C.V. | Current Project | Completed Project | Publications
Research Interests
Terrorism as a form of political violence and insurgency, characteristics and behavior of terrorist groups, civil wars, right-wing terrorism, peace and conflict studies, global governance and international relations, quantitative research methodology
Research Area(s)
Subsahara-Africa, Middle-East, Europe, USA
Michael Fürstenberg studied political science, sociology and history at TU Braunschweig and University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, and finished with the degree of Magister Artium. From 2008 to 2016 he worked as research assistant and lecturer at the Department of International Relations at TU Braunschweig, receiving his PhD in 2014 for a study on transnational dimensions of civil war resolution. In March 2016 he joined the Research Group “How Terrorists Learn” at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, where he analysed quantitative data of the Global Terrorism Database and conducted research on choices of violence and strategic learning of terrorist groups. Since 2020, he focuses on the collective learning undergirding right-wing terrorism.