Publications of Aimar Ventsel

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2010. Hidden sex and the ordinary youth: the Dolgan way of maintaining a good family reputation. Anthropology of East Europe Review 28(2): 226–241.
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2010. "Our beer is better than theirs": subcultural comics as a joking relationship with identity. Folklore 46: 143–160. DOI:
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2010. Sahha (jakuudi) identiteet ja institutsionaliseeritud šamanism. Mäetagused 44: 29–46.
Journal Article
Habeck, Joachim Otto and Aimar Ventsel. 2009. Consumption and popular culture among youth in Siberia. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 134(1): 1–22.
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2009. Generation P in the Tundra: young people and the Russian North. Folklore 41: 7–32. DOI:
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2009. Sakha music business: mission, contracts, and social relations in the developing post-socialist market economy. Sibirica 8(1): 1–23. DOI:
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2008. Punx and skins united: one law for us one law for them. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 40(57): 45–100. DOI:
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2006. Sakha pop music: a celebration of consuming. Anthropology of East Europe Review 24(2): 35–43.
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2006. Hunter-herder continuum in Anabarski District, NW Sakha, Siberia, Russian Federation. Nomadic Peoples 10(2): 68–86.
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2004. Stars without the money: Sakha ethnic music business, upward mobility and friendship. Sibirica 4(1): 88–103. DOI:
Journal Article
Ventsel, Aimar. 2002. Surviving in the North: meaning of kinship among the Dolgans in North Western Yakutia. Nauka i Obrazovanie 26(2): 54–57.

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2009. Creating traditional economy: state reindeer economy and preservation of ethnic groups [In Chinese language]. In: Sayana Namsaraeva, Ni Ma, and Wang Yudeng (eds.). Makesi Pulangke shehui renleixue yanjiusuo: Xibolia huigu [Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology: Siberian Studies Review]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, pp. 75–97.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2007. Sozdanie tradicionnoj ėkonomiki: olenovodčeskoe chozjajstvo na gosudarstvennom urovne i sochranenie ėtničeskich grupp. In: E. R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (ed.). Professii.doc: social'nye transformacii professionalizma; vzgliady snaruži, vzgliady iznutri; sbornik statej. Moskva: Variant, pp. 170–183.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2007. Reindeer culture as a complex of alternative economic strategies. In: Sylvie Beyries and Virginie Vaté (eds.). Les civilisations du renne d'hier et d'aujourd'hui: approches ethnohistoriques, archéologiques et anthropologiques; actes des rencontres, 19-21 octobre 2006. Antibes: Éditions APDCA, pp. 25–42.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2005. Kinship, property relations, and informal networks in the Tundra of the Republic of Sakha (Eastern Siberia). In: Chris Hann (ed.). Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005. Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, pp. 86–89.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2005. Urbane Identität sibirischer Indigener: chantische Studenten in Surgut. In: Stefan Bauer (ed.). Bruchlinien im Eis: Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Nordens. Beiträge zum Zirkumpolaren Norden 1. Münster: LIT, pp. 17–30.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2005. The state's indigenous policy, the centrally planned cultural revival and native strategies of survival. In: Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer (ed.). The Northern peoples and states: changing relationships. Studies in Folk Culture 5. Tartu: Tartu University Press, pp. 165–183.
Book Chapter
Ventsel, Aimar. 2004. Sakha pop music and ethnicity. In: Erich Kasten (ed.). Properties of culture - culture as property: pathways to reform in post-soviet Siberia. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 67–85.
Book Chapter
Stammler, Florian and Aimar Ventsel. 2003. Between neo-liberalism and dirigisme: approaches to reindeer herding in Yamal and Sakha. In: Chris Hann and "Property Relations" Group (eds.). The postsocialist agrarian question: property relations and the rural condition. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 1. Münster: LIT, pp. 321–362.

Other (1)

Habeck, Joachim Otto, Fernanda Pirie, Julia M. Eckert, and Aimar Ventsel. 2005. What it takes to be a man: constructions of masculinity. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2004/2005.

Monograph (1)

Ventsel, Aimar. 2005. Reindeer, Rodina and reciprociy: kinship and property relations in a Siberian village. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 7. Münster: LIT.
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