
For further information about publications please contact

Books and edited volumes

Rechtspluralismus in Malawi - Geschichtliche Entwicklung und heutige Problematik eines ehemals britischen Kolonialgebietes . München: Weltforum Verlag .

Property in social continuity: Continuity and change in the maintenance of property relationships through time in Minangkabau. West Sumatra The Hague: M. Nijhoff.

Rechtsantropologie in Nederland. Themanummer Sociologische Gids no. 4, Meppel: Boom.

(with L.L. Thomas, eds.) Change and continuity in Minangkabau: Local, regional and historical perspectives on West Sumatra. Ohio University. Monographs in International Studies. Athens.

(with W. Brussaard et al., eds.) Recht in ontwikkeling - Tien gararisch rechtelijke opstellen. Deventer: Kluwer .

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G. Woodman and H. Zacher, eds.) Between kinship and the state: Social security and law in developing countries. Dordrecht: Foris.

(with M. van der Velde, eds.) Law as a resource in agrarian struggles. Wageningen: Pudoc.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, H. Marks, eds.) Coping with insecurity: An 'underall' perspective on social security in the Third World. Special issue Focaal 22/23. (Nijmegen, pp. 255).

(with R. Pradhan, K. von Benda-Beckmann, H.J.L. Spiertz, S.S. Kadka, K.A. Haq, eds.) Water rights, conflict and policy. Colombo: IIMI. 250 pp.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Hoekema, eds.) Natural resources, environment and legal pluralism. Yearbook Law and Anthropology 9. 325 pp.

(with R. Kirsch and J. Freiberg- Strauss) The capacity of social security systems in southern Africa: Conditions, constellations and socio-political relevance. Eschborn: GTZ .

(with S. Pannell, eds.) Old world places, new world problems: Exploring resource management issues in Eastern Indonesia. Canberra: The Australian National University, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies.

(with T. van Meijl, eds.) Property rights and economic development: Land and natural resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania. London: Kegan Paul.

(with R. Pradhan and K. von Benda-Beckmann, eds.) Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu/Wageningen/Rotterdam: Freedeal, WAU, EUR. 278 p.

Properti dan kesinambungan sosial. Jakarta: Grasindo. 597 pp.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and H. Marks, eds.) Coping with insecurity: An 'underall' perspective on social security in the Third World. Second imprint. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 239 pp.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Koning, eds.) Sumber daya alam dan jaminan sosial. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 414 pp.

(with A. Miko, A. Zetra, Indraddin and K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Kembali ke nagari: pengumpulan data-data dasar tentang perubahan dalam pemerintahan lokal di Minangkabau. Project Group Legal Pluralism, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle and SCDev, Padang.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths, eds.) Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world. Aldershot: Ashgate.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, W. Heise and M. Schönhuth, eds.) Recht und Entwicklung: Law and development. Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and M.G. Wiber, eds.) Changing properties of property. Oxford: Berghahn.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, eds.) Dynamics of plural legal orders. Special double issue of The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Number 53-54 / 2006. Berlin: Lit.

Legal Pluralism in Malawi: Historical development 1858-1970 and emerging issues. Zomba, Malawi: Kachere Series.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Gesellschaftliche Wirkung von Recht. Rechtsethnologische Perspektiven. Berlin: Reimer.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Social security between past and future. Ambonese networks of care and support. Berlin: Lit.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths, eds.) Spatializing law. An anthropological geography of law in society. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Eckert, eds.) Rules of law and laws of ruling. On the governance of law. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths, eds.) The power of law in a transnational world. Anthropological enquiries. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths, eds.) The power of law in a transnational world. Anthropological enquiries. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. First paperback edition.


Papers and chapters

Malawi - Die Geschichte des Rechtssystems und die Probleme der Rechtsentwicklung. Internationales Afrikaforum, Heft 12, p. 707 ff.

Conflict of marriage law in Malawi. Journal of African Law 12, 3: 173 ff.

Bodenrechtsreform in Malawi. Mitteilungen des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Studienkreises für Internationale Probleme(SSIP) 19: 27-37.

Einige Gedanken zur Bodenrechtsreform in Malawi. Internationales Afrikaforum, Heft 1, p. 58 ff.

Die Änderung der Strafgerichtsbarkeit in Malawi - Reform oder Rückschritt? Internationales Afrikaforum, Heft 5, p. 321 ff.

Das Recht und die sozio-ökonomische Entwicklung in den ländlichen Gebieten Zambias, in H. und U. Simonis (eds.): Socioeconomic development in dual economies. Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Afrika Studien No. 71, München: Weltforum Verlag, p. 279 ff.

Norm und Recht in Niklas Luhmanns Rechtssoziologie: Kritische Anmerkungen aus der Sicht der Rechtsethnologie. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, vol. LX, 2, p. 275 ff.

Review of M. Turlach (ed.): Gesellschaft und Politik in Süd- und Südostasien. Bonn, Bad Godesberg 1972. Internationales Asienforum, Heft 2, p. 302 .

Review of R. König: Indianer - Wohin? Opladen 1973. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, vol. LXI, no. 4, p. 593 f.

(with Keebet von Benda Beckmann) Om de taak van den onderzoeker. Herdenking van de 100ste geboortedag van Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Stichting, p. 17 ff.

Das rechtliche Verfahren in der Rechtsethnologie: Versuch zu einem interkulturell anwendbaren Bezugsrahmen, in W. Friedman and M. Rehbinder (eds.): Zur Soziologie des Gerichtsverfahrens. Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie Band 4, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, p. 357 ff.

Entscheidungsvorgänge in vorindustriellen Gesellschaften, in A. Müller (ed.): Gesellschaftliche Entscheidungsvorgänge. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, p. 45 ff.

(with Keebet von Benda-Beckmann) Adat Minangkabau en de „drie kategorieen van adat “: Een weerlegging van Koesnoe's hypothese. Nieuwsbrief Volksrechtskring 2, 2: 24-38.

Review of V. Gessner: Recht und Konflikt - Eine soziologische Untersuchung privatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko. Tübingen 1976. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, vol. LXIII, 3, p. 447 ff.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Residence in a Minangkabau nagari. Indonesia Circle 15: 6-17.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Rechtspraak in Indonesië. Intermediair 20 mei 1979: 15-25.

Review of U. Scholz: Die Agrarstruktur in West Sumatra und Möglichkeiten ihrer Entwicklung, Giessen 1977. Internationales Asienforum, 1979, Heft 1: 183-187.

Modernes Recht und traditionelle Gesellschaften. Verfassung und Recht in Uebersee 12: 337-351.

Rechtspraak in Indonesië - traditionele en westerse waarden in historisch perspectief, in R. Kamerling ( ed.): Indonesië: Toen en nu, Amsterdam: Intermediair, 127-145.

Review of J.D.M. Derrett, Sontheimer, Smith, Beiträge zu indischem Rechtsdenken. ARSP 56: 573-575 .

Rechtsantropologie in Nederland, in F. von Benda Beckmann (ed.): Rechtsantropologie in Nederland, Themanummer Sociologische Gids 4: 298-304.

