Sreya Dutta-Chowdhury
C.V.| Current Project | Publications
Research Interests
Digital governmentalities, networked infrastructures, paperless futures, databasing, data work, data trouble, medical anthropology, anthropology of policy
Research Area(s)
India, Puducherry
I am interested in medical anthropology, anthropology of the state, science and technology studies, and I use these different lenses to understand changing socialities around digital technologies in state-funded health work. My dissertation thesis, titled “Governing through speculative technologies: Care and control in South India” analyses the intersection of monitoring technologies (digital lists, live dashboards, online portals) with rural health posts in the management of Universal Health Coverage in India. My research examines the role of medical attention, as mediated through outcome-based disease programs and digital technologies, for enumerating and expanding health and wellness services across primary health care centres in rural villages of Tamil Nadu, India. I focus on state-led digital projects and investigate how health coverage and future wellness is materialized through risk scores, routine diagnostics, generic medicines, and digital monitoring of rural medical work.
Previously, I received my BA in Sociology from the University of Calcutta and a MA in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics. I then completed a M.Phil. in Sociology at Jawaharlal Nehru University, funded by the Junior Research Fellowship program of University Grants Commission, India. As part of my M.Phil. dissertation, I conducted secondary research on civil society participation in the Indian health sector. In 2020, I was principal co-investigator of a research project on “Female Frontline Community Healthcare Workforce in India during Covid-19”. The project was funded by a “Covid-19 Research Grant” provided by Azim Premji University, Bangalore.