Institute for Social Anthropology, Martin Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
since 2006
Language and identity in postcolonial societies (WS2021)
Queer Anthropology (SS 2020)
Political interaction and exchange in the Global South (SS 2019)
Constructions of the postcolonial nation in comparative perspective (SS 2018)
Perspectives on cosmopolitanism (SS 2017)
Migration as experience and social practice (SS 2016)
History of Anthropology(II): Structuralism, Functionalism, Structural Functionalism (SS 2015
Language and identity in postcolonial societies (SS 2014)
Ethnography of Southeast Asia II: Integration and Conflict (SS 2013)
Ethnography of Southeast Asia I: Indonesia (SS 2012)
African-Asian relationships: Migration, exchange, identity (WS 2011/12)
Anthropology of migration (SS 2011)
Anthropology of childhood (WS 2010/11)
Construction of identity and personhood in postcolonial societies (SS 2010)
Atlantic West Africa II (WS 2009/10)
Atlantic West Africa I (WS 2007/08)
Creole and (trans-)national identities in postcolonial societies (WS 2006/07)
Urban Anthropology (SS 2006)
Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth
WS 2008/09, Professor (replacement)
Economic anthropology
Ethnographic methods
Cultural Theory: (Trans-)national, local, religious and ethnic identifications
Anthropology of the Upper Guinea Coast
Department of Anthropology and Centre for Society, Technology and Development, McGill University, Montreal
April 2008-September 2009
Nation-building and transnationalism in contexts of social and ethnic diversity
Theories of creolization
Departamento Antropologia, Universidade Brasília (DAN)
August-September 2007
Postcolonial nationhood and transnational connections in comparative perspective
Ethnic and transethnic identifications among creole populations
Institute for African Studies, University of Leipzig
WS 2004/05
Sierra Leone: History, culture, society
University of Indonesia/Jakarta
Identity in Jakarta
Creole societies
Religious identity and ethnic differentiation
Institute for Social Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Graduate School, University of Münster
Anthropological methodology (WS 1998/99)
Collective identities (SS 1998)
Anthropology of West Africa (WS 1997/98)
Urban Anthropology I and II (SS 1997)
PhD colloquium (WS 1996/97)
Conflict and Integration in Periods of Radical Social Transformation (SS 1996)
Biographic Research (WS 1995/96)
Ethnographic Methods (SS 1995)
Free University of Berlin, Institute for Sociology
Urban culture and identity in comparative perspective: Examples from Africa and Southeast Asia (WS 1996/97)
University of Cologne, Institute for Social Anthropology
Neo-African identity: The case of Sierra Leone (WS 1994/95)
University of Sierra Leone, Freetown/Sierra Leone
Creole and Pidgin languages as interethnic means of communication
Ethnic identities and nation-building in postcolonial societies