Some comments on the problems of comparing the relationship between traditional and state systems of administration of justice in Africa and Indonesia. Journal of Legal Pluralism 19: 165-175.

Ethnologie und Rechtsvergleichung. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 67: 310-329.

(with K. von Benda Beckmann) Rechtsveranderingen in Minangkabau, in F. von Benda-Beckmann (ed.): Rechtsantropologie in Nederland, Themanummer Sociologische Gids 4: 365-390.

(with K. von Benda Beckmann) De zwarte haan vliegt 's nachts, in C. Remie and F. Strijbosch ( eds.): Afscheidsbundel G. van den Steenhoven, Nijmegen, 101-110.

Review of J. Fisch, Krieg und Frieden in Friedensvertrag, Iterinario 5: 107-108.

The development of folk property laws in complex societies: An overview of Dutch scholarship, with special reference to the property law of the Minangkabau, West Sumatra, in H.U. Jessurun d'Oliveira (ed.): Netherlands reports to the XIth Congress of Comparative Law, Caracas 1982. Deventer: Kluwer, pp. 1-18.

Schuld en aansprakelijkheid - gezien door een rechtsantropoloog. Nieuwsbrief van de Nederlandse vereniging voor de sociaalwetenschappelijke bestudering van het recht 1: 1-16.

Ayam Gadang Toh Batalua? Changing values in Minangkabau property and inheritance law and their relation to structural change, Indonesia Circle 27: 26-38.

Individualisierung und Kriminalität - Eine rechtsethnologische Betrachtung. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 1: 14-30.

The normative construction of reality, in: Eurocentrism and science. NUFFIC Bulletin 26: 103-106.

Review of M.B. Hooker, Native law in Sabah and Sarawak. BKI 138: 351-353.

Review of J.S. Kahn, Minangkabau social formations. BKI 138: 353-355.

Op zoek naar het kleinere euvel in de jungle van het rechtspluralisme Inaugural Lecture, Wageningen: Agricultural University.

Why law does not behave: Critical and constructive reflections on the social scientific perception of the social significance of law, in H. Finkler ( ed.): Proceedings of the Symposium on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, XIth IUAES Congress, 1983, Vancouver. Ottawa, 233-262 .

Review essay on C.J. Witty, Mediation and society - conflict management in Lebanon. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 1: 114-120.

Review of F. Snyder, Capitalism and legal change. Man 1983: 426-427.

Law out of context: A comment on the creation of customary law discussion. Journal of African Law 28: 28-33.

Recht als Zerrspiegel sozialen Wandels, in P.H. Kamber und R. Moser (eds.): Diachronica - Zum Verhältnis von Ethnologie und Geschichtswissenschaft. Ethnologica Helvetica 8. Berlin: Reimer, 195-215.

Van Vollenhoven over het adatrecht. Nederlands Juristenblad 33: 1035-1037.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Recht en sociale zekerheid op Ambon. 5 NNR 2: 262-281.

Neo-marxist interpretations of folk law in pluralistic legal systems: Introduction, in A. Allott and G. Woodman (eds.): People's law and state law - The Bellagio Papers. Dordrecht: Foris, 241-247.

Some comparative generalizations about the differential use of state and folk institutions of dispute settlement, in A. Allott and G. Woodman (eds.): People's law and state law - The Bellagio Papers. Dordrecht: Foris, 187-205.

Pluraliteit van rechtsstelsels in Indonesië, in P.E. de Josselin de Jong (ed.): Indonesië als antropologisch studieveld - een interdisciplinaire benadering. Leiden: Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie. ICA publikaties 73: 149-178.

(with K. von Benda Beckmann) Preliminary final report on the research on law and mutual help and social security on Ambon. Hila.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Transformation and change in Minangkabau, in L. Thomas and F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Change and continuity in Minangkabau. Athens: Ohio University Monographs in International Studies, 235-278.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Die rechtliche Stellung der Frauen in Minangkabau in Indonesien, in G. Völger und K. von Welck ( eds.): Die Braut - geliebt, verkauft, getauscht, geraubt - Zur Rolle der Frau im Kulturvergleich. Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. Ethnologica II, Band 2, 504-513.

(with L. Thomas) Themes and issues, in L. Thomas and F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Change and continuity in Minangkabau. Athens: Ohio University Monographs in International Studies, 1-17.

Review of W. Fikentscher, H. Franke und O. Köhler ( eds.), Entstehung und Wandel rechtlicher Traditionen. ARSP 71: 279-282.

Rechtsethnologie, in K.F. Röhl (ed.): Ergänzbares Lexikon des Rechts. Neuwied: Luchterhand. Stichwort 3, 160: 1-7.

Anthropology and comparative law, in K. von Benda-Beckmann and F. Strijbosch (eds.): Anthropology of law in the Netherlands. Dordrecht: Foris, 90-109.

Leegstaande luchtkastelen: Over de pathologie van grondenrechtshervormingen in ontwikkelingslanden, in W. Brussaard et al. (eds.): Recht in ontwikkeling - Tien agrarisch - rechtelijke opstellen. Deventer: Kluwer, 91-109.

Harko Sonius als trustee van het adatrecht, in F. Strijbosch ( ed.): Een leven lang verbonden met de grond: Colleges van en collega's over Mr. H.W.J. Sonius. Nijmegen: Instituut voor Volksrecht, 213-216.

Review of F. Errington, Manners and meaning in West Sumatra. Culture

De ijsjes van de rechter: Een verkenning van complexe sociale zekerheidssystemen. Recht der Werkelijkheid 1987/I: 69-82.

Agrarisch recht en landbouw in ontwikkelingslanden. Agrarisch Recht 47: 110-117.

De selectieve groei en krimp van de democratie: Een rechtsantropologische beschouwing over de veranderende sociale controle tussen burgers en uitvoerende macht. Beleid en Maatschappij 14: 254-262.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Auctoritas non veritas facit legem, in J. Spruit and M. van de Vrugt ( eds.): Brocardia in honorem G.C.J.J. van den Bergh. Deventer: Kluwer, 9-13.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) De testamenten van Hasan Suleiman: Grondenrechtskwesties op Islamitisch Ambon. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 143: 237 266.

Review essay on U. Wesel, Frühformen des Rechts in vorstaatlichen Gesellschaften. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 1987, Heft 1: 119-127.

Islamic law and social security in an Ambonese village, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G. Woodman and H. Zacher (eds.): Between kinship and the state: Social security and law in developing countries. Foris: Dordrecht, 339-365.

(with K. von Benda Beckmann, B. -O. Bryde and F. Hirtz) Introduction: Between kinship and the state, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, E. Casino, F. Hirtz, G. Woodman and H. Zacher (eds.): Between kinship and the state: Social security and law in developing countries. Dordrecht: Foris, 7-20.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Adat and religion in Minangkabau and Ambon, in H. Claessen and D. Moyer (eds.): Time past, time present, time future. Dordrecht: Foris, 195-212.

