Publications Books 2006 Books 2006 Year « 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 » Gewaltordnungen bewaffneter Gruppen. Ökonomie und Herrschaft nichtstaatlicher Akteure in den Kriegen der Gegenwart AuthorJutta Bakonyi, Stephan Hensell und Jens Siegelberg (Hrsg.)PublisherBaden-Baden: NomosYear of publication2006ISBN3-8329-2287-3 [more] "Be European, Recycle Yourself!" The Changing Work Ethic in Romania AuthorMonica HeintzPublisherBerlin: LIT VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN978-3-8258-9905-9 [more] "Not the Horse We Wanted!" Postsocialism, Neoliberalism, and Eurasia AuthorC. M. HannPublisherMünster: Lit-VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8258-8050-8 [more] Claiming Ownership in Postwar Croatia: The Dynamics of Property Relations and Ethnic Conflict in the Knin Region AuthorCarolin Leutloff-GranditsPublisherBerlin: Lit-VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8258-8049-4 [more] The Postsocialist Religious Question: Faith and Power in Central Asia and East-Central Europe AuthorChris Hann & the "Civil Religion" GroupPublisherBerlin: Lit -VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8258-9904-7 [more] Shifting Boundaries. Social Security in the Urban Fringe of Lilongwe City, Malawi AuthorBarbara A. RohreggerPublisherAachen: Shaker VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8322-5438-2 OPAC [more] Women After War AuthorAnita SchrovenPublisherLIT VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8258-9627-7 [more] Dynamics of Plural Legal Orders Author Franz von Benda-Beckmann und Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.)PublisherLit-VerlagYear of publication2006ISBN3-8258-9898-9 [more] Wie Feindbilder entstehen. Eine Theorie religiöser und ethnischer Konflikte AuthorGünther Schlee Publisher C. H. BeckYear of publication2006ISBN3-406-54743-5 [more] Tanguiéta AuthorTilo GrätzPublisherLes Editions du FlamboyantYear of publication2006ISBN99919-5903-3 [more] Defending the Border: Identity, Religion, and Modernity in the Republic of Georgia AuthorMathijs PelkmansPublisherCornell University PressYear of publication2006ISBN0-8014-4440-3 [more] Changing Properties of Property AuthorFranz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Melanie G. Wiber (eds.)PublisherBerghan BooksYear of publication2006ISBN1-84545-139-2 [more]