Research Interests
Violence against women, honour-based violence, forced marriage, restorative justice, human rights law, legal pluralism, multiculturalism, theories of punishment
Research area
Europe (United Kingdom, Norway, Germany)
Clara Rigoni holds a Master in Law from the University of Bologna and a European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization from the European Inter-University Centre in Venice (and Utrecht University). In January 2019 she was awarded a PhD in Law by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law and the University of Freiburg on the strength of her dissertation, 'The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Restorative Justice for Cases of Honor-Based Violence and Forced Marriages in Europe'.
Rigoni joined the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in February 2019. She is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Law and Anthropology within the framework of the project 'Conflict Regulation in Germany's Plural Society'.
Why Law & Anthropology?
In the area of criminal law and criminology, the combination of law and anthropology allows one to investigate how the interplay of different normativities contributes to the maintenance of social order and to understand how, if at all, formal and informal dispute resolution mechanisms relate to each other. Anthropological research becomes even more fundamental in today's socially and culturally plural Europe, where states' choices of criminalization often conflict with the social and cultural norms followed by (immigrant) minority groups living in their territories.