John Ziker

Research Fellow (Former Staff)

Article Abstracts | The Behavioral Ecology of Food Sharing | The Food Sharing Debate | Completed Project | Publications

Research Interests
Economic Anthropology, Common-Pool Resources; Kinship; Social Organization and Demographic Change; Human Ecology and Nutrition; Circumpolar Ethnology

Research Area(s)
Russia/ Former Soviet Union/ Siberia

Building on my previous work in the Taimyr Autonomous Region, I am investigating the social management practices used in common-pool hunting territories among the Dolgan and Nganasan ( Working Paper 32). During the summer and fall of 2001, I returned to my main field site in the Taimyr Region to update information on hunting and property in indigenous communities. Inextricably tied to land and resource management in the study community is the issue of sharing of the spoils of the hunt. I have identified a number of relevant social and ecological conditions under which the non-market distribution of locally procured meat and fish occurs. This research is relevant to debates about ownership, the issue of sustainable development, and to the anthropological debate on food sharing among hunter-gatherers and other people practicing subsistence-based production.

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