Sociale zekerheid en plattelandsontwikkeling in Indonesië, Studium Generale Papers. Wageningen: University of Wageningen.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Rechtsproduktion der Bevölkerung - Rechtsbewusstsein der Juristen, in B. -O. Bryde und W. Hoffmann-Riem ( eds.): Rechtsproduktion und Rechtsbewusstsein. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 11-25.

Comment on Merry. Law and Society Review 22: 897-901.

(with A. van Eldijk, J. Spiertz and F. Huber) Interface or janus-faces: A critical assessment of the interface approach in development sociology from a socio-legal perspective, in N. Long (ed.): Encounters at the interface. Wageningen: Pudoc, 205-220.

Scapegoat and magic charm: Law in development theory and practice. Journal of Legal Pluralism 28: 129-148.

From the law of primitive man to the sociolegal study of complex societies. Antropologi Indonesia 8: 67-75.

Sago, law and food security on Ambon, in J.I. Bakker (ed.): The world food crisis: Food security in comparative perspective. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 157-199.

Rechtsantropologie, rechtssociologie en rechtspluralisme, bezien vanuit rechtsantropologisch perspectief. Recht der Werkelijkheid 1990/I: 47-64.

Legal pluralism in the Third World after decolonization: A report. Newsletter of the IUAES Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism 19: 11-13.

Ambonese adat as jurisprudence of insurgency and oppression, in R. Kuppe and R. Potz (eds.): Law and Anthropology, International Yearbook for Legal Anthropology, Volume 5. The Hague, Boston, London: Martinus Nijhoff, 25-42.

Legal pluralism in the Third World after decolonization: Introduction and overview, in H. Finkler (ed.): Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium, Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism. Ottawa, Canada, August 14-18, 1990. Ottawa, 56-559.

Changing legal pluralisms in Indonesia, in H. Finkler (ed.): Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium, Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism. Ottawa, Canada, August 14-18, 1990. Ottawa, 609-629.

Pak Dusa's law: Thoughts on legal knowledge and power, in E. Berg, J. Lauth und A. Wimmer ( eds.): Ethnologie im Widerstreit:Kontroversen über Macht, Geschäft, Geschlecht in fremden Kulturen. Festschrift für Lorenz G. Löffler. München: Trickster Verlag, 215-227.

Unterwerfung oder Distanz: Rechtssoziologie, Rechtsanthropologie und Rechtspluralismus aus rechtsanthropologischer Sicht, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 12: 97-119.

Legal uncertainty and land management, in H. Savenije and A. Huijsman (eds.): Making haste slowly: Strengthening local environmental management in agricultural development. The Hague: Royal Tropical Institute, 75-88.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Law in society: From blindman's-buff to multilocal law, Living Law in the Low Countries, Special Issue of Recht der Werkelijkheid 1991/I: 119-139.

Introduction: Understandig agrarian law in society, in F. von Benda-Beckmann and M. van der Velde (eds.): Law as a resource in agrarian struggles. Wageningen: Pudoc, 1-22.

Recht, maatschappelijke verandering en eigendom (Noot 4.4), in Vakgroep rechtsfilosofie, rechtssociologie en rechtsinformatica, RU Groningen ( ed.): Een kennismaking met de rechtssociologie en rechtsantropologie. 2e druk. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 250-252.

Recht en ontwikkeling (Noot 7.1), in Vakgroep rechtsfilosofie, rechtssociologie en rechtsinformatica, RU Groningen ( ed.): Een kennismaking met de rechtssociologie en rechtsantropologie. 2e druk. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 383-387.

Uncommon questions about property rights. Recht der Werkelijkheid 1992/I: 8-14.

Rechtskennis en macht: Een rechtsantropologische beschouwing, in W.J. Witteveen, H.D. Stout and M.J. Trappenburg ( eds.): Het bereik van de wet. Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink, 43-61.

Symbiosis of indigenous and western law in Africa and Asia: An essay in legal pluralism, in W.J. Mommsen and J.A. de Moor (eds.): European expansion and law: The encounter of European and indigenous laws in the 19th- and 20th-century Africa and Asia. Oxford, New York: Berg Publishers, 307-325.

Changing legal pluralism in Indonesia. Yuridika 8/4: 1-23

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Brouwer) Changing ‘indigenous environmental law’ in the Central Moluccas: Communal regulation and privatization of Sasi, in Vol. 1 of Proceedings of the papers presented to the Congress of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, Wellington University, August 1992. Wellington: Law Faculty, 405-428.

(with T. Taale) The changing laws of hospitality: Guest labourers in the political economy of legal pluralism, in F. von Benda-Beckmann and M. van der Velde (eds.): Law as a resource in agrarian struggles. Wageningen: Pudoc, 61-87.

Le monopole d'Etat de la violence dans la perspective de l'anthropologie juridique, in E. Le Roy and T. von Trotha (eds.): La violence et l' Etat: Formes et évolution d'un monopole. Paris: Harmattan, 35-57.

Scapegoat and magic charm: Law in development theory and practice, in M. Hobart (ed.): An anthropological critique of development: The growth of ignorance. London: Routledge, 116-134.

Recht, tijd en maatschappij, in G. van den Bergh, C. Lorenz and R. Pieterman ( eds.): Het recht van de geschiedenis: Historische dimensies in sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek van recht. The Hague: Vuga. Themanummer Recht der Werkelijkheid 1993/II: 135-160.

Dari hukum manusia primitif sampai ke penelaahan sosio-hukum masyarakat-masyarakat kompleks, in T.O. Ihromi ( ed.): Antropologi hukum - Sebuah bunga rampai. Jakarta: Obor, 1-15.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Eine turbulente Geschichte im Verhältnis zwischen Religion und Volksrecht: Die Molukker in Indonesien und den Niederlanden, in W. Krawietz, L. Pospisil und S. Steinbrich (eds.): Sprache, Symbole und Symbolverwendungen in Ethnologie, Kulturanthropologie, Religion und Recht. Festschrift für Rüdiger Schott zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 141-157.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Islamic law as folk law, in H. Slaats (ed.): Liber amicorum Mohammad Koesnoe. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 19-37.

Report Symposium I: Natural resources, environment and legal pluralism. Newsletter of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism 23: 12-14.

Boekbespreking A. Peters, Recht en samenleving in Japan. Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis 1993/10: 523-524.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Coping with insecurity, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, H. Marks (eds.): Coping with insecurity: An ‘underall’ perspective on social security in the Third World. Special issue Focaal 22/23: 7-31.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Texts in context: Historical documents as political commodity on Islamic Ambon, in W. Marschall (ed.): Texts from the islands: Oral and written traditions of Indonesia and the Malay world. Bern: Ethnologica Bernensia 4/1994: 223-243.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Property, politics and conflict: Ambon and Minangkabau compared. Law and Society Review 28: 589-607.

In the hold of unholy alliances: Social security policies in Indonesia, in M.Th. Meereboer (ed.): Social (in)security and poverty as global issues. Poverty and Development 10. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 111-116.

Acts of last will in Indonesian local laws, in Actes à cause de mort - Acts of last will. Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society No. LXII, 4th part. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 115-143.

