Curriculum Vitae


Habilitation studies, Faculty of Law, Economics and Business, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Thesis: ‘Internationalised Constitution-Making as Tool for Negotiating Statehood and Rule of Law: South Sudan’s and Somaliland’s Constitutional Genesis in the Context of Plural Legal (Dis-) Ordering’
Evaluators: Prof. Dr. Marie-Claire Foblets (internal), Prof. Dr. Dirk Hanschel (internal), Prof. Dr. Günter Frankenberg (external) 
Venia Legendi: Legal Sociology, Legal Anthropology, Legal Comparison

01/2007 - 05/2012
Doctorate studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies (IAAW), Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin)
Thesis title: Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia: Interdependent Relationships Between Islamic Law and State Law, Berlin State’s scholarship
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. phil. Peter Heine and Justice Prof. Dr. jur. Susanne Baer
Degree: Ph.D. phil.

04/2003 - 11/2006
Regional Studies Asia/Africa, IAAW, Humboldt University of Berlin
Focus: History and Society of East & North-East Africa; Islamic Law; normative orders in East and West Africa; Language and Education Policy in Africa
Degree: B.A. Regional Studies Asia/Africa

10/1996 - 03/2005
Law Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Rostock University, Εθνικó και Καποδιστριακßó Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (University of Athens), Greece
Focus: Criminology, Legal History and Legal Sociology
Degree: Dipl.-Jur. (governmental exam)

Supplementary Education:

Teaching and Learning Methods, Technical Competencies for Virtual Teaching, WBS Training

06/2020 – 03/2020
Certified (business) Mediator, Mediationsagentur Berlin, Berlin

Specialisation Course ‘Rule of Law Toolbox for Crisis Management and Peace Operations: Concepts, Practices and Trends’, Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin

10/2014 - 07/2016
Zertifikationsstudium Mediation (univ.), Institut für Mediative Kommunikation und Diversity-Kompetenz (IMK) an der Internationalen Akademie für innovative Pädagogik, Psychologie und Ökonomie (INA) an der Freien Universität Berlin, Berlin

04/2014 Training Course on Mediation and Negotiation in the Field, Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin

06/2013 Summer Course ‘Constitution-building in Africa, CEU Budapest

03/2011 University Teaching and Learning, HU Berlin

03/2007 Project Management, HU Berlin

Professional Activities

Visiting Professor, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University, Vienna/Austria

Research Fellow ‘Africa Multiple’ Excellence Cluster at University Bayreuth/Germany
Focus: Peace Mediation in Africa

Research Fellow, Excellence Cluster ‘Religion and Politics’, Münster University/Germany
Focus: Legal Pluralism & Coloniality: Politics of Religious Diversity in Africa

Academic Expert to the Federal Foreign Office of Germany (GFFO) and BiRD GmbH
Focus: GFFO’s Constitutional Assistance Projects

Associate Researcher, Department ‘Law and Anthropology’, Max Planck Instutute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale

03/2021 – 8/2021
Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Halle S./Germany

01/2020 – 2/2021
Associate Researcher, Dept. ‘Law & Anthropology’, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Halle S./Germany

11/2012 – 12/2019
Research Fellow, Department ‘Law & Anthropology’, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany
Focus: South Sudan’s Constitutional Genesis in the Context of Legal Pluralism

06/2017 - 01/2018
Research Fellow, Freie University Berlin
Focus: Academic Coordinator for establishing a ‘RSF Hub’ [Joint Network Rule of Law support] in collaboration with the Federal Foreign Office of Germany

09/2015 - 08/2016
Postdoc Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Research Unit 'Global Governance Revisited'
Focus: Involvement and Impact of External Actors on Constitution-Making in South Sudan and Somaliland: a comparative study

11/2009 - 07/2011
Legal Advisor for the NGO Borneo Orangutan Survival e.V. (BOS Deutschland e.V.), Berlin
Focus: International Private Law, land law, labour law

10/2005 - 07/2007
Company lawyer at the ‘Regis24 GmbH’ (Corp. Ltd), Berlin
Focus: Contract law, labour law

04/2005 - 03/2006
Student employee at Humboldt Univ., IAAW, lecturing on a project seminar on Changes in the Language and Education Policy in Ethiopia’

07/2005 - 03/2005
Headquarters of the German Red Cross Society, International Cooperation, section Africa, Berlin
Focus: Preparation of Cooperation Agreements Development, EU Project in Dafur, Sudan and for Tsunami-Aid in Africa

