Two new open-access publications in Croatian by Marek Mikuš
Marek Mikuš has recently published two open-access works in the Croatian language. The journal article “Veliki i mali: uvođenje eura i nacionalna valuta u Hrvatskoj“ [“The big ones and the small ones: euro introduction and national currency in Croatia”] employs anthropological and heterodox economical perspectives on money and currency to examine the debates about Croatia’s recent euro introduction. The chapter “Predatorski prekogranični krediti austrijskih lokalnih banaka u Hrvatskoj: ishodi, geografska distribucija i vjerovničke strategije” [“Austrian local banks’ predatory cross-border lending in Croatia: outcomes, geographic distribution and creditor strategies”] presents the results of an analysis of a new data set containing land registry extracts on 130 cases of Austrian local banks’ predatory mortgages to Croatian residents. This offers new insights into the loans’ outcomes (especially how often they resulted in the change in ownership of the mortgaged properties), their geographical distribution within Croatia, and the extractive strategies pursed by the creditors. Both publications contain an abstract in English.