C.V. | Current Project
Research Interests
Human Rights law, Judicial Legitimacy, Sociology of Law, Islam, Secularism,
Research Areas
Türkiye, Europe
Ahmet Said Aydil is a PhD Candidate in the Law and Anthropology Department at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkiye). Following his graduation, he completed his legal internship, working in areas such as commercial law, international arbitration law, criminal law, and administrative law. In 2020 he passed the Turkish Bar and became a licensed attorney.
Aydil also holds an LLM from the Europa Institute, Saarland University, in International and European Human Rights Protection Law and European Economic Law. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegrich, his master’s thesis analysed the decline in human rights commitmens in Europe, driven by the rise of populist politics and the mishandling of the refugee influx of 2015, and evaluated potential remedies at the European Union and Council of Europe levels. His current research falls within the framework of the database project “Cultural and Religious Diversity under State Law across Europe” (CUREDI) at the MPI.
Why Law and Anthropology?
One of the most divisive and complicated issues before national and supranational courts in Europe is the influence of judicial decisions on public confidence, particularly in contexts marked by political and social tensions. For our legal systems and courts, the interplay between public perception and legal legitimacy creates new challenges in the area of law and human rights. Law is a dynamic phenomenon that intersects with social science disciplines, including anthropology. Anthropology provides methodological tools that allow us to go beyond the text of the law to understand the broader societal implications of judicial decisions. In the context of my PhD project, the intersection of law and anthropology offers a unique perspective. By revealing the experiences, needs, and concerns of various stakeholders affected by ECtHR rulings, this interdisciplinary approach can enrich legal discourse and provide deeper insights into the role of international human rights institutions in shaping public perception and confidence.