University Lecturing & Teaching


Rechtsvergleichung [Comparative Law] (with D. Hanschel and A.-C. Mittwoch), Faculty of Law and Economics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle S./Germany

Law and Governanace within and beyond the State, Department of Legal Studies, Cantral European University, Vienna/Austria (Apr-May 2024)

Human Rights Methodology, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University, Vienna/Austria (Jan-Feb 2024)

Legal Anthropology - An Introductory Guide to Legal Pluralism, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/Spain (20 Oct-1 Nov 2023)

‘Managing’ Diversity, Constitution Building in Africa - CEU Summer University, Budapest/Hungary (10-14 July 2023)

Winter Semester 2022/23

Rechtsvergleichung [Comparative Law] (jointly with D Hanschel and A-C Mittwoch), Faculty of Law and Economics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle S./Germany

Recht & Ethnologie [Law and Anthropology] (jointly with M-C Foblets, A Höland, D Hanschel), Faculty of Law and Economics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle S./Germany

Legal Anthropology – An Introductory Guide to Legal Pluralism, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/ Spain (24 Oct – 4 Nov 2022)

Summer Semester 2022

“Whose ‘Rule of Law’? A new perspective on questions of law and sustainable development”, (jointly with M. Boeckenfoerde, G. Frankenberg), Future.Academy Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, SOAS University of London/UK (14-24 Sep 2022)

Introducing Islamic Law, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University, Vienna/Austria (14 & 16 Feb 2022)

Winter Semester 2021/22
Rechtsvergleichung [Comparative Law] (jointly with D. Hanschel and A-C. Mittwoch), Faculty of Law and Economics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle S./ Germany

Umweltrechte aus der Sicht des Völker-, Europa- und Verfassungsrechts [EnvironmentL Law] (jointly with D. Hanschel), Faculty of Law and Economics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle S./ Germany

Legal Anthropology – An Introductory Guide to Legal Pluralism, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/ Spain (18-29 Oct 2020)

Internationalised Constitution-Making – Rule-of-Law in South Sudan?, Università degli studi di Milano / Italy (21 May 2021)

Winter Semester 2020/21
Legal Anthropology - An Introductory Guide to Legal Pluralism, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/ Spain

Summer Semester 2019
Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg/Germany

Winter Semester 2017/2018
Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg, Germany

Winter Semester 2016/17
- Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg, Germany
- An International Course on Legal Pluralism, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (9-12 Dec 2015)

Winter Semester 2015/16
Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg, Germany

Winter Semester 2014/15
Introduction to Legal Anthropology, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg, Germany

Summer Semester 2014
- Translating Between Legal Cultures, jointly with Martin Ramstedt, REMEP Summer University, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (30 June - 5 July 2014)
- Kulturelle Übersetzung in der Rechtsethnologie, jointly with Martin Ramstedt, Dept. Anthropology and Philosophy, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
-Negotiating Law: Dynamics of Selection and Translation, jointly with Shakira Bedoya Sánchez, Faculty of Law, HU Berlin, Germany

Summer Semester 2012
Processes of ‘State Collapse’ and State Emergence in the Region Horn of Africa, Institute of Asian and African Studies, HU Berlin, Germany

Winter Semester 2008/09
Comparing Political and Legal Systems: Ethiopia and Germany, Dept. Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Summer Semester 2004 - 2006
Project-Seminar on Language and Education Policy in Ethiopia’, Institute of Asian and African Studies, HU Berlin, Germany

International Studies & Fieldwork

Juba (South Sudan)
06/2017 - 05/2017
Juba (South Sudan)
11/2016 - 12/2016
Nairobi (Kenya), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 
10/2015 - 11/2015
Hargeisa, Lasanod (Somaliland/Somalia) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
04/2015 - 06/2015
Juba, Rumbek (South Sudan) and Addis Ababa, Mekelle (Ethiopia)
03/2013 - 05/2013
Juba, Rumbek (South Sudan), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
03/2011 - 04/2011
Khartoum (Sudan) and Juba (South Sudan)
03/2010 - 04/2010
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
03/2009 - 05/2009
Addis Ababa, Dirre Dawa, Harar (Ethiopia), Berlin State- and DAAD-scholarship
10/2008 - 01/2009
Addis Ababa, Dirre Dawa, Harar (Ethiopia), Berlin State-scholarship
02/2008 - 08/2008
Addis Ababa, Dirre Dawa, Harar (Ethiopia), Berlin State-scholarship
08/2007 - 01/2008
Trivandrum, Kerala (India)
03/2006 - 04/2006
Ethiopia: “Education Policy”, DAAD-scholarship
08/2005 - 10/2005
Ethiopia: “Education Policy”, HU scholarship
02/2004 - 04/2004
Historical studies, Cambodia
02/2003 - 04/2003
Historical studies, Myanmar
08/1999 - 08/2000
Law Studies at University of Athens, Greece (funded by the EU)

