Journal Article (16)
Journal Article
Eidson, John R., Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus Virgil Hoehne, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, and Olaf Zenker. 2017. From identification to framing and alignment: a new approach to the comparative analysis of collective identities. Current Anthropology 58(3): 340–351. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2016. Anthropology on trial: exploring the laws of anthropological expertise. International Journal of Law in Context 12(3): 293–311. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2015. South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele. Journal of Southern African Studies 41(5): 1019–1034. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2015. De-judicialization, outsourced review and all too flexible bureaucracies in South African land restitution. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 33(1): 81–96. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf and . 2015. Homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends - an introduction. Journal of Southern African Studies 41(5): 937–952. DOI:
Journal Article
Olaf Zenker. 2014. Transition and justice: an introduction. Development and Change 45(3): 395–414. DOI:
and 7.
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2014. Linguistic relativity and dialectical idiomatization: language ideologies and second language acquisition in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 24(1): 63–83. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2014. New law against an old state: land restitution as a transition to justice in post-apartheid South Africa? Development and Change 45(3): 502–523. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2013. Landreform in Südafrika: die Neuauflage der Landrückerstattung setzt falsche Akzente. Afrika-Bulletin 151: 6–7. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2012. On prophets, godfathers, rebels, and prostitutes: distributed agency in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 137(1): 23–45.
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2011. Autochthony, ethnicity, indigeneity and nationalism: time-honouring and state-oriented modes of rooting individual-territory-group triads in a globalizing world. Critique of Anthropology 31(1): 63–81.
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2010. Between the lines: Republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict. Social Science and Medicine 71(2): 236–243. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2009. Autochthony and activism among contemporary Irish nationalists in Northern Ireland, or: if "civic" nationalists are "ethno"-cultural revivalists, what remains of the civic/ethnic divide? Nations and Nationalism 15(4): 696–715. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2009. Reply: response to Joep Leerssen. Nations and Nationalism 15(4): 720–722. DOI:
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2009. Kommentar zu Christian Meyer und Nikolaus Schareika "Neoklassische Feldforschung: die mikroskopische Untersuchung sozialer Ereignisse als ethnographische Methode". Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 134(1): 107–109.
Journal Article
Zenker, Olaf. 2006. De facto exclusion through discursive inclusion: autochthony in discourses on Irishness and politics in Catholic West Belfast. Paideuma 52: 183–195.
Book Chapter (14)
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf, Timm Sureau, and Thomas Goetzelmann. 2023. Digital infrastructuring as institutional affect(ing) in German migration management. In: , Sandra Calkins, , and (eds.). Affect, Power, and Institutions. Routledge Studies in Affective Societies. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 105–124.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, , Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker. 2022. Introduction: mapping the field of law and anthropology. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, , Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–15.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2022. Politics of belonging. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, , Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 772–791.
Book Chapter
Vetters, Larissa and Olaf Zenker. 2021. "Diversität" in der deutschen Migrationsverwaltung: zur Domestizierung von Pluralität. In: and (eds.). Umkämpfte Vielfalt: affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung. Frankfurt; New York: Campus, pp. 66–94.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2018. Bush-level bureaucrats in South African land restitution: implementing state law under chiefly rule. In: Olaf Zenker and Markus Virgil Hoehne (eds.). The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. Cultural Diversity and Law. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 41–63.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2018. Why the individual must be defended - seemingly against all anthropological odds. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, , and (eds.). Personal autonomy in plural societies: a principle and its paradoxes. 1. ed. Law and Anthropology. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 98–111.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2018. Land restitution (old and new), neotraditionalism, and the contested values of land justice in South Africa. In: and (eds.). Pursuing justice in Africa: competing imaginaries and contested practices. 1. ed. Cambridge Centre of African Studies Series. Athens: Ohio University Press, pp. 243–263.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2018. Language and identity. In: (ed.). The international encyclopedia of anthropology 7. Hoboken; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 3616–3622.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf and Markus Virgil Hoehne. 2018. Processing the paradox: when the state has to deal with customary law. In: Olaf Zenker and Markus Virgil Hoehne (eds.). The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. Cultural Diversity and Law. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–40.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2017. South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele. In: Olaf Zenker and (eds.). South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era. New York: Routledge, pp. 83–98.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2015. Failure by the numbers?: settlement statistics as indicators of state performance in South African land restitution. In: Richard Rottenburg, , Sung-Joon Park, and Johanna Mugler (eds.). A world of indicators: the making of governmental knowledge through quantification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 102–126.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2012. The juridification of political protest and the politicisation of legalism in South African land restitution. In: Julia Eckert, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell, and Zerrin Özlem Biner (eds.). Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 118–146.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf. 2010. Language matters: reflexive notes on representing the Irish language revival in Catholic West Belfast. In: Olaf Zenker and (eds.). Beyond writing culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices. New York: Berghahn, pp. 121–138.