Boekbespreking N.J.H. Huls and H. Stout ( eds.): Recht in een multiculturele samenleving. Tjeenk Willink, Zwolle. Beleid en Maatschappij 21, no. 4: 190-192.

Rechtspluralismus: Analytische Begriffsbildung oder politisch-ideologisches Programm? Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 119: 1-16.

Good governance, law, and social reality: Problematic relationships. Knowledge and Policy 7: 55-67.

Good governance, recht en sociale werkelijkheid: Problematische verhoudingen, in O. van Cranenburg and M. Veldhuis (eds.): Good governance: RAWOO lunchlezingen 1993. The Hague: RAWOO Publikatie No. 8, 16-27.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Rural populations, social security, and legal pluralism in the Central Moluccas of Eastern Indonesia, in J. Dixon and B. Scheurell (eds.): Social security programs: A cross-cultural perspective. Westport: Greenwood, 75-107.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Brouwer) Changing ‘indigenous environmental law’ in the Central Moluccas: Communal regulation and privatization of Sasi. Ekonesia 2: 1-38.

Anthropological approaches to property law and economics. European Journal of Law and Economics 2: 309-336.

Property rights and common resources. Proceedings of the Conference "Agrarian Questions", Wageningen, May 22-24, 1995, 54-85.

Sociaal zekerheidsbeleid in landen van de derde wereld, in J.J.F. Heins ( ed.): Overleven in armoede: Sociale zorg in de niet-westerse wereld. Interfacultaire Commissie Ontwikkelingsproblematiek. Themabundel No. 7. Amsterdam, 129-154.

Verandering van recht, in J. Griffiths (ed.): De sociale werking van het recht: Een kennismaking met de rechtssociologie en rechtsantropologie. Derde Druk. Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 783-796.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Spiertz) Water rights and policy, in J. Spiertz and M. Wiber (eds.): The role of law in natural resource management. The Hague: VUGA, 77-99.

Book review N. Rouland, Legal Anthropology. London: The Athlone Press. Newsletter of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism XXVII: 27.

(with T. Taale) Land, trees, and houses: Changing (un)certainties in property relationships on Ambon, in D. Mearns and C. Healey (eds.): Remaking Maluku: Social transformation in Eastern Indonesia. Darwin: Northern Territory University, Special Mongraph No. 1, 39-63.

(with R. Kirsch und J. Freiberg-Strauss) The capacity of social security systems i n southern Africa: Conditions, constellations and socio-political relevance. Eschborn: GTZ. 72 pp.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, R. Pradhan and H.J.L. Spiertz) Introduction, in R. Pradhan, F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, H.J.L. Spiertz, S.S. Kadka, K. A. Haq (eds.): Water rights, conflict and policy. Colombo: IIMI, 1-11.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and H.J.L. Spiertz) Local law and customary practices in the study of water rights, in R. Pradhan, F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann, H.J.L. Spiertz, S.S. Kadka, K. A. Haq (eds.): Water rights, conflict and policy. Colombo: IIMI, 221-242.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and H.J.L. Spiertz) Disputing water rights: Scarcity of water in Nepal hill irrigation, in E.H.P. Brans, E.J. de Haan, A. Nolkaemper and J. Rinzema (eds.): The scarcity of water. London, The Hague, Boston: Kluwer International, 224-242.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Natural resources, environment and legal pluralism: An introduction, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Hoekema (eds.): Natural resources, environment and legal pluralism. Yearbook Law and Anthropology 9, VII-XII.

Citizens, strangers and indigenous peoples: Conceptual politics and legal pluralism, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Hoekema (eds.): Natural resources, environment and legal pluralism. Yearbook Law and Anthropology 9, 1-42.

Property rights and land rights reform: Some theoretical reflections on property rights and their implications for land rights reform. [In Chinese], in Qu Futian, Huang Xianjin, Wang Tongsun, Wu Qun et al. (eds): Chinese land system research: Property rights and economic analysis of land system reform. Xuzhou City: Chinese University of Mining Press, 283-295.

(with H. Gsänger and J. Midgley) Indigenous support and social security: Lessons from Kenya, in J. Midgley and M. Sherraden (eds.): Alternatives to social security: An international inquiry. Westport, London: Auburn House, 105-120.

Vorwort, in M. Weilenmann (ed): Burundi: Konflikt und Rechtskonflikt. Eine rechtsethnologische Studie zur Konfliktregelung der Gerichte. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes&Apsel, pp. 3.

Plural property rights, natural resource management and economic and ecological change: Report on Symposium II of the Moscow Conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism. Newsletter of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism XXXIX: 23-25.

(with S. Pannell) Introduction, in S. Pannell and F. von Benda-Beckmann: Old world places, new world problems: Exploring resource management issues in Eastern Indonesia. Canberra: The Australian National University, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, 1-33.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Where structures merge: State and off-state involvement in rural social security on Ambon, Indonesia, in S. Pannell and F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Old world places, new world problems: Exploring resource management issues in Eastern Indonesia. Canberra: The Australian National University, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, 143-180.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Evolutionismus und Recht: Komplexe Fragen zu komplexen Gesellschaften, in R. Voigt (ed.): Evolution des Rechts. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 93-117.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Spiertz) Equity and legal pluralism: Taking customary law into account in natural resource policies, in R. Boelens and G. Davis (eds.): Searching for equity: Conceptions of justice and equity in peasant irrigation. Assen: Van Gorcum, 57-69.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Spiertz) Equidad y pluralismo legal: La consideración del derecho consuetudinario en las politicas sobre recursos naturales, in R. Boelens and G. Davis ( eds.): Buscando la equidad: Concepciones sobre justicia y equidad en el riego campesino. Assen: Van Gorcum, 60-74.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) De duurzaamheid van rechtsgemeenschappen en gemeenschapsrechten, in K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Hoekema ( eds.): Over de grenzen van gemeenschappen. The Hague: Elsevier; Themanummer van Recht der Werkelijkheid, 7-36.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Legal complexity, ecological sustainability and social (in)security in Indonesia: An AU Wageningen/EU Rotterdam research project. Project overview. EDEN Newsletter 11: 2-5.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Das Recht der Dinge: Verrechtlichung und Entrechtlichung im Verhältnis zwischen Erster und Dritter Welt, in J. Brand und D. Strempel (eds.): Soziologie des Rechts. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 343-354.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Gendered rights to land and water in Nepal, in M. Wiber ( ed.): Proceedings of the XIIth International Symposium of the Commission of Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, Williamsburg, USA, July 26 - August 1, 1998. New Brunswick, 52-80.

Multiple legal constructions of socio-economic spaces: Resource management and conflict in the Central Moluccas, in M. Roesler and T. Wendl (eds.): Frontiers and borderlands: Anthropological perspectives. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, New York, Wien: Lang, 131-158.