Invited Lectures

Legal Pluralism and Coloniality: Politics of Recognition of Religious Diversity in Africa, Workshop Excellence Cluster ‘Religion and Politics, Münster University/Germany (Sep 2023)

Legal Pluralism and Coloniality; A Decolonial Inquiry, Colloquium Political Philosophy and Legal Philosophy and Legal Philosophy, Münster University (10 Nov 2022)

Internationalized constitution-making: (Un)making the rule-of-law in South Sudan, Colloquium Lets talk about Conflict, Center for Conflict Studies, Marbug/ Germany (10 Jan 2022)

Balancing Unity and Plurality: Dynamics of State Recognition of Islamic Law in Ethiopia, Annual Conference of the African Law Association on ‘Law & Islam in Africa’, jointly with Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg /Germany (12-13 Nov. 2021)

Starting with confusion will end up in confusion“ – Reflektionen zur internationalen Rechtsstaatlichkeitsförderung im Südsudan, Online-Vortragsreihe „Neue Perspektiven auf das Horn von Afrika – lokale sozial-politische Dynamiken“, WAKHVA – Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis Horn von Afrika e.V. WAKHVA (17 Jun 2021)

Mediation und Justiz aus rechtssoziologischer und rechtsanthropologischer Perspektive. Zum Verhältnis zweier semi-autonomer sozialer Felder, Public Habilitation Lecture, Faculty of Law, Economics, Business, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (10 Feb 2021) 

Travelling Law – Constitution-Making in emerging South Sudan, International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL), Oñati /Spain (29 Oct 2020)

Legal Pluralism and Contested Land Claims in the Sudan and the African Continent, Workshop 'Decentralization and Land Issues from a Comparative Perspective', Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Khartoum, Sudan (30 Apr - 4 May 2019)

Constitution-making experiences in post-colonial Africa: in search of unity in diversity?, Support to the Constitutional Reform Process in Sudan, Workshop 'Constitutional Heritage of Sudan', The National Legislature of the Republic of the Sudan and Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Khartoum, Sudan (26-28 Feb 2019)

How to deal with the interconnection of land tenure - legal pluralism - (post-)conflict in Sudan?, Support to an Inclusive Constitutional Reform in the Sudan, Workshop 'Decentralization and Land Issues from a Comparative Perspective', Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, Sudan (16-18 Oct 2018)

Eine Einführung in Rechtsstaatlichkeitsförderung-im-Kontext: Lessons Learned, Runder Tisch der Rechtsstaatlichkeitsförderung im Auswärtigen Amt, Freie Universität (RSF Hub) and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany (22 Jan 2018)

Legal Pluralism in Practice: Islamic Law in Ethiopia, Specialisation Course 'Rule of Law Toolbox for Crisis Management and Peace Operations: Concepts, Practices and Trends', Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), Berlin, Germany (3 Dec 2017)

Constitutionalising Identities: challenges and solutions in regional perspective, Workshop 'Strengthening the Rule of Law in Sudan: Analysis of Provisions of the Interim Constitution of the Republic of the Sudan of 2005 and Implementing Legislation relating to Identity', Khartoum, Sudan (17-19 Oct 2017)

Comparative Methods in legal anthropology: Thick comparison and translation as an heuristic approach for a post-comparative perspective, Public Lecture Series on 'Methodology of Comparative Disciplines Lecture', Queen Mary University London, UK (11 Oct 2017)

Reflections on Translocal Peace making: How can universal principles and particular practices meet in emerging South Sudan?, Public Lecture Series on ‘Examining Translocal Peacemaking Efforts’, Catholic University South Sudan, Juba, South Sudan (25 May 2017)

Constitution making in emerging South Sudan as Peace-Building & Rule of Law tool or The illusion of constitutional pluralism in the age of modelled ‘post conflict’ constitution making, Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (9 Dec 2016)