Book Chapter
Zenker, Olaf and . 2010. Prologue: opening doors beyond Writing Culture. In: Olaf Zenker and (eds.). Beyond writing culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–38.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Zenker, Olaf. Irish/ness is all around us: the Irish language and Irish identity in Catholic West Belfast. PhD Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.
Working Paper (5)
Working Paper
Zenker, Olaf. 2014. White claimants and the moral community of South African land restitution. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 151.
Working Paper
Zenker, Olaf. 2012. The indicatorisation of South African land restitution. BAB Working Paper/Basler Afrika Bibliographien(1). Basel: BAB.
Working Paper
Zenker, Olaf. 2011. Land restitution and transitional justice in post-apartheid South Africa. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 134. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Working Paper
Donahoe, Brian, John Eidson, Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus V. Hoehne, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, and Olaf Zenker. 2009. The formation and mobilization of collective identities in situations of conflict and integration. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 116.
Working Paper
Zenker, Olaf. 2009. Between the lines of socio-cultures of trauma: republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 115.
Issue (2)
Zenker, Olaf and . 2015. Homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends. Journal of Southern African Studies 41(5).
Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2014. Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa. Development and Change 45(3).
and Other (2)
Zenker, Olaf. 2014. Writing culture. Oxford Bibliographies. DOI:
Zenker, Olaf. 2005. Irische Identitäten und irische Sprache im Spannungsfeld von Diskurs und Praxis im katholischen West-Belfast, Nord-Irland. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Book Review (3)
Book Review
Zenker, Olaf. 2014. Melancholia of freedom: social life in an Indian township in South Africa. Thomas Blom Hansen. 2012. American Ethnologist 41(2): 384–385.
Book Review
Zenker, Olaf. 2010. Kapferer, Bruce and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (eds.). 2009. Crisis of the State. War and Social Upheaval. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. 320 pp. Anthropological Notebooks 16(2).
Book Review
Zenker, Olaf. 2008. Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Richard Jenkins: Flag, nation and symbolism in Europe and America. Anthropological Notebooks 14(1): 123–124.
Collected Edition (6)
Collected Edition
Foblets, Marie-Claire, , Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2022. The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Collected Edition
Zenker, Olaf and Markus Virgil Hoehne (eds.). 2018. The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. Cultural Diversity and Law. London; New York: Routledge.
Collected Edition
Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2017. Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: zur affektiven und emotionalen Legitimität von Normen. EmotionsKulturen 3. Bielefeld: transcript.
and 47.
Collected Edition
Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2017. South African homelands as frontiers: apartheid’s loose ends in the postcolonial era. London; New York: Routledge.
and 48.
Collected Edition
Olaf Zenker (eds.). 2015. Transition and justice: negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa. Development and Change. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
and 49.
Collected Edition
Zenker, Olaf and (eds.). 2010. Beyond writing culture: current intersections of epistemologies and representational practices. New York: Berghahn.
Monograph (3)
Zenker, Olaf. 2013. Irish/ness is all around us: language revivalism and the culture of ethnic identity in Northern Ireland. Integration and Conflict Studies 6. New York: Berghahn.
Zenker, Olaf. 2004. Techniken zur kommunikativen Herstellung von Gruppenzugehörigkeit: eine Gesprächsanalyse über Imagearbeit bei Obdachlosen. Berlin:
Zenker, Olaf. 2001. Ethnizität und politischer Aktivismus: eine Fallstudie über drei jugendliche Aussiedler in Hamburg. München: GRIN Verlag.
Interview (1)
Zenker, Olaf. 2021. 10 questions for Olaf Zenker. Interview by Stefan Schwendtner. The Alumni Interview. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.