Plural property rights and natural resource management: Theme overview, in K. von Benda-Beckmann and H.F. Finkler (eds.): Papers of the XIth International Congress "Folk Law and Legal Pluralism: Societies in Transformation" of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, Moscow, August 18-22, 1997. Ottawa, 163-168.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Community based tenurial rights: Emancipation or indirect rule?, in K. von Benda-Beckmann and H.F. Finkler (eds.): Papers of the XIth International Congress "Folk Law and Legal Pluralism: Societies in Transformation" of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, Moscow, August 18-22, 1997. Ottawa, 169-187.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Obshchinnye prava na zemlyu: Osvobozhdenie ili kosvennoe upravlenie [in Russian], in N.I. Novikova and V.A. Tishkov (eds.): Obychnoe pravo i pravovoy plyuralizm. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 91-101.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) A functional analysis of property rights, with special reference to Indonesia, in T. van Meijl and F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Property rights and economic development: Land and natural resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania. London: Kegan Paul, 15-56.

(with T. van Meijl) Introduction, in T. van Meijl and F. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Property rights and economic development: Land and natural resources in Southeast Asia and Oceania. London: Kegan Paul, 1-14.

(with R. Kirsch) Informal security systems in Southern Africa and approaches to strengthen them through policy measures. Journal of Social Development in Africa 14: 21-38.

(with R. Kirsch) Informal security systems in Southern Africa and approaches to strengthen them through policy measures, in J. Freiberg-Strauss and K. Meier (eds.): The real world of social policy: An anthology of project experience. Eschborn: GTZ, 22-39.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and R. Pradhan) Introduction, in R. Pradhan, F. von Benda-Beckmann and K. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Wageningen, Rotterdam: Freedeal, WAU, EUR, 1-16.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Gender and the multiple contingencies of water rights in Nepal, in R. Pradhan, F. von Benda-Beckmann and K. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Water, land and law: Changing rights to land and water in Nepal. Kathmandu, Wageningen, Rotterdam: Freedeal, WAU, EUR, 17-38.

Relative publics and property rights, in C. Geisler and G. Daneker (eds.): Property and values: Alternatives to public and private ownership. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 151-173.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Aziz Saleh) Legal pluralism, resource management and social (in)security in Indonesia: Reflections on a joint research project, in: KNAW Papers of the International Conference Interactive North-South Research for development, with special attention for natural resources management. KNAW: Amsterdam, 15 pp.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Houses, people and residence: The fluidity of Ambonese living arrangements, in J. Koning, M. Nolten, J. Rodenburg and R. Saptari (eds.): Women and households in Indonesia: Cultural notions and social practices. Richmond: Curzon, 102-141.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The law of things: Legalization and delegalization in the relationship between the First and the Third World, in E.K.M. Masinambow (ed.): Hukum dan kemajemukan budaya. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 17-31.

In memoriam Joep Spiertz. Recht der Werkelijkheid 2000 /I: 119-124.

Rechtspluralismus - Wissenschaftliche und politische Herausforderungen. Ethnoscripts 2: 43-55.

Da dang quen so hu´u tai san va phat trien (Property rights pluralism and development), in Ngo Duc Thinh and Phan Dang Nhat (eds.): Luat tuc: Va phat trien nong thon hien nay o Viet Nam (Customary law and rural development in Vietnam today). Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban Chinh Tri Quoc Gia (in Vietnamese), 258-294.

Natuurlijke hulpbronnen, rechten en conflikten op Ambon. Timbang Jaarboek 2000, 20-32.

On the reproduction of law: Micro and macro in the time-space geography of law, in M. Castro-Lucic (ed.): XII Congreso Internacional Derecho Consuetudinario y Pluralismo Legal: Desafios en el Tercer Milenio. Santiago: Universidad de Chile, 997-1008.

Property rights pluralism and development. Tai Culture VI/1&2: 63-80.

On the reproduction of law: Micro and macro in the time-space geography of law, in W. Fikentscher (ed.): Begegnung und Konflikt - eine kulturanthropologische Bestandsaufnahme. München: C.H. Beck Verlag, 119-131.

Between free riders and free raiders: Property rights and soil degradation in context, in N. Heerink, H. van Keulen and M. Kuiper (eds.): Economic policy analysis and sustainable land use: Recent advances in quantitative analysis for developing countries. Heidelberg, New York: Physica Verlag, 293-316.

Legal pluralism and social justice in economic and political development. IDS Bulletin Vol. 32, No. 1: 46-56

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) State, religion and legal pluralism: Changing constellations in West Sumatra (Minangkabau) and comparative issues. Halle: MPI for Social Anthropology, Working Paper No. 19

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Jaminan Sosial, Sumber Daya Alam dan Kompleksitas Hukum, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Koning (eds.): Sumber Daya Alam dan Jaminan Sosial. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 23-60.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Koning) Jaminan sosial dan manajemen sumber daya alam: Refleksi kompleksitas normatif di Indonesia, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Koning (eds.): Sumber Daya Alam dan Jaminan Sosial. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 3-20.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Actualising history for binding the future: Decentralisation in Minangkabau, in P. Hebinck and G. Verschoor (eds.): Resonances and dissonances in development: Actors, networks and cultural repertoires. Assen: van Gorcum, 33-47.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Recognizing water rights. Focus 9. Brief 12, in R.S. Meinzen-Dick and M.W. Rosegrant (eds.): Overcoming water scarcity and quality constraints. A 2020 vision for food, agriculture and the environment. Washington: IFPRI.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Recreating the nagari: Decentralisation in West Sumatra. Halle: MPI for Social Anthropology, Working Paper No. 31.

(with P.N. Nkwi, J. van den Berg, P. Geschiere, F. Nkoumbele and F.F. Tiayon) The social and legal aspects of forest management, in W.B.J. Jonkers, B. Foahom and P. Schmidt (eds.): Seminar proceedings 'Sustainable management of African rain forest', held in Kribi, Cameroon, November 1999. Part II: Symposium. Wageningen: The Tropenbos Foundation, 132-149.

(with H. Vermeulen) Adat law and legal anthropology: In memoriam Johan Frederik (Hans) Holleman ( 18 December 1915 - 28 August 2001 ), with a bibliography. Journal of Legal Pluralism 46: 103-114.

The case of legal pluralism. Journal of Peace Studies 9: 3-24.

Pravovoy plyuralizm i prirodnye resursy, in N.I. Novikova and V.A. Tishkov (eds.): Obychay i zakon. Issledovaniya po yuridicheskoy antropologii (Custom and law. Studies in legal anthropology) Moscow: "Strategy" Publishing House, 96-108. (in Russian).

Verfassungsrechtspluralismus in West Sumatra: Veränderungen in staatlicher und dörflicher Verfassung im Zuge der Dezentralisierung in Indonesien. Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 35: 494-512.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Anthropology of law and the study of folk law in The Netherlands after 1950, in H. Vermeulen and J. Kommers (eds.): Tales from Academia: History of anthropology in The Netherlands. Part 2. Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change. Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, 695-731.

Konflikte um Land, Rechtspluralismus und entwicklungspolitische Folgen. Paper presented to Bodenpolitisches Forum über Innovative Bodenpolitik und Landmanagement: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten in der Entwicklungspolitik, January 9, 2002, Marburg, Germany.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Recreating the nagari: Decentralisation in West Sumatra. Paper presented at the Workshop of the Dutch-Indonesian Cooperative Project "Coping with Crisis", February 13, 2002, Leiden, The Netherlands .

