Christoph Brumann, head of the research group, organised the workshop with Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko and Beata Świtek.

Workshop participants (left to right): ■ David Gellner ■ Patrice Ladwig ■ Beata Świtek ■ Jane Caple ■ Nicolas Sihlé ■ Hannah Klepeis ■ Kirsten Endres ■ Dittmar Schorkowitz ■ Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko ■ Elzyata Kuberlinova ■ Martin A. Mills ■ Kristina Jonutyte ■ Christoph Brumann ■ Shilla Lee ■ Alexander Horstmann ■ Harrison B. Carter ■ Stephen Covell ■ Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg ■ Prabath Sirisena ■ Roger Casas ■ Ariya Sasaki ■ Daniel Friedrich ■ Tom Borchert ■ Nikolay Tsyrempilov

Chris Hann, Director of the Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' welcomes the participants of the workshop 'Sangha Economies: Temple Organisation and Exchanges in Contemporary Buddhism'

Introducing the workshop: Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko

Beata Świtek – member of the research group 'Buddhist Temple Economies in Urban Asia' – was one of the workshop's organisers.

Martin A. Mills (University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen) ■ Talk title: Demon Money and Economic Change: The growing role of cash in Leh Dosmochey ■ on the right: Kirsten Endres (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen) ■ Talk title: Socially Engaged Buddhism among Sangha in Ladakh, India

David Gellner (University of Oxford, Oxford) ■ Discussant in Session I

Left to right: Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg, Kirsten Endres and Christoph Brumann

Christoph Richter from the German radio broadcaster Deutschlandfunk – shown here interviewing Christoph Brumann – is interested in contemporary Buddhism.

Nicolas Sihlé (Center for Himalayan Studies (CNRS), Villejuif) ■ Talk title: Ritual Virtuosity: Large-Scale priest-patron networks and the ethics of remunerated ritual services

Hannah Klepeis (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology) ■ Talk title: 'Bad' Monks and Unworthy Donors: Economic development and the disruption of Sangha-Laity relations in Shangrila ■ on the right: Laura Hornig (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

Jane Caple (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen)  ■ Talk title: Trust, Mistrust and the Social in Contemporary Tibetan Monastic Economics

Harrison B. Carter (University of California, San Diego) ■ Talk title: A Shanghai Neighborhood Nunnery: Examining connections between organizational structure and production of economic flow to temples on the city’s fringe

Left to right: Kristina Jonutytė (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology) ■ Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko (New York University Shanghai / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale) ■ Steven Covell (Western Michigan University)

Kristina Jonutytė (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale) ■ Talk title: Donations Inversed: Material flows from the Sangha to the Laity in post-socialist Buryatia

Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko (New York University Shanghai / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale) ■ Talk title: Regeneration and the Age of Decline: Understanding the influence of transregional Buddhist economies in Mongolia

Daniel Friedrich (McMaster University, Hamilton) ■ Talk title: Contradictory Futures: Japan's rural temples and questions of viability

Beata Świtek (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale) ■ Talk title: Religious Ritual and What the Taxman Has to Do with It: A definitional tug-of-war between Buddhist temples, commercial companies and the state in Japan ■ on the right: Daniel Friedrich (McMaster University, Hamilton)

Ariya Sasaki (Hôrenji Temple, Kyoto) ■ Talk title: Being a Buddhist Priestess: The inner fabric of a sustainable and compassionate temple

Roger Casas (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) ■ Talk title: The Monk and the Elders: A case study of village temple management in Southwest China

Prabhath Sirisena (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) ■ Talk title: Wealthy Mendicants: The ingenious balancing act of Sri Lankan forest monks

Tom Borchert (University of Vermont, Burlington) ■ Talk title: Intra-Buddhist Charity: Transnational monastic education and economies of prestige

Alexander Horstmann (Tallinn University, Tallinn) ■ Talk title: Building the Land of the Buddha in the Golden Triangle: Entanglements of Theravadin saints, economy and society in the Mekong region
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