C.V. | Current Project | Dissertation Thesis | Completed Project | Publications
Research Interests
Integration and conflict, identity and difference, changing alliances, conflict resolution and peace building processes, processes of integration and identification in the interplay between 'terrorist' organisations and local populations, changing forms of mobility and communication in pastoralist societies, Fulbe
Research Area(s)
West African Sahel: Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin
Florian Köhler studied Social Anthropology, African Studies and Anglistics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mainz and finished with the degree of Magister Artium in 2000. After a scientific internship at the Leipzig Museum of Ethnology he received a training in peace building and conflict transformation and worked for six years in various projects in Niger and Haiti. In 2010, he returned to academic research on a doctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, and received his PhD from Martin Luther University Halle in 2016 for a thesis on changing forms of mobility and territoriality among Fulɓe pastoralists, titled Transhumant pastoralists, translocal migrants: Space, place and identity in a group of Fulɓe Woɗaaɓe in Niger. Since March 2018, Florian Köhler is a research fellow in the Research Group "How 'Terrorists' Learn".