Who's afraid of legal pluralism? Journal of Legal Pluralism 47: 38-82.

(with K. von Benda- Beckmann) The multiple dilemmas of decentralisation: Recreating the nagari in West Sumatra. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium of the Journal Antropologi Indonesia, July 16-19, 2002, Bali, Indonesia.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Changing governance in West Sumatran villages. Paper presented at the EASA Conference 2002, August 14-17, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mobile people, mobile law. An introduction. Paper presented at the Workshop Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world, November 7-9, 2002, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Democracy in flux: Time, mobility and sedentarisation of law in Minangkabau, Indonesia. Paper presented at the Workshop Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world, November 7-9, 2002, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) How bleak is the picture? Towards constitutional liberties in Indonesia. Paper presented to the Conference of READ-AGERE, November 14-16, 2002, Rostock, Germany.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Between global forces and local politics: Decentralisation and reorganisation of village government in Indonesia. A contribution to the MPG 2000 Workshop on Globalisation and Decentralisation, November 28-29, 2002, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Köln, Germany.

Legal anthropology, legal pluralism and Islamic law, in W. von Binsbergen (ed.): The dynamics of power and the rule of law. Essays on Africa and beyond in honour of Emile Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal. Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 247-262.

Rechtsethnologie, in H. Fischer und B. Beer (Hg.): Ethnologie. Einführung und Überblick. Neufassung. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 179-195.

Mysteries of capital or mystification of legal property? Focaal-European Journal of Anthropology 41: 187-191

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Water, human rights and legal pluralism. Special Issue of Water Nepal 9/10: 63-76.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Changing constellations of legal pluralism in West Sumatra, Indonesia, in G. Schlee and B. Mann (eds.): Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2002-2003. Halle/Saale: druck-medienverlag, 276-279.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and B. Turner) Die Revitalisierung von Tradition im Recht: Rückfall in die Vergangenheit oder zeitgemäße Entwicklung?, in: Generalverwaltung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ( ed.): Max-Planck-Gesllschaft Jahrbuch 2003. München: K.G. Saur Verlag, 299-307 .

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann, Julia Eckert, Fernanda Pirie and Bertram Turner) Vitality and revitalisation of tradition in law: Going back into the past or future-oriented development?, in G. Schlee and B. Mann (eds.): Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2002-2003. Halle/Saale: druck-medienverlag, 296-306.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Struggles over communal property rights and law in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, Halle/Saale, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Working Paper No. 64.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Zentrifugale Bewegungen in Indonesien: Konflikt, Identifikation und Recht im Vergleich, in J. Eckert (Hg.): Anthropologie der Konflikte. Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische Thesen in der Diskussion. Bielefeld: transcript, 249-272.

"Nicht mehr" und "noch nicht". Umkehrungen von Tradition und Modernität auf der Suche nach der passenden Solidarität für soziale Sicherung. Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte 6: 29-39.

Recht und Entwicklung zwischen Forschung und Entwicklungspraxis, in F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, W. Heise, and M. Schönhuth (eds.): Recht und Entwicklung: Law and development. Saarbrücken: Verlag für Entwicklungspolitik, 39-57.

Riding the centaur - reflections on the identities of legal anthropology. Paper presented at the Workshop on Polarisation and Convergence in Socio-legal Studies. International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain, 22-24 June, 2005.

Legal pluralism: Scientific, political and pragmatic challenges, in Mechthild Rünger (ed.): West African Regional Conference on Legal and Judicial Reform to Promote Women’s Rights in Land and Family Law within Plural Legal Systems. Accra, 10-12 February 2004. Conference Proceedings. Accra: Attorney General and Ministry of Justice. Access-to-Justice Paper No. 9, 21-31.

Pluralisme judiciaire: Defis scientifiques, politiques et pragmatiques, in Mechthild Rünger (ed.): Conférence Régionale sur la Réforme Juridique et Judiciaire visant la Promotion des Droits de la Femme en Matiere de Droit Foncier et de la Famille dans le Cadre des Systêmes Juridiques Pluriels. Accra, 10-12 February 2004. Actes de Conference. Accra: Attorney General and Ministry of Justice. Access-to-Justice Paper No. 9, 23-33.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths) Mobile people, mobile law: An introduction, in F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, and A. Griffiths (eds.): Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1-25.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Democracy in flux: Time, mobility and sedentarization of law in Minangkabau, Indonesia, in F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, and A. Griffiths (eds.): Mobile people, mobile law: Expanding legal relations in a contracting world. Aldershot: Ashgate, 111-130.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Adat, Islam und Staat – Rechtspluralismus in Indonesien, in M. Kemper and M. Reinkowski (eds.): Rechtspluralismus in der islamischen Welt. Gewohnheitsrecht zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 89-104.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) How bleak is the picture? Towards constitutional liberties in Indonesia, in J. Rösel and T. v. Trotha (eds.): The reorganisation or the end of constitutional liberties? La réorganisation ou la fin de l'état de droit? Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 257-275.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Towards an anthropological geography of law in society. Paper presented at the International Conference on Developing Anthropology of Law in a Transnational World: Territoriality and Time. Edinburgh University, 9-11 June, 2005.

Pak Dusa’s law: Thoughts on law, legal knowledge and power. The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies (TES Special Issue) 4(2): 1-12.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The utopia of the Minangkabau nagari, in A. Miko and Jendrius (eds.): Ilmu social, pembangunan & perubahan social budaya. Padang: Andalas University Press, 166-189.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Von vertikalen zu horizontalen Netzwerken: Neue politische Konfigurationen in Indonesien, in K. Geisenhainer and K. Lange (eds.): Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Bernhard Streck. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 459-470.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and B. Turner) Die Revitalisierung von Tradition im Recht: Rückfall in die Vergangenheit oder zeitgemäße Entwicklung. Juridikum. Zeitschrift im Rechtsstaat 4: 197-201.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) How communal is communal and whose communal is it? Lessons from Minangkabau, in F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann and M. Wiber (eds.): Changing properties of property. Oxford: Berghahn, 194-217.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann and M. Wiber) The properties of property, in: F. v. Benda-Beckmann, K. v. Benda-Beckmann, and M. Wiber (eds.): Changing properties of property. Oxford: Berghahn, 1-39.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Gender, water rights and irrigation in Nepal, in K. Lahiri-Dutt (ed.): Fluid bonds: Views on gender and water. Kolkata: Stree, 107-137.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Social insecurity, natural resources and legal complexity, in C. Eberhard and G. Vernicos (eds.): La quete anthropologique du droit. Autour de la demarche d’Étienne Le Roy. Paris: Karthala, 221-248.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The dynamics of change and continuity in plural legal orders, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Dynamics of plural legal orders. Special double issue of The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Number 53-54 / 2006. Berlin: Lit, 1-44.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Changing one is changing all: Dynamics in the adapt-Islam-state triangle, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann (eds.): Dynamics of plural legal orders. Special double issue of The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Number 53-54 / 2006. Berlin: Lit, 239-270.

