

"Parcours d’éxil, récits de non-retour. Les Egéens en République de Macédoine", Paris, éditions ANRT, 606 p.

Book chapters

"Οι πρόσφυγες του ελληνικού εμφύλιου πολέμου στη Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας: διαδρομές, γενιές, ταυτοποιήσεις", στο Mάρκου Σ. Αικατερίνη (επιμ.), Ανασυνθέσεις και νέες δυναμικές στις βαλκανικές κοινωνίες μετά το 1990, Αθήνα: Ηρόδοτος, 2011, σ. 233-262. ("Refugees from the Greek civil war in the Republic of Macedonia: Trajectories, memories, identifications". In K. Markou (ed.), Reconstructions and new dynamics after 1990, Herodotos, Athens, pp.233-262.)

"The impossible citizenship: the case of Macedonians, refugees from the Greek Civil War in the Republic of Macedonia". In A. Krasteva, A. Kasabova and D. Karabinova (eds), Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe, Ravena, Longo Editore, pp. 253-266.


"Hidden Order: an Anthropological Approach to Leftist/Rightist Affiliations in Bulgaria and Greece". CAS Working Paper Series No. 4/2011: Sofia 2011. "Shaken Order: Authority and Social Trust in Post-Communist Societies (Case Studies in Law)".

"Others but Ours: Identity politics and social representations on the so-called "Aegeans" in the Republic of Macedonia" (in Macedonian), pp. 7-22, Etnolog, no. 12-13, Winter 2009, Skopje.

"What’s in a Name? Labelling and classifying collective identities in the Republic Macedonia", pp. 650-669, Parisian Notebooks/Cahiers Parisiens du Centre de l’Université de Chicago, n°6, University of Chicago Press.

"De la logique de retour à la logique d’établissement: le cas des réfugiés de la Guerre civile grecque en République de Macédoine", pp. 73-92, Études Balkaniques : Cahiers Pierre Belon, n° 9, Paris.

"De l’historicité à l’ethnicité: Les Égéens ou ces autres Macédoniens", pp. 179-197, Balkanologie, vol. V, n°1-2, ("Homelands in question: Paradoxes of Memory and Exile in South-Eastern Europe", K. Brown (dir.), Paris, December.

"Euro-atlantisme ou bon voisinage: L’opinion publique bulgare face à la guerre du Kosovo", pp. 135-160, Études Balkaniques: Cahiers Pierre Belon, n° 8, Paris.

"La Bulgarie: L’avenir par l’Europe et par l’OTAN", pp. 267-291, Nouveaux Mondes, n°9. ("Les Confins de l’OTAN. L’espace mer Baltique-mer Noire", J.-C. Lallemand (dir), CRES/Genève, L’Inventaire/Paris.

Presentations (selection)

"The hidden order. Politicization of society and distrust in authority in contemporary Bulgaria and Greece". Paper presented at the concluding Seminar of the project: "Shaken Order: Authority and Social Trust in Post-Communist Societies", Center for Advanced Studies, Sofia.

"The passions of the language: politics and representations of the Macedonian language since the Independence". Paper presented at the Conference: "Rethinking Crossroads: Macedonia in Global Context", University of Chicago, Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies.

"Ethnicité, langue et territoire: l'ouverture de la frontière gréco-macédonienne et la question de la résurgence d'une identité slavophone en Grèce". Paper presented at the Conference: "Frontière et territoire dans les Balkans", Ecole Française d’Athènes, Greece.

"Aspects of ethnographic knowledge: Approaches to language, space and ethnicity in the borderland between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia". Paper presented at the Fellow Seminar, Collegium Budapest.

"Des enfants qui ne sont jamais devenus grands: les enfants-réfugiés de la Guerre civile grecque dans les pays du block soviétique et en Yougoslavie" Paper presented at the Workshop: "Guerres et enfance au XIXème-XXème siècle: Nouvelles approches", EHESS-Paris.

"What’s in a Name? Labeling and classifying collective identities in the Republic of Macedonia". Paper presented at the Symposium: "Regards croisés sur les sociétés de l’Europe de l’Est", University of Paris 10-Nanterre/University of Chicago.

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