Sekerdej, K., Pasieka, A., Warat, M. ‘Popular Religion and Postsocialist Nostalgia. Licheń as a Polysemic Pilgrimage Centre in Poland,’ Polish Sociological Review, 4/2007, 431-444.
Klima, E., Sekerdej, K., Sekerdej, M. ‘Postrzeganie mniejszości – raport z badań’[Perception of minorities – research report], Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Geographica Socio-oeconomica, 7, 2006, 53-72.
Klima, E., Sekerdej, K., Sekerdej, M. ‘Neighbors or strangers? – Attitudes towards Ukrainians and Germans – Lodz, Przemysl, Opole’ Revista Romana de Geografie Politica, 1-2/2004, 59-72.
Klima, E., Sekerdej, K., Sekerdej, M. ‘Postawy wobec Niemców w Łodzi i Opolu’ [Attitudes towards Germans in Lodz and Opole], Modelowe Nauczanie. Opolski Przegląd Edukacyjny, 5/2004.
Sekerdej, K., Sekerdej, M. ‘Jak polska młodzież postrzega innych? Stereotypy narodowe wśród gimnazjalistów w Krakowie’ [How the Polish youth perceives others? National stereotypes among gymnasium students in Krakow], Forum Europejskie, 5/2003.
Sekerdej, K. ‘Rozwój Asyryjskiej ideologii narodowej’ [The development of the Assyrian national ideology], Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 1/ 2003
Conferences and presentations
Pasieka, A., Sekerdej, K. ‘Civil Society as a Mechanism of Exclusion’. Gendering Theories of Citizenship: Europeanization and Care, University of Roskilde, Deptartment of Social Sciences, April 2-3, 2008.
Sekerdej, K., Pasieka, A., Warat M. ‘Licheń – a local cult in global context’. International Society for the Sociology of Religion, 29th Conference, Leipzig, 23-27 July 2007.
Sekerdej, K., Pasieka, A., Warat M. ‘Post-socialist nostalgia. A case study of Lichen - a new pilgrimage place in Poland’, Life in Motion, 8th Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, 28-30 June 2007.
Sekerdej, K. ‘Palestine reflected in the reportage of Ksawery Pruszyński, The Legacy of the Holocaust. The World Before, the World After, Conference, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 24-26 May 2007.
Sekerdej, K. ‘The Religious Appropriation of Licheń’ VW Foundation workshop Inequality: a Bulgaria – Poland Comparison., Lublin, April 11-12, 2006.
Sekerdej, K. ‘Licheń in the Eyes of Local Inhabitants’, HESP/ReSET workshop. Teaching Anthropology: Means and Meanings. Cluj-Napoca, August 23 – September 4, 2005.
Sekerdej, K. ‘National-Religious Symbols in a Polish Pilgrimage Site – the Case of Licheń’. Visiting lecture: National School of Political Studies and Public Administration. Bucharest, May 21, 2004.
Sekerdej, K. ‘Assyrian National Mythology: the Internet as a Means of Constructing Common Past’, Nationalist Myths and Modern Media Conference, Centre for German-Jewish Studies, University of Sussex, London, October 22-23, 2003
Klima, E., Sekerdej, K., Sekerdej, M. ‘New Neighbors – Old Stereotypes. Germany and Former USSR States in Polish Perspective’, The Aftermath of German Unification and Soviet Collapse: Common Problems in Germany and the States of the Former USSR in the 21st Century, Conference. St. Petersburg, March 15-17, 2003