The multiple edges of law: Dealing with legal pluralism in development practice, in The World Bank (ed.): The World Bank legal review. Law, equity and development. Volume 2. Washington, DC: The World Bank, 51-86.

Contestations over life-giving force: Water rights and conflicts, with special reference to Indonesia, in P. Boomgaard (ed.): A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories (Verhandlingen 240). Leiden: KITLV Press, 259-277.

Comparing law: An anthropological perspective. Lecture given at the Law-Anthropology Dialogues, Kent Law School, 7 March 2007

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Ambivalent identities: Decentralization and Minangkabau political communities, in H. Schulte Nordholt and G. van Klinken (eds.): Renegotiating boundaries: Local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press, 417-442.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Transnationalization of law, globalization and legal pluralism: A legal anthropological perspective, in C. Antons and V. Gessner (eds.): Globalisation and resistance: Law reform in Asia since the crisis. Oxford: Hart, 53-80.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Between global forces and local politics: Decentralisation and reorganisation of village government in Indonesia, in C. Antons and V. Gessner (eds.): Globalisation and resistance: Law reform in Asia since the crisis. Oxford: Hart, 211-252.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann) Decentralisation and reorganisation of village government in West Sumatra, Indonesia, in M. Stolleis and W. Streeck (eds.): Aktuelle Fragen zu politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 17-39.

Propertization in Indonesien: Parallele und gegenläufige Entwicklungen, in H. Siegrist (ed.): Entgrenzung des Eigentums in modernen Gesellschaften und Rechtskulturen. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 99-111.

(with K. v. Benda-Beckmann and B. Turner) Umstrittene Traditionen in Marokko und Indonesien. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 132: 15-35.

Leben mit Recht: Eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive, in J. Eidson (ed.): Das anthropologische Projekt. Perspektiven aus der Forschungslandschaft Halle/Leipzig. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 150-167.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Ethnologie, in A. Cordes, H. Lück, D. Werkmüller und R. Schmidt-Wiegand (Hg.): Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte, 2nd edition. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

Comment on James Midgley, Developing appropriate approaches for social welfare in developing counties. Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht 1-2: 119-123.

Riding or killing the centaur? Reflections on the identities of legal anthropology. International Journal of Law in Context 4(2): 85-110.

"Recht und Entwicklung" im Wandel. Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 36(41): 295-305.

Book review on Eve Darian-Smith (ed.), Ethnography and law. International library on essays in law and society (ed. Austin Sarat). Journal of Legal Pluralism 57: 175-177.

Gefangen im Rechtspluralismus: Zum Umgang mit Normkollisionen in rechtlich pluralen sozialen Räumen. Paper presented at the conference 'Normative Pluralität ordnen', Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), 11-12 January 2008.

Transformation and revitalisation in the Islam-adat-state triangle in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Paper presented at 'Religious Dynamics in Southeast Asia 2nd Network-meeting', Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikanistik München, 18-20 January 2008.

Some thoughts on the wider context on human rights, globalization and the resurgence of traditional legal orders. Paper presented at Consultative Meeting on ICHRP Project on Legal Pluralism and Human Rights. Geneva, 22-23 February 2008.

Some reflections on the Amnesty International paper by Cassandra Balchin and Sohail Akbar Warraich: 'Same difference? A concept paper for Amnesty International on parallel legal systems'. Presented at Consultative Meeting on ICHRP Project on Legal Pluralism and Human Rights. Geneva, 22-23 February 2008.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Traditional  law  in a globalising world. Myths, stereotypes, and transforming traditions. Lecture given at Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Development, Leiden University, 16 May 2008.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Transforming traditions: Myths and stereotypes about traditional law in a globalizing world. Paper presented at the 10th biennal conference EASA on Experiencing Diversity and Mutuality, University of Ljubljana, 26-29 August 2008.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Der Staat in der Gesellschaft: Eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive. Paper presented at the conference 'Wie wirkt Recht', Luzern, 4-6 September 2008.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The social life of living law in Indonesia, in M. Hertogh (ed.): Living law: Reconsidering Eugen Ehrlich. Oxford and Portland Oregon: Hart, 177-197.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths) Space and legal pluralism: An introduction, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths (eds.): Spatializing law. An anthropological geography of law in society. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 1-29.
(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Contested spaces of authority in Indonesia, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths (eds.): Spatializing law. An anthropological geography of law in society. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 115-135.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Eckert) Rules of law and laws of ruling: Law and governance between past and future, in F. and K. von Benda-Beckmann and J. Eckert (eds.): Rules of law and laws of ruling. On the governance of law. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 1-30.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Beyond the law-religion divide: Law and religion in West Sumatra, in T.G. Kirsch and B. Turner (eds.): Permutations of order. Religion and law as contested sovereignties. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 227-246.

Adat, in S.N. Katz (ed.-in-chief): Encyclopedia of Legal History. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 20-21.
Moralischer Relativismus: Eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive, in G. Ernst (ed.): Moralischer Relativismus, Paderborn: mentis Verlag, 13-27.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths) The power of law, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths (eds.): The power of law in a transnational world. Anthropological enquiries. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 1-29.

Human rights, cultural relativism and legal pluralism: Towards a two-dimensional debate, in F. von Benda-Beckmann, K. von Benda-Beckmann and A. Griffiths (eds.): The power of law in a transnational world. Anthropological enquiries. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 115-134.

Gefangen im Rechtspluralismus: Zum Umgang mit Normkollisionen in rechtlich pluralen sozialen Räumen, in M. Kötter and G. Folke Schuppert (eds.): Normative Pluralität ordnen. Rechtsbegriffe. Normenkollisionen und Rule of Law in Kontexten dies- und jenseits des Staates, Schriften zur Governance-Forschung, Band 19. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 169-189.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Recentralization and decentralization in West Sumatra, in C.J.G. Holtzappel and M. Ramstedt (eds.): Decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia. Implementation and challenges. Singapore and Leiden: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and International Institute of Asian Studies, 293-328

Riding or killing the centaur? Reflections on the identities of legal anthropology (Reprint), in M. Freeman and D. Napier (eds.): Law and anthropology. Current legal issues 2008, vol. 12. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 13-46.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Kesan-kesan dan impresi-impresi tentang daerah dan proses reorganisasi pemerintahan lokal di Sumatera Barat. Talk and discussion with Minangkabau migrants in Jakarta, 17 March 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Religion and law in disputes - some analytical clarifications. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Religion in Dispute and Conflict Resolution: Cases from Post-New Order Indonesia, Lembang, Indonesia, 18-21 March 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Pluralismus kesejahteraan sosial dalam kontext globalisasi (Pluralism of social security in the context of globalisation). Guest lecture given at University Hasanuddin, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, 25 March 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Pluralismus hukum dilihat dari perspektif antropologi hukum (Legal pluralism from a legal anthropological perspective). Guest lecture given at Law Faculty, University of Aceh / Seminar for the Islamic University (IAIN) of Banda Aceh, 3 April 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Kembali ke nagari: Beberapa kesimpulan sementara (Back to the nagari: Some preliminary conclusions). Guest lecture given at University Andalas, Padang, 14 April 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Peradilan adat dalam negara hukum (Adat justice in the rule of law state). Seminar with Ford Foundation, Jakarta, 7 May 2009.