Staatsbegriff und Staatlichkeit im Kontext pluraler Rechtswirklichkeiten am Horn von Afrika, Institute of Anthropology, Leipzig University, Germany (Jun 2016)

Is a constitutional pluralism a illusion in the age of manufactured (‘post conflict’) constitution making? The case of emerging South Sudan, University College Roosevelt, Middelburg, Netherlands (8 Apr 2016)

Insights into Legal Anthropology: state legal pluralism in Ethiopia - a balancing act?, Nugaal University, Laascaanood, Somaliland (8 Nov 2015)

Constitutional Recognition of Islamic law and Sharia courts in Ethiopia, Faculty of Law, University of Hargeisa, Hargeisa, Somaliland (14 Nov 2015)

The Emerging State of South Sudan - Quo vadis? - Constitution making efforts in the context of legal pluralism, Werkstattgespräche, Law and Society Institute, HU Berlin, Germany (7 Jul 2015)

Secularism, Religion and "Accommodating Diversity": Ethiopia's constitutional recognition of Islamic law and Sharia courts, Forum of Political Science and Strategic Studies and Mekelle University Wray Witten Law Forum, College of Law and Governance, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia (12 Jun 2015)

The Disorders of "the Rule of Law": South Sudan's Constitution-Making Processes, Horn of Africa Seminar, African Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK (10 Mar 2015)

Presentations at Conferences

Governance of Plural Land Tenure: African Experiences, Seminar on Building Constitutional Governance in South Sudan , Juba University/South Sudan (23-24 May 2023)

Decentering Theories: Connections, Loose Ends, and the Way Ahead, Conference on Decentering Theories: Intellectual Philosophy, Comparitive Political Theory, Postcolonial Studies and Decolonial Throught in Dialogue, University Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz/Germany (25 Jun 2022)

Postcolonial reading of peace mediation in African conflict settings: lessons learned for inclusive-transformative approaches, Global Meeting on Law & Society, Rage, Reckoning, & Remedy, Lisbon/ Portugal (13-16 Jul 2022)

Constitutional Experiments in Post-Colonial Africa: In Search of ‘Unity in Diversity’?, Challenging the Rule of Law: The African Laboratory, Conference of the African Studies Association on Africa challenges (7 Jun 2021)

Constitutionalising Diversity as Tool for Balancing ‘Unity and Diversity’, Summer Course on Constitution Building in Africa, Workshop on Updates on recent national developments, CEU Budapest/Hungary (5 Jul 2019)

Constitution-making in a Globalised Plural Legal Order: A Legal Anthropological Perspective, Conference Oxford Handbook of Law & Anthropology, Harnack-Haus, Berlin, Germany (30 Nov - 2 Dec 2018)

On the production of constitutional sentiments in the internationalised constitution making in South Sudan. A constitution of the people?, Conference on Sentiments of Justice in Africa: Sensing the Normative at Shifting Scales, Berlin, Germany (26-28 Sep 2018)

Rule of Law promotion in translation: technologies of legal knowledge transfer in emerging South Sudan’s constitution making, Workshop Translation in World Politics, Potsdam University, Germany, 27-28 Oct 2016 (27 Oct 2016)

Constitutional-recognised Islamic Law and Sharia Courts in Ethiopia: State Attempts to Co-regulate the Highly Contested Family Law Arena, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Legal Pluralism in Muslim Context, Exzellenzcluster Religion und Politik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, 6-7 Oct 2016 (7 Oct 2016)

The President’s tenure extension via the Transitional Constitution, 2011 (Amendment Bill, 2015) – Mission accomplished and impossible, Summer Course on Constitution Building in Africa, Mid-course Workshop on Updates on recent national developments, CEU Budapest, Hungary, 16-18 Jul 2016 (17 Jul 2016)

Rule of Law Promotion from a plural legal perspective: How to integrate local knowledge and expertise?, Rechtspluralismus statt Institutionenexport: Lokale Ansätze und Akteure in der Rechtsstaatlichkeitszusammenarbeit, Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie, Loccum, Germany (8-10 Jun 2016)

Heterogenität normativer Ordnungen: Wessen Recht gilt es zu erhalten?, Neue Konflikte, neue Friedensethik?, Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, Germany (26-28 Feb 2016)

African Courts: Actors, Institutional Developments and Governance II, Point Sud Workshop “Courts in Africa II”, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (20-24 Feb 2016)

