Toposa additional footage
Since 2006, I have been taking along my video film camera on my fieldwork trips to the Toposa in the eastern South Sudan and the Turkana in north-western Kenya. The resulting filmic notes document certain aspects of the life there, each with different focuses.
These films do not constitute classic ethnographic films with protagonists and a specific message, they are rather collections of images and situations that – in their sum – allow for an insight into the local life. My main priority was authenticity. None of the scenes were staged or reshot, everything was filmed in a trusting atmosphere and with the consent of the participants. I deliberately refrained from dramatic shots and sound backdrops, in order to avoid turning the scenes into some exotic sensation but rather show them for what they are: a part of the normal, local life. This also involves adjusting the rhythm of the films to the living pace of the people.

Toposa 2006 additional footage (Download)
Content: Homestead of Lopiding - River Singaita flowing – in Nacipo - in Lolim - in Narus
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 16 minutes

Toposa 2006 at Cyriakos’ home (Download)
Visit to Ciriakos Lolinga’s homestead, featuring a typical welcome speech.
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf

Toposa 2006 wedding (Download)
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 17 minutes

Toposa 2008 additional footage (Download)
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 13 minutes

Toposa 2008 songs (Download)
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 29 minutes

Toposa 2009 at Loriang's (Download)
Everyday scenes at the homestead of Loriang.
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 14 minutes

Toposa 2009 songs (Download)
Author: Harald Müller-Dempf
Length: 10 minutes