Rechtspluralismus als Toleranzfrage. Paper presented at the workshop 'Toleranz als Ordnungsprinzip? (II) - Funktionsbedingungen der Anerkennung von Diversität', University of Leipzig, 17-21 June 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Law and identity in plural legal orders. Paper presented at the workshop 'Behind the rule - law and identity' Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 3-4 July 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Transforming traditions: Myths and stereotypes about traditional law in a globalizing world. Paper presented at he Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, University of Zurich, 31 August-3 September 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The turbulent history of the Sharia in West Sumatra. Paper presented at the Islam workshop of GSHS, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany, 18 December 2009.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Multiple embeddedness and systemic implications: Struggles over natural resources in Minangkabau since Reformasi. Asian Journal of Social Science 38: 172-186.

Book review on Jeffrey Hadler. Muslims and matriarchs: Cultural resilience in Indonesia through Jihad and Colonialism, New York: Cornell University Press, 2008. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 166 (1): 125-133.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Unity and diversity: Multiple citizenship in Indonesia, in M.-C. Foblets, J.-F. Gaudreault-Desbiens and A.D. Renteln (eds): Cultural diversity and the law: State responses from around the world. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 889-917.

Rechtspluralismus als Toleranzfrage, in C. Enders and M. Kahlo (eds.): Diversität und Toleranz. Toleranz als Ordnungsprinzip? Paderborn: mentis, 109-123.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Why not using 'legal culture'? Paper presented at the International Workshop 'The Uses of Legal Culture', Venice, Italy, 20-21 May 2010.

Gleiches Recht für alle? Umstrittene Ideale and lästige Wirklichkeiten. Paper presented at 'Eschborner Fachtage', Eschborn, Germany, 23 June 2010.

Verantwortung in rechtlich pluralen sozialen Räumen: eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive. Paper presented at the Conference on 'Zurechnung und Verantwortung', University of Halle(Saale), Germany, 24 September 2010.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Perspectives on religion in disputes: an introduction. Paper presented at the Conference on Religion in Disputes, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle(Saale), Germany, 27-29 October 2010.

Kommentar auf R. Grote über den Zusammenhang zwischen wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung und Rechtsschutz des Eigentums: Hernando de Sotos Theorie von den Verfügungsrechten. Paper prepared for a joint conference of the African Law Association and the Institute for African Studies of the University of Leipzig on 'Formelles/informelles Recht und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Afrika', 5-6 November 2010.

Menschenrechte, Kulturrelativismus und Rechtspluralismus: eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive. Paper presented at the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, 17 November 2010.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The struggle over inheritance law in colonial West Sumatra: Reflections on the significance of the past for understanding the present. Paper presented at an International Workshop on the 'Dynamics of Muslim legal pluralism under colonial rule' at the University of  Halle-Wittenberg, Halle(Saale), Germany, 9-10 December 2010.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Why not legal culture?. Journal of Comparative Law 5(2): 104-117.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Islamic law in many arenas: Struggles for recognition and dominance. Les Rencontres du Centre Jaques Berque, Rabat, no. 1: 17-21.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Staat, Religion und Tradition: dynamische Interdependenzen in Westsumatra. Paper presented at Institutskolloquium Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Bern, Switzerland, 9 March 2011.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) The many faces of decentralization in Minankabau, West Sumatra. Paper presented at the Workshop on Decentralization and Democratization in Southeast Asia - with a special section on 10 years of decentralization in Indonesia, Freiburg Southeast Asia Group, 15-17 June 2011.

Rechtsethnologische Geschichte - Geschichtliche Rechtsethnologie. Paper presented at the Summer Conference of the International Max Planck Research School on Comparative Legal History, Heppenheim, 8 July 2011.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Ethic identification through legal pluralism in West Sumatra. Paper presented at the Workshop on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Günther Schlee, Max  Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, 10-12 July 2011.

The poverty of theory in discussions of legal pluralism. Paper presented at the Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2011.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Identitas dalam Perselisihan di Minangkabau, in M. Ramstedt and F.I. Thufail (eds.): Kegalauan Identitas: Agama, Etnisitas, dan Kewarganegaraan pada Masa Pasca-Ordre Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo, 15-39.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Myths and stereotypes about adat law. A reassessment of Van Vollenhoven in the light of current struggles over adat law in Indonesia. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI) 167(2/3): 167-195.

Recht ohne Staat im Staat: Eine rechtsethnologische Betrachtung, in S. Kadelbach and K. Günther (Hg.): Recht ohne Staat? Zur Normativität nichtstaatlicher Rechtsetzung. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 175-199.

Rechtsethnologie, in B. Beer and H. Fischer (Hg.): Ethnologie. Einführung und Überblick. 7th edition. Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 195-212.

Interdisciplinary legal scholarship: Experiences, probabilities and suggestions. Paper presented at the workshop 'Where now? Moving beyond traditional legal geographies', University of Buffalo, 18 April 2012.

Verantwortung in rechtlich pluralen Räumen: Eine rechtsethnologische Perspektive, in Mathias Kaufmann and Joachim Renzikowski (eds.), Zurechnung und Verantwortung. ARSP Beiheft 134, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 141-153.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Places that come and go: A legal anthropological perspective on the temporalities of space in plural legal orders. Paper presented at the workshop 'Where now? Moving beyond traditional legal geographies', University of Buffalo, 19-20 April 2012.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Kulturkampf in Minangkabau: Der neue alte Streit um die wahre minangkabausche Identität in der Zeit der Reformasi. Asien 123 (April 2012): 1-16.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Why not legal culture? The Journal of Comparative Law 5(2): 104-117. Special issue: Using legal culture, guest editor: D. Nelken (republished in D. Nelken ed. Using legal culture. London: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing (reprint of 2010), pp. 86-103).

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Places that come and go: A legal anthropological perspective on the temporalities of space in plural legal orders. Paper presented at the panel Critical Legal Geographies, Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Honolulu, 5-8 July 2012. (A first draft of this paper was presented at the Legal Geography Workshop in Buffalo, 19-20 April  2012).

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Identity in dispute: Law, religion, and identity in Minangkabau. Asian Ethnicity. Special issue: Law and religio-ethnic identity in post-New Order Indonesia, guest editors: Martin Ramstedt and Fadjar I. Thufail 13(4): 341-358.

De Sotos theoretisches Mysterium: Kommentar zum Zusammenhang zwischen wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung und Rechtsschutz des Eigentums - Hernando de Sotos Theorie von den Verfügungsrechten. Recht in Afrika 1: 117-126.

(with K. von Benda-Beckmann) Islamic law in a plural context: The struggle over inheritance law in colonial West Sumatra. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55: 771-793.

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