magister Artium (MA) in Social Anthropology, Religious Studies, Journalism, University of Leipzig, Germany
2008 – 2009
MA programme in Social Anthropology, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
Professional Activities / Teaching Assistance
2013 – 2014
Associate tutor 'Introduction to Regional Anthropology', University of Leipzig
Course instructor 'Sinti and Roma in Germany', University of Leipzig
2012 – 2013
Associate tutor 'Introduction to the Near and Middle East', University of Leipzig
Associate tutor 'Dominant Domaines - Who is representing whom?', University of Leipzig (Introduction to Postcolonial Studies, Critical Whiteness and Feminist Anthropology)
2011 – 2012
Student assistant at the Project Group 'Legal Pluralism' at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale
2010 – 2011
Scientific assistant for the E-Learning project SECO at University of Leipzig (researching network communication platforms)
2007 – 2010
Student assistant at the Department for Social Anthropology at University of Leipzig;
Research assistance for the qualitative research project 'Giving New Subjects a Voice' (Study on the acess to health care of migrants in East Germany), Department of Medical Sociology and Medical Psychology, University of Leipzig;
Student assistant at the Department for Social Anthropology at University of Leipzig.
Grants / Scholarships
Travelling and accommodation grant by Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto for participation at the conference The Roma in Europe: From the Holocaust to the Decade of Roma Inclusion, 7-8 March 2013
Early Career Grant by the European Academic Network on Romani Studies for participation at the Annual Meeting of Gypsy Lore Society, Istanbul, 18-23 September 2012
2010 – 2011
Research grant by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for fieldwork in Turkey
Grant by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for language course in Turkey
2014 – 2015
Skopje, North Macedonia; Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Mitrovica, Kosovo; Budapest, Hungary; Leipzig and Dortmund, Germany
2010 – 2011
Turkey, Istanbul for MA thesis
Organisation of Conferences and Workshops
2008 – 2012
Netzwerken I-V, Annual International Workshop of Romani Studies Researchers in Leipzig.
‘Germany and Turkey in Interaction: Historical and Crosscultural Perspectives on Religious Identities and Institutions’. Conference at Yildiz Technical University Istanbul, Center for Global Studies, 10-12 September 2009.
Presentation at Conferences and Workshops
‘The Citizen’s Other’. Social Theory & Romani Studies. Panel title: Sociology & Law. Central European University, Summer School, Budapest, Hungary, 3 July 2014.
‘Contested Research or the Burdens of the Past: Romani Activists versus Scholars of Romani Studies in Germany’. Conference The Roma in Europe: From the Holocaust to the Decade of Roma Inclusion, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, 8 March 2013.
‘Urban Transformation, Identity Struggles and Gender - Relations of Roma, Kurds and Turks in Tarlabasi, Istanbul’. Annual Meeting of Gypsy Lore Society in Istanbul, 22 September 2012.
‘Sterilisation of Roma under the NS-regime. Compensation Politics of Roma/Gypsies in Post-War Germany’. Netzwerken V, Leipzig, 22 April 2012.
‘Gender, Violence and Money. Field Study in Gypsy/Roma Communities’. Netzwerken IV, Leipzig, 28 May 2011.
Discussant of Adrian Marsh's ‘Roma in Turkey’ at The many faces of Romani Pentecoastalism, Södertörn University, Stockholm, November 2009.
Membership in Professional Associations
Romani Studies Network
Refugee Law Clinic Leipzig
German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Turkish (fluent)
French (intermediate)
Spanish (intermediate)