Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Dauth, Harika. 2010. Hunger: Ursachen und Abhilfe; eine interdisziplinäre Kontroverse. curare 33(3+4): 250–255.
Journal Article
Dauth, Harika. 2010. Die Konstruktion des Fremden: zur Wahrnehmung der muslimischen Migranten in Deutschland und der "Islam-Ethnologie''. Cargo 28: 7–9.
Journal Article
Dauth, Harika. 2010. Der Atatürk-Kult: vom Mythos des türkischen Säkularismus. Cargo 30: 69–77.
Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Dauth, Harika. 2024. Culture as a 'matter of fact'? Reflections on a first-time 'cultural defence' in court. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Maria Sapignoli, and Brian Donahoe (eds.). Anthropological expertise and legal practice: in conversation. Law and Anthropology Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 190–206.
Book Chapter
Dauth, Harika and . 2020. A legal and anthropological analysis of the cultural defense concerning fathers who kissed and touched their sons' genitals: sexual abuse or "homage to the penis of the child"? In: , , and (eds.). Justice and culture: theory and practice concerning the use of culture in courtrooms. Diritti Umani e Comparazione Giuridica 2. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 99–144.
Book Chapter
Dauth, Harika, , , and . 2012. Barriers in acess to care. In: Christiane Falge, , and (eds.). Migrants and health: political and institutional responses to cultural diversity in health systems. Global Health. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 105–138.
Book Chapter
Dauth, Harika. 2011. Mobilität und Flexibilität: wandernde Konzepte und ihre Experten; eine nomadologische Reise in die postmoderne Tsiganologie. In: and (eds.). Vielheiten: Leipziger Studien zu Roma/Zigeuner-Kulturen. Reihe Tsiganologie 2. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 291–326.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Dauth, Harika. 2015. Arme Roma, böse Zigeuner: was an den Vorurteilen über die Zuwanderer stimmt. Romani Studies 25(1): 103–107.