Journal Article (14)
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2018. Mapping lineage leadership in Kyrgyzstan: lineage associations and informal governance. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 143(2): 195–220.
Journal Article
Alymbaeva, Aida and Aksana Ismailbekova. 2016. Refleksija iz "polja", ili "antropologija u sebja doma": o regionalʹnom podchode i marginalʹnosti tematiki Centralʹnoj Azii. Antropologičeskij Forum 28: 17–35.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2016. Constructing the authority of women through custom: Bulak village, Kyrgyzstan. Nationalities Papers 44(2): 266–280. DOI:
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2016. Brak kak strategija vyživanija uzbekskoj obščiny posle konflikta v Oše 2010 g. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie 6: 156–167.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2015. Single mothers in Osh: well-being and coping strategies of women in the aftermath of the 2010 conflict in Kyrgyzstan. Focaal 2015(71): 114–127. DOI:
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2014. Migration and patrilineal descent: the role of women in Kyrgyzstan. Central Asian Survey 33(3): 375–389. DOI:
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2014. Securing future lives of children through ritualized parenthood in the village of Bulak, Kyrgyzstan. Anthropology of East Europe Review 32(2): 17–32.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2014. Mobility as a coping strategy for Osh Uzbeks in the aftermath of conflict. Internationales Asien-Forum 45(1-2): 49–68.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana and . 2014. Ethnographies of belonging and the future in Kyrgyzstan: introduction to themed section of AEER. Anthropology of East Europe Review 32(2): 1–16.
Journal Article
Pashos, Alexander, , Aksana Ismailbekova, , and . 2014. An analysis of patrilateral kin investment biases in two patrilocal Kipchak Turk populations from Kirgizstan and Bashkortostan. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta: Serija 23; Antropologija 3: 77–77.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2013. Coping strategies: public avoidance, migration, and marriage in the aftermath of the Osh conflict, Fergana Valley. Nationalities Papers 41(1): 109–127.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2012. Dinamika otnošenij v ėtničeski-smešannych semʹjach posle konflikta v gorode Oš, Ferganskaja dolina. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie 6: 84–98.
Journal Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana and . 2012. Transnational religious networks in Central Asia: structure, travel, and culture of Kyrgyz Tablighi Jama'at. Transnational Social Review 2(2): 177–195.
Journal Article
Roche, Sophie and Aksana Ismailbekova. 2010. Demography and patronage: the dynamics of the youth bulge in Kyrgyzstan. Orient (IV): 33–43.
Book Chapter (8)
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana and Baktygul Karimova. 2018. Ethnic differentiation and conflict dynamics: Uzbeks' marginalisation and non-marginalisation in southern Kyrgyzstan. In: , , and (eds.). Understanding the city through its margins: pluridisciplinary perspectives from case studies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Routledge Studies in Modern History 31. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 161–184.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana and Baktygul Karimova. 2018. Ethnic differentiation and conflict dynamics: Uzbeks' marginalisation and non-marginalisation in southern Kyrgyzstan. In: , , and (eds.). Understanding the city through its margins: pluridisciplinary perspectives from case studies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Routledge Studies in Modern History 31. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 161–184.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2017. "Better to hold on to salt than to hold on to your daughter": marriage strategy in the aftermath of the conflict in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. In: Sophie Roche (ed.). The family in Central Asia: new perspectives. Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 332. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, pp. 108–125.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana and Günther Schlee. 2017. El parentesco en Asia Central desde una perspectiva comparatista. In: Soledad Jiménez Tovar (ed.). Pertenencias múltiples, identidades cruzadas: nuevas perspectivas sobre Asia Central. 1. ed. México: El Colegio de México, pp. 49–86.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2015. Shifting borders: coping strategies of inhabitants in the aftermath of the Osh conflict, Kyrgyzstan. In: (ed.). Spaces of conflict in everyday life: perspectives across Asia. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 33–55.
Book Chapter
Aksana Ismailbekova. 2015. As long as the capital is far away: multi-scalar peripheralization in Central Asia. In: , , , and (eds.). Understanding geographies of polarization and peripheralization: perspectives from central and eastern Europe and beyond. New Geographies of Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 80–97.
and 21.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2014. Performing democracy: state-making through patronage in Kyrgyzstan. In: , M. Johan Rasanayagam, and Judith Beyer (eds.). Ethnographies of the state in Central Asia: performing politics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 78–98.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2013. "Circle of trust": functions and mechanisms of patron-dient relations in the private farm. In: (ed.). Politics, identity and education in Central Asia: post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. Routledge Advances in Central Asian Studies 3. London: Routledge, pp. 71–97.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2012. "The native son and blood ties": kinship and poetics of patronage in rural Kyrgyzstan. PhD Thesis, Philosophische Fakultät I, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.
Working Paper (2)
Working Paper
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2013. Migration and patrilineal descent: the effects of spatial male mobility on social female mobility in rural Kyrgyzstan. Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series 13. Bonn: Center for Development Research (ZEF).
Working Paper
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2012. Coping strategies: public avoidance, migration, and marriage in the aftermath of the Osh conflict, Fergana Valley. Crossroads Asia Working Paper Series 4. Bonn: Center for Development Research (ZEF).
Other (1)
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2007. Patronatsbeziehungen: ein soziologisches Phänomen in der postsowjetischen kirgisischen Gesellschaft. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Abteilung I: Integration und Konflikt 2007.
Newspaper Article (2)
Newspaper Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2012. Rituals vs. reality: what does democracy look like in Kyrgyzstan? BBC News, January 13, 2012.
Newspaper Article
Ismailbekova, Aksana and Sophie Roche. 2010. Problesk nadeždy v okrovavlennom Kyrgyzstane. Feragana, August 10, 2010.
Book Review (4)
Book Review
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2017. Muslim women of the Fergana Valley: a 19th-century ethnography from Central Asia, by Vladimir Nalivkin, Maria Nalivkina, and Mariana Markova (translated by Mariana Markova and Marianne Kamp, and edited by Marianne Kamp), Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2016, 242 pp. Central Asian Survey 36(4): 581–583. DOI:
Book Review
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2016. Finke, Peter. 2014. Variations on Uzbek identity: strategic choices, cognitive schemas and political constraints in identification processes. Integration and Conflict Studies, vol. 7. New York: Berghahn. 288 pp. Social Anthropology 24(3): 388–389. DOI:
Book Review
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2015. Roche, Sophie. 2014. Domesticating youth: youth bulges and socio-political implications in Tajikistan (Integration and Conflict Studies). Oxford and London: Berghahn. Social Anthropology 23(3): 400–401. DOI:
Book Review
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2014. Liu, Morgan Y., Under Solomon's throne, Uzbek visions of renewal in Osh. Europe Asia Studies 66(2): 333–334. DOI:
Monograph (1)
Ismailbekova, Aksana. 2017. Blood ties and the native son: poetics of patronage in Kyrgyzstan. New Anthropologies of Europe. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.