

Since October 2015
Ph.D candidate in the International Max Planck Research School for the Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Eurasia (IMPRS ANARCHIE)

Research project: “Alexander’s heirs in India – Graeco-Macedonian rule in Pakistan and North-Western India after Menander I Soter”
Supervisor: Stefan Pfeiffer

March 2004
Heidelberg University: MA in Classical Archaeology, Egyptology and Ancient History

MA thesis: “Bilder aus Baktrien. Untersuchungen zu den Münzbildern der griechischen Herrscher im heutigen Afghanistan“ (Pictures from Bactria. Studies in the coin iconography of the Greek kings of nowadays Afghanistan)
Supervisor: Tonio Hölscher

Teaching Experience

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Winter term 2015/2016
Cleopatra and her sisters – Hellenistic queens ("Hellenistische Herrscherfrauen. Kleopatra und ihre Schwestern", freshman seminar)

Summer term 2015
Roman History in Livy’s work ("Römische Geschichte im Geschichtswerk des Titus Livius", freshman seminar)

Winter term 2014/2015
Julian the Apostate – The last pagan emperor ("Iulian Apostata", freshman seminar)
The “Res Gestae Divi Saporis” ("Die Res Gestae Divi Saporis", graduate reading course Greek and Parthian)

Summer term 2014
Zeus and the Buddha – Greek culture in Central Asia ("Zeus und Buddha - Griechische Kultur in Zentralasien", graduate seminar)

Winter term 2013/2014
Greek vs. Roman – Alexander the Great and Caesar in the parallel vitae of Plutarch ("Grieche vs. Römer. Alexander der Große imd Gaius Iulius Caesar in der Parallelbiographie des Plutarch", freshman seminar)

Summer term 2013
The age of the soldier-emperors ("Die Zeit der Soldatenkaiser", freshman seminar)

University of Hamburg

Winter term 2008-2009
Ancient numismatics for Archaeologists (graduate seminar)

Summer term 2008
Ancient ceramics, Identification and ancient contexts (graduate seminar)

Winter term 2007-2008
The Ptolemies of Egypt and the Attalids of Pergamon - A comparison (graduate seminar)

Language Skills

German – native
English – fluent
French – reading knowledge
Italian – reading knowledge
Greek – reading knowledge
Persian – reading knowledge
Ancient Greek
Old Hebrew
Middle Egyptian
Parthian / Middle Persian

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