Perspektiven der Entwicklungskooperation: Reflections on Emerging South Sudan‘s Ownership in light of the ‚Development Industry‘, Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung zur Strukturentwicklung im Südsudan, Universität Erfurt, Germany, 22-23 Jan 2016 (23 Jan 2016)

Security activities of external actors in Africa: trends and challenges, UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (23 Apr 2015)

11th Annual Expert Meeting on Regional Security Policy at the Greater Horn of Africa, FES/SWP, Nairobi, Kenya (3-4 Nov 2015)

‘Rule of Law promotion: technologies of legal knowledge transfer in emerging South Sudan’, International Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (14-16 Dec 2015)

‘Rule of Law promotion in South Sudan: Reflections on its promises and its effects’, Session: Diffusion, Transfer und Übersetzung von Recht, Die Versprechungen des Rechts, 9-11 Sep 2015 (10 Sep 2015)

‘Verfassungsrechtlich anerkanntes islamisches Recht und die Scharia-Gerichtsbarkeit in Äthiopien: Ein prozeduraler Ansatz?’, Session: Rule of Law als Maßstab für nicht-staatliche Rechtssysteme?, Die Versprechungen des Rechts, 9-11 Sep 2015 (11 Sep 2015)

‘Confronting Challenges in the Context of Constitution Building in Africa. The Case of South Sudan’, International Conference on Constitution Building in Africa, CEU Budapest, Hungary, 22-25 Jul 2015 (24 Jul 2015)

‘State Formation through Constitution-Making in Emerging South Sudan: Unpacking the Technicity of the Rule of Law’, Conference Justice in Sudan and South Sudan, Law School, Durham University, UK (15-16 Dec 2014)

‘State Formation through Constitution-Making in Emerging South Sudan: Unpacking the Technicity of the Rule of Law’, Annual Conference of the African Law Association, jointly with Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany (7-8 Nov 2014)

‘Constitutional Recognition of Islamic law and Sharia Courts in Ethiopia: Towards a procedural approach?’, Jour Fixe Balancing Religious Accommodation and Human Rights in Constitutional Frameworks, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld, Germany (22 Jul 2014)

‘Constitution-making in Emerging South Sudan: Towards a Constitution of "Zol Meskin"?’, Workshop Constitution Building in Africa, CEU, Budapest, Hungary (4-6 Jul 2014)

‘Negotiation Normative Spaces: Introductory Thoughts’, Workshop Negotiation Normative Spaces: Insights from and into African Judicial Encounters, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (7-9 Nov 2013)

‘Bargaining Chips: Special Courts and Mobile Courts in South Sudan’, Workshop Negotiation Normative Spaces: Insights from and into African Judicial Encounters, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (7-9 Nov 2013)

‘Emerging South Sudan: Negotiating Statehood: An Introduction’ (jointly with Timm Sureau), Workshop Emerging South Sudan: Negotiating Statehood, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (22-24 Sep 2013)

‘The Potential of Constitutional Recognition of Religious and Local Normative and Judicial Orders: Insights from Ethiopia and South Sudan’, IUAES/Commission on Legal Pluralism Conference Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds, Manchester, UK (5-10 Aug 2013)

‘Negotiating South Sudanese "Nationality": Diversity & Unity Strategies in Translation’, Law & Society Meeting Power, Privilege, and the Pursuit of Justice: Legal Challenges in Precarious Time, Boston, USA (30 May - 2 Jun 2013)

‘State-recognized Sharia Courts in Ethiopia: State Attempts to Co-regulate the Highly Contested Family Law Arena’, 5th European Conference on African Studies, African Dynamics in a Multipolar World, Lisbon, Portugal (27-29 Jun 2013)

‘South Sudan on the Cross-Roads: How the State Attempts to build on "Local Knowledge"’, 50th Anniversary Conference of the Centre of African Studies: Cutting Edges and Retrospectives, Edinburgh, GB (6-8 Jun 2012)

‘The Current State of Research on Contemporary Islam in Ethiopia: A Critical Assessment’, III. Forschungskolloquium zum Horn von Afrika, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany (20-21 Aug 2010)

‘Secularism and State-recognised Legal Pluralism in Ethiopia: Relationship between Islamic and State Law’, Conference Secularism, Nationalism and Human Rights. Law and Politics in in Middle East and Europe, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (20-21 Dec 2009)

