Curriculum Vitae
Doctorate in Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen within the ERC Research project: Knowing From The Inside (KFI). Dissertation: “Crafting Lives in Brussel: Making and Mobility on the Margins.”
Masterclass at Sound/Image/Culture (SIC, Brussels).
MA in Visual Anthropology at the University of Manchester/UK Thesis Title (Film): Men at work.
MA (Magistra der Philosophie) in Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna. Thesis Title: “Repräsentationen und Gegenstrategien tunesischer Frauen” (Representations and counter-strategies of Tunisian women).
BA in Teaching German as a Foreign Language at the University of Vienna.
Professional Activities
2022 - 2023 (Winter Semester)
Guest professorship at the Film university Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (Department Film and Science)
2022 - 2023 (Winter Semester)
Lecturer at the Martin Luther University Halle, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Halle/ DE
2020 - 2021 (Winter Semester)
Lecturer at the Martin Luther University Halle, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Halle/ DE
2020 - 2021 (Winter Semester)
Lecturer at the Martin Luther University Halle, Department of Media- and Communication Studies, Halle/ DE
Postdoctoral researcher at the independent Max Planck research group “Alpine Histories of Global Change: Time, Self and the Other in the German-Speaking Alpine Region”
Academic Grants/Scholarships
Wenner-Gren Foundation/ EASA Travel Grant
Siegfried Ludwig-Fonds for Studying Abroad, Lower Austrian Federal Chancellery
Dissertation grant as part of the ERC funded research project Knowing From The Inside (KFI), University of Aberdeen
Principal’s Excellence Fund, University of Aberdeen
Postgraduate Fellowship Programme, European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS)
Bruno Kreisky Europastipendium
Short-term grant abroad (KWA) for fieldwork in Tunisia from the University of Vienna
Visual Media Grants and Awards
Artist in Residence Grant in Paliano (IT), Lower Austrian Federal Chancellery
Project Grant for ‘Container’ – Remembering Temporary Homes, Vierviertelfestival NÖ, Lower Austrian Federal Chancellery
Project Development Grant for Invisible Brussels, Online Platform developed as part of the Dissertation, Austrian Federal Chancellery – BKA.
Distribution Grant for the Documentary Essay Film Red Earth White Snow [71 Min.], Otto Mauer Fonds for Art and Science and City of St.Pölten
Film Production Grant for the Documentary Essay Film Red Earth White Snow [71 Min.], Austrian Federal Chancellery (BKA), Lower Austrian Federal Chancellery, Zukunftsfond Österreich, ORF Innovative Film
Anerkennungspreis Kunstfilm (Young Artist Award, category: Artfilm), Lower Austrian Federal Chancellery
Juryprice: Best Film (A Letter to Mohamed), Sorrento Film Festival
Young Artist Scholarship for Innovative Films, Austrian Federal Chancellery
September 2022
Field Trip to Austria
The research group "Alpine Histories of Global Change" is in Schlanders/Silandro, Italy.
Ethnographic field research in Lower Austria using storytelling and visual ethnographic methods for ‘Container – remembering temporary homes’ (forthcoming).
Ethnographic field research in Brussels using participant observation, apprenticeship-participation and life storytelling for the dissertation ‘Crafting Lives in Brussels: Making and Mobility on the Margins’.
Ethnographic field research with highway workers in Lower Austria using participant observation and visual ethnographic methods for the MA thesis ‘Men at work’.
Ethnographic field research in Tunis, Tunisia for the MA-thesis ‘Repräsentationen und Gegenstrategien tunesischer Frauen (Representations and counterstrategies of Tunisian Women)’ using participant observation and in-depth interviews.
Presentations at Conferences and Workshops (Selection of most recent)
17 & 18. September 2022
„Political Ecologies of the Ancestral Present“
Christine Moderbacher participates in the workshop „Political Ecologies of the Ancestral Present“ in Carisolo, Italy
15 September 2022
Crafting Essays on Life: Reflections on multimodal approaches and renditions of anthropological research. Presentation by Christine Moderbacher within the context of the Online Seminar Series: Visual Essays/ Anthrovision Special Issue.
September 2019
“On Using Tools that Match our Task. Reflections on multimodal approaches and renditions of anthropological research through the Online Platform Invisible Brussels”
Presentation at the VANEASA Workshop Crafting the Future of the Visual Essay. Visual & Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi), University of Antwerp, BE.
April 2019
“‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ On Using Tools that are up to our Task”
Presentation at Research Methodologies Workshop: Ethnography, Precarity, and the Everyday, American University in Cairo, EG.
August 2018
“‘Welcome to my waiting room!’ on the production of furniture and waiting rooms”
Conference Presentation at the European Association of Social Anthropologists conference (EASA) Stockholm, SE.
June 2018
“The life they are living. From the making of craft to the making of a life worth living”
Conference Presentation at RAI - Art, Materiality and Representation London, UK.
April 2018
“What lies ahead! Imagining the Future in an uncertain Present”
Conference Presentation at FWO Closing Conference of Mobility at Work. University of Antwerp, BE.
December 2017
“I could be the Mayor of this City!”
Workshop presentation at Earthen Histories. Geo-historical metabolisms with human landscapes. European Society for Environmental History, Modena, IT.
October 2016
“Deconstructing a Rhinoceros! Voices from Molenbeek, Brussels”
Presentation at the RAI Research in Progress seminar series of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, UK.
May 2016
“Crafting Lives in Molenbeek”
Presentation at the Seminar series of the LAMC - Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains. ULB Brussels, BE.
Coordination and Organization of Panels and Workshops
20 - 27 July 2022
Faito Doc Curation
Christine Moderbacher is part of the Faito Doc programming team for the 2022 edition.
July 2016
“From words to lifeworlds: reassessing the role of narratives in the context of crisis”
Panel Convenor at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK (ASA) conference, Durham, UK (co-convened with Darcy Alexander and Annika Lems).
June 2016
“Urban Margins: contesting hegemonic representations of the city”
Panel Convener at the European Association of Social Anthropologists conference (EASA) Milano, IT (co-convened with Barbara De Heer and Sandra Staudacher).
May 2016
Workshop Organisation on the use of Video in Anthropological research and representation, department of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, UK (together with Chuck Sturtevant).
April 2016
Workshop Organisation on Creative Writing in Anthropology for the research project KFI – Knowing from the Inside, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Membership in Professional Associations
FC Gloria – Austrian Association of Female Filmmakers
RAI – Royal Anthropological Institute
EASA – European Association of Social Anthropologists
ASA – Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth
German (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
French (fluent)
Italian (intermediate)
Tunisian Arabic (conversational)