Curriculum Vitae
Current Position
Since Apr. 2015
Humboldt Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany,
Since Jun. 2014
Professor, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology,
National University of Mongolia (NUM)
March 2004
Ph.D. in History and Area Studies, Hokkaido University, Japan
Dissertation Thesis “Mongolian Identity and Nationalism: Origin Transformation and Nature (From the thirteenth century to the mid-1920s)”. June 1996, M.A. in History, NUM (summa cum laude)
Previous Positions
Vice-President, NUM
George Kennan Member, School of Historical Studies, Institute Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, NUM, Mongolia
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Stanford Humanities Center Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Professor and Chair, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, NUM, Mongolia
Senior Lecturer, Department of History, NUM, Mongolia
Lecturer, Department of History, NUM, Mongolia
Assistant Lecturer, Department of History, NUM, Mongolia
Areas of Specialization
Knowledge, Power, Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Construction of Collective Identity, and State and Empire building and Political Order in pre-modern Eurasia, and Post-Socialist Transition
Geographic Area
Mongolia, and Central Eurasia
Professional Affiliations
Central Eurasian Studies Society
Editorial Work
Inner Asia, Member of Editorial Board
Higher Education Governance, University Organization and Governance, Higher Education Financing, Institutional Capacity Building, and Curriculum Development
Policy Fellowships and Consulting Experience
12.2013 - 06.2014
International Higher Education Governance Specialist for Higher Education Reform Project, Mongolia (Funded by Asian Development Bank)
Global Policy Fellow, Institute for Higher Education Policy, Washington D.C., USA
Policy Research Fellow, Open Society Forum-Mongolia