News from the Research Group
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Spot On | Michael Fürstenberg – The Collective Learning of a Transnational Right-Wing Extremist Community
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper 210
December 2022
“Communities of Hateful Practice: The collective learning of accelerationist right-wing extremists, with a case study of the Halle synagogue attack” by Michael Fürstenberg
Space, Place and Identity - Wodaabe of Niger in the 21st Century
29 November 2022
Florian Köhler talks about the Wodaabe, which are nown as highly mobile cattle nomads in Niger and a transformation process towards a more diversified livelihood based primarily on agro-pastoralism and urban work migration in this podcast with New Books Network.
Gehen oder Bleiben?
November 2022
Never staying in one place for long - this has always been the daily life of the Wodaabe, a traditionally nomadic population group in Niger. But since the 1980s, more and more of them have been settling in cities to work.
In his dissertation project, which is printed in the new Max Planck Forschung (3/2022), Florian Köhler observed how the lives of the Wodaabe have changed.
You can find out more about this project in the podcast. (in German)
Communities of hateful practice – How right-wing terrorism is collectively learning online
26 September - 27 September 2022
Michael Fürstenberg presented at the 7th Max Planck Symposium for Alumni and Early Career Researchers 2022 at Harnack Haus in Berlin.
Wie lernen Terroristen voneinander?
Christchurch, Halle, Hanau: What distinguishes these attacks from other right-wing terrorist crimes such as the NSU terrorist group's series of murders, among others, is networking - which today often takes place in Internet forums and online communities. Michael Fürstenberg knows how the perpetrators collectively learn from each other online. (in German)
“Staatlich geförderter Terrorismus – Das Sponsoren-Dilemma“
German Book Chapter (p. 235 - 247) by Dr. Michael Fürstenberg, published in Terrorismusforschung - Interdisziplinäres Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (Ed. Liane Rothenberger, Joachim Krause, Jannis Jost, und Kira Frankenthal), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2022.
Discussing science: Truth - What Can You Still Believe?
Dr. Carolin Görzig, Prof. Christian Doeller (MPI CBS), Prof. Ralph Hertwig (MPI for Educational Research) and moderator Lilo Berg will answer this and many other exciting questions from the audience to science in the Forum of Contemporary History Leipzig.
Regine Schwab Receives 2022 Christiane Rajewsky Award
The German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies has named Regine Schwab as winner of the 2022 Christiane Rajewsky Award for her dissertation “Let’s fight each other another day: How armed opposition groups managed challenges to cooperation and postponed conflict in Syria’s multiparty civil war (2012-2019)”. Schwab was a doctoral candidate in the Max Planck Research Group “How ‘Terrorists’ Learn” from 2016 to 2020.
The Amaury Talbot Prize for African Anthropology
Florian Köhler receives the Amaury Talbot Prize of the Royal Anthropological Institute for his book Space, Place and Identity: Wodaabe of Niger in the 21st Century (Berghahn Books).
Rätsel Terrorismus - Ein Blick in die Black Box
Dr. Carolin Görzig talks in „Rätsel Terrorismus - Ein Blick in die Black Box“ about the myths and findings on terrorism in the lecture series „Science and Alternative Facts IX“, organised by the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (in German language).
500 Dollar und eine Kalaschnikow: Wie Terroristen vom Klimawandel profitieren
Article in Tagesspiegel with interview contributions from Florian Köhler
Authors: Paul Starzmann and Cordula Eubel
What explains the resilience of Muslim Brotherhood movements? An analysis of Hamas’ organizing strategies
Article by Imad Alsoos in Mediterranean Politics
Igor Matviyets spricht mit Michael Fürstenberg über Terrorismus
2 May 2021
A talk about the attack on the Halle synagogue and new developments in right-wing terrorism (in German)
Generation Z and Terrorism
Women joining violent Islamist non-state actors in Syria and Iraq: the case of Central Asia
February 2021
Book chapter by Almakan Orozobekova published in: Goldstone, J. A., Alimi, E. Y., Ozeren, S., Cubukcu, S. (Eds.): From Territorial Defeat to Global ISIS: Lessons Learned. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, 151. IOS Press.
Structures of Terror
Radio interview with Carolin Görzig
Einsicht unter Druck: Deradikalisierung im Gefängnis
November 2020
Article by Carolin Görzig in the Justice newsletter no. 32 from the Führungsakademie im Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges
Localizing Scientific Advice: The Role of Terrorism Research in German State Policymaking
Internship report by Leo Bauer
"Woran arbeiten Sie gerade, Carolin Görzig?" Radio interview Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Interview with Carolin Görzig, by Nicole Dittmer
Die Generation Z und die fünfte Welle des Terrorismus
Article by Carolin Görzig in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
Integration of Muslim Immigrants in Europe and North America: A Transatlantic Comparison
Article by Saltanat Liebert, Mona H. Siddiqui and Carolin Görzig in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Gefangen im Kopf
June 2020
Interview with Carolin Görzig in fluter - the youth magazine of the Federal Center for Civic Education
Interview with Carolin Görzig about mechanisms of political violence
Interview in P.M. Magazine
Feldforschung unter Terroristen
July 2020
Interview with Carolin Görzig in the M.I.T. journal Technology Review
Space, place and identity: Wodaabe of Niger in the 21st century
Monograph by Florian Köhler, published as part of the series Integration and Conflict Studies. New York; Oxford: Berghahn.
Learning in a Double Loop: The Strategic Transformation of Al-Qaeda
February 2020
Article by Michael Fürstenberg and Carolin Görzig in Perspectives on Terrorism
Strukturen des modernen Rechtsextremismus
MDR Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Radio interview with Carolin Görzig
Terror nach Anleitung
Article in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of 18 February 2020 (Central German Newspaper) with input from Michael Fürstenberg
Ortsbesuch nach Razzia bei mutmaßlichem Terroristen
MDR Sachsen-Anhalt Heute
TV interview with Michael Fürstenberg
Wie wird man zum Terroristen?
MDR Aktuell
Radio interview with Carolin Görzig
Die Muster des Terrors
Article in the MaxPlanckForschung, Magazine 4/2019
Radio interview with Carolin Görzig on the workshop "Is Terrorist Learning Different?"
Radio interview with Michael Fürstenberg on the terror attacks in Halle
MDR Jump
Interview with Michael Fürstenberg, by Bernadette Hirschfelder
Recherche bei Terroristen - Carolin Görzig aus Halle sucht nach den Ursachen von Gewalt
Article in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of 30 July 2019 (Central German Newspaper)
Jung & Naiv: Episode 407
Carolin Görzig talks to Tilo Jung about her terrorism research:
What is terrorism anyway? Is there state terrorism? How do we differentiate between terrorists? What do right-wing extremists and jihadists have in common?
(interview in German)
Wir tappen immer noch im Dunkeln
Carolin Görzig has been setting up a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle since August 2015. She wants to better understand how terrorist organizations learn from their mistakes and successes and what impact this has on their tactical, operational and strategic decisions. We talked to her about the research project, field research and the difficulty of contacting terrorists.
"Wie lernen Terroristen", Research at the Max Planck Institute
MDR Sachsen / MDR Info
Interview with Carolin Görzig, by Theo M. Lies
Wie lernen Terrorgruppen?
Interview with Carolin Görzig, by Mike Sattler