Curriculum Vitae
2011 – 2015
Ph.D in Law – University of Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, published as a monograph bearing the title Le droit européen de l'asile au défi de la confiance mutuelle (Anthémis 2016)
2011 – 2012
LL.M. in Human Rights Law – University Saint Louis, Brussels
2008 – 2010
Master in Law – University of Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve
2005 – 2008
Bachelor in Law – University Saint Louis, Brussels
Professional Activities/Teaching
2019 – ongoing
Visiting Professor (chargé de cours invité) at the University of Louvain (UCL), Law Faculty
2020 - 2023
Head of Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department of Law and Anthropology
2017- 2019
Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department of Law and Anthropology
2017- 2018
Guest Professor (Gastprofessor) at the University of Antwerp, Law Faculty
2015 - 2016
Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Louvain (UCL), Law Faculty
2011 - 2015
PhD Candidate at the University of Louvain (UCL), Law Faculty
Presentations at Conferences and Workshops
‘Who is “Vulnerable”? A Legal and Empirically Grounded Study of the Vulnerabilities of Migrants Seeking Protection’, EU Horizon 2022 VULNER Project Final Conference, Sachsen-Anhalt Landesvertretung bei der Europäischen Union, Brussels.
‘The Transformations of “Vulnerability”’, Conference of the EUAA Vulnerability Expert Networks organized by the EU Agency for Asylum, EUAA, Brussels.
‘Vulnerability as a Travelling Concept’, EU Horizon 2020 VULNER Project Workshop, Harnack Haus, Berlin.
‘Shifting Borders, Transfoming Vulnerabilities?’, ECR Workshop co-organized by the University of Oxford and the University of Oslo, Oslo Metropolitan University.
‘The Travels and the Transformations of “Vulnerability”. From Universalism to Selection’, IMISCOE annual conference, Oslo Metripolitan University.
‘The Crises of International Refugee Law’, Max Planck Law Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main.
‘Towards an EU and Comprehensive Approach to Legal Pathways to Protection?’, IMISCOE conference.
‘“Vulnerability” as an Emerging Legal and Bureaucratic Concept in the Field of Asylum and Migration’, European Migration Network annual conference, University of Luxemburg.
‘Why Law & Anthropology in Migration Research?’, Max Planck Law conference, Berlin.
‘Het nieuwe Europese migratie- en asielpact. Oude recepten voor een vernieuwing van het Europese migratierecht?’, Leerstoel Migratie- en migrantenrecht, University of Antwerp
‘La summa divisio entre l’asile et l’immigration à l’épreuve de la mobilisation du droit par les acteurs’ in the conference Droit des étrangers/droit d’asile. Entre attraction et répulsion, organized by the University of Paris-Evry.
‘Vulnerabilities Under the Global Protection Regime. How Does the Law Assess, Address, Shape and Produce the Vulnerabilities of the Protection Seekers?’ in the workshop Vulnerabilities Under the Global Protection Regime. How Does the Law Assess, Address, Shape and Produce the Vulnerabilities of the Protection Seekers? organized by the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
‘Het Europese Migratierecht. Recente ontwikkelingen in de rechtspraak van het HvJ en het EHRM’ in the Leerstoel Migratie en Migrantenrecht organised by the University of Antwerp.
‘The Court of Justice Facing the Uncertainties of the EU Constitutional Framework on the External Dimensions of EU Migration and Asylum Policy’ in the conference on the Constitutional Foundations of EU Migration Law organized by the University of Konstanz.
‘Targeting the Needs of Vulnerable Populations. Some Lessons from EU Asylum Law’ in the conference Social Investment for a Prosperous and Resilient Europe organized by the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Caisse des dépôts et consignations in Paris.
'Overzicht van de rechtspraak van de RvV inzake annulatie Anno 2018' in the Leerstoel migratie- en migrantenrecht conference organized at the University of Antwerp in February 2019.
'The Prohibition of Collective Expulsion. A Forgotten Protection?' in the ReDIAL Conference organized at the University of Masaryk in September 2018.
'Humanitarian Visas and the External Dimensions of EU Migration and Asylum Law' in the Conference on Humanitarian Visas and the External Dimensions of EU Migration and Asylum Law organized at the MPI for Social Anthropology in May 2018.
'Precaire verblijfstitels. De grijze zone tussen het wettelijk en het onwettelijk verblijf in het Belgisch vreemdelingenrecht' in the Leerstoel migratie- en migrantenrecht conference organized at the University of Antwerp in March 2018.
'The Prohibition of Collective Expulsion as an Individualisation Requirement' in the Odysseus Conference organized at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in February 2018.
'Analysis of the Khlaifia case: Unlawful Detention, Collective Expulsion & Effective Remedies – Implications for EU Law' in EU Law and Undocumented Migrants: Defending Rights in the Context of Detention & Deportation, seminar organised by PICUM and European Migration Law in Brussels in June 2017.
'Réfugiés et migrants. Perspectives juridiques' in Refugies et migrants. Comprendre pour agir, colloquium organised by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve on the 26 of October 2015.
'L’Union européenne et la lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière. Entre souveraineté et droits fondamentaux' in Lutte contre la fraude et droit de l'Union européenne, conference organised by the University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas in Paris on the 16th of October 2015.
'Les droits fondamentaux et la politique publique d’asile et d’immigration. Les étrangers ont-ils droit à une bonne administration?', in the ACCA conference organised by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve in May 2015.
'La transposition de la directive qualification en droit belge' in the EDEM conference organised by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve in December 2014.
'La demande d’asile fondée sur l’orientation sexuelle. Standards européens et internationaux', in La demande d'asile fondée sur l'orentation sexuelle, colloquium organised by the UNHCR and the French judiciary (Cour nationale du droit d'asile) in Paris in November 2014.
'The Internal Protection Alternative under Belgian Law', in the ECRE Regional Workshop APAIPA in Brussels in May 2014.
'Effective Remedies in the Recast Asylum Procedures Directive and General Principles of EU Law', in the EDAL conference organised by the Irish refugee Council in Dublin in January 2014.
'La transposition de la directive qualification en droit belge. La jurisprudence du Conseil du contentieux des étrangers', in the EDEM conference organised by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve in June 2012.
Membership in Professional Associations
Member of the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Vreemdelingenrecht
Member of the editorial board of the Revue de droit des étrangers
French (mother tongue)