‘Relationship between Islamic Administration of Justice and State Law in Ethiopia’, XVII International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2-6 Nov 2009)

‘Changes in Ethiopia’s Language and Education Policy – Pioneering Reforms?, XVI International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Trondheim, Norway (2-7 Jul 2007)

‘Wandel in der äthiopischen Sprach- und Bildungspolitik im Kontext der UN Millennium Development Goals’, Informationstagung des Deutsch-Äthiopischen-Vereines, Kassel, Germany (Mar 2007)

Organization of and Participation in Conferences


Workshop on Legal Pluralism  and Coloniality: Politics of Recognition of Religious Diversity in Africa (jointly with Franziska Dübgen), Excellence Cluster ‘Religion & Politics’, Münster University/Germany (Sep 2023)

Panel on ‘Legal Aspects on the Protection of African Cultural Heritage’ (co-organization), Annual Meeting of the African Law Association at Afrikanist*innentag 2023: Im/materielles Erbe neu kalibriert, Leipzig University/Germany (May 2022)

Panel on Decolonisation of Plural Legal Orders (jointly with M. Ramstedt), Global Meeting on Law & Society, Rage, Reckoning, & Remedy, Lisbon/ Portugal (13-16 Jul 2022)

Annual Conference of the African Law Association on Towards a New World Trade Order: Perspectives on Africa, jointly with University of Münster, Germany (9-10 Nov 2018)

Runder Tisch der Rechtsstaatlichkeitsförderung zu Nichtstaatliche Akteure der Rechtsstaatlichkeitsförderung [Non-state actors and Role of Law promotion], jointly Freie Universität (RSF Hub) and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany (22 Jan 2018)

Law for Development: Strengthening Social Protection Systems in Africa, Annual Conference of the African Law Association, jointly with Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin, Germany (11-12 Nov 2016)

Young Research on the Horn of Africa Workshop, Horn of Africa Research Association (WAKHVA) jointly with ZMO, Berlin, Germany (12 Sep 2016)

Rechtspluralismus statt Institutionenexport: Lokale Ansätze und Akteure in der Rechtsstaatlichkeitszusammenarbeit, jointly Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research and Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Germany (8-10 Jun 2016)

'Legal Transfers to Africa', Annual Conference of the African Law Association, jointly with Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode, Germany (6-7 Nov 2015)

'Law and Development' in Africa: Between Empowerment and Conditionality. Annual Conference of the African Law Association, jointly with Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany (7-8 Nov 2014)

Normative Spaces in Africa. 40th Anniversary Conference of the African Law Association, jointly with African Law Association, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (8-9 Nov 2013)

Negotiation Normative Spaces: Insights from and into African Judicial Encounters, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (7-8 Nov 2013)

Emerging South Sudan: Negotiating Statehood, jointly with Timm Sureau, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (22-24 Sep 2013)

38th Annual Conference 2012 of the African Law Association, Institute of African Studies, HU Berlin, Germany (9-10 Nov 2012)

Borders and Border Crossing – New Perspectives on the Horn of Africa, The Horn of Africa Research Association (WAKHVA), ZMO, Berlin, Germany (30 Sep - 1 Oct 2011)

On Results in Ethiopia’s Language & Education Policy, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (6-7 Apr 2006)


Legal Aspects on the Protection of African Cultural Heritage, Annual Meeting of the African Law Association at Afrikanist*innentag 2023: Im/materielles Erbe neu kalibriert, Leipzig University/Germany (May 2022)

Roundtable on Rule of Law Support. Towards Postcolonial , People-Centered and Intersectional Approaches. Considering Feminist Perspectives on Rule of Law Support, Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin/Germany (Feb 2023)

BMZ- Conversations on the Promotion of Democracy and Rule of Law, Ministry for Development, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin / Germany (9 Mar 2022)

Runder Tisch der Rechtsstaatsförderung zu ‚Rechtsstaatsförderung nach Umbrüchen‘, Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin/ Germany (25 Nov 2021)

BMZ Conversations on the Promotion of Democracy and Rule of Law, The Progress on SDG16 in light of International IDEA’s “Global State of Democracy Report” 2021, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development,  Berlin (30 Sep 2021)

Expert Meeting South Sudan - after the peace - again, SWP Berlin, Germany (15 Nov 2018)

Runder Tisch der Rechtsstaatsförderung zu Niedrigschwelliger Zugang zu Recht, jointly Freie Universität (RSF Hub) and the Federal Office, Berlin, Germany (14 Dec 2018)

Workshop The Gulf / Horn of Africa and Red Sea Region, Berlin, Germany (15 Dec 2017)

International Conference Futures of Global Cooperation, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg, Germany (8-10 Nov 2017)

Expert group Meeting on Transitional Justice and Atrocity Prevention, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland (13-14 Nov 2017)

Zugehörigkeiten: Affektive, moralische und politische Praxen in einer vernetzten Welt, DGV, FU Berlin, Germany (5 Oct 2017)

Rule of Law & Supporting Legitimate Governance Structures, Tschadseeregion Senior Officers Meeting, Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Berlin, Germany (6 Sep 2017)

Global Peacebuilder Summit, Berlin, Germany (11 Sep 2017)

1. Internationale Abschlusskonferenz des DFG Sonderforschungsbereiches 700 Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit, Freie University Berlin, Germany (22-24 Jun 2017)

12. Regionale Konferenz zu Frieden & Sicherheit am Horn von Afrika: Towards an Agenda for Collective Security in the Horn of Africa, FES/ SWP, Nairobi, Kenia (31 Oct - 2 Nov 2016)

Negotiating Humanitarian Action on the Frontlines, First Annual Meeting of Frontline Humanitarian Negotiators and Mediators, Geneva, Switzerland (25-26 Oct 2016)

11th Annual Expert Meeting on Regional Security Policy at the Greater Horn of Africa, FES/SWP, Nairobi, Kenia (3-4 Nov 2015)

Security activities of external actors in Africa: trends and challenges, UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (23 Apr 2015)

Pursuing Justice in Africa Conference, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (27-28 Mar 2015)

Deutschland als Vermittler – Friedensmediation und Mediation Support in der deutschen Außenpolitik, Federal Foreign Office/Initiative Mediation Support in Germany (25 Nov 2014)

National Reconciliation and Peace Making in Sudan: Challenges and Opportunities, Roundtable, Berghof Foundation, Berlin, Germany (22 Aug 2014)

European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) 2014 Biennial Conference ‘Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution: innovation and continuity in an interconnected world’, Tallinn, Estonia (1-3 Aug 2014)

Sudan and South Sudan: Two Countries, One System?, DGAP/MICT, Berlin, Germany (25 Apr 2014)

Südsudan: fragiler Staat am Abgrund?, Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Berlin, Germany (6 Mar 2014)

States, Citizens, and Conflicts: Governance Despite the State in the Horn of Africa, Friedrich Ebert Foundation/SWP, Berlin, Germany (29-30 Oct 2013)

On Mediation: Forms, Models and Theories, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (11-12 Oct 2013)

Transitional Justice in the Somali Setting: Insights from the Horn of Africa and the Diaspora, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (12-13 Aug 2013)

Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises für Überseeische Verfassungsvergleichung, Freie University Berlin, Germany (5-7 Jul 2013)

Interrelated Conflicts in a Northeast Africa Border Region (Azomia 1), Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (14-16 Feb 2013)

Temporalities of Law, Conference, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Halle (Saale), Germany (28-30 Nov 2012)

Legal Transformation in North Africa and Decentralization in Africa, African Law Association, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany (4-5 Nov 2011)

Decision Making on Pluralist Normative Ground: On the Governance of Disparate Tradition, Religious and Statutory Laws in Pluralist Societies, Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Berlin, Germany (17-19 May 2011)

Formelles/Informelles Recht und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen in Afrika, African Law Association, University of Leipzig, Germany (5-6 Nov 2010)

Elections and Conflict Management in Africa, Roundtable Workshop, Institute for Security Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (19 Jun 2008)

On the Success and Future Perspective of the African Union and their Instruments, Institute for Security Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (21-22 Mar 2008)

Darfur and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan, Addis Ababa University/Cornell University/Fordham University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (21-22 Feb 2008)

Divided They Stand: The Affordance of State Borders in the Horn of Africa, Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (7-8 Sep 2006)

Membership in Professional Associations

African Law Association (ALA), Board Member
Commission on Legal Pluralism (CLP)
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL), Board Member, Working Group “Legal Pluralism”
Law and Society Association (LSA)
The Horn of Africa Research Association (WAKHVA), Board Member
United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN)


German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Greek (basics)
Amharic (basics)
Swahili (basics)
Russian (basics)
Arabic (basics)

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