Denis Maslov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Presentations of Ethnic Culture of Altaians in Local Museums” (research project)
1 April – 30 June 2009
Dmitrii Funk
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Materials from G.F. Müller’s Diaries on Shamanism among the Turkish Peoples in Southern Siberia” (presentation at the conference "Wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Kontext der Sibirienforschung zu Zeiten von G. W. Steller und J. G. Gmelin")
21 – 27 October 2009
Valentina Kharitonova
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Research on Shamanic Practices in Siberia: from Steller’s times until today” (presentation at the conference "Wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Kontext der Sibirienforschung zu Zeiten von G. W. Steller und J. G. Gmelin")
21 – 27 October 2009
Svetlana Tyukhteneva
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Social and Material-Monetary Practices among the Altaians” (research project)
24 October – 16 December 2009
Konstantin Bannikov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Globalisation and Self-Development of Local Cultures: ethno-ecological tourism in Siberia” (research project)
1 – 23 December 2009
Tatiana Bulgakova
Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
“Clan and Individual Diseases in Shamanic Emic Discourse”
2 – 31 January 2008
Tatiana Barchunova
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
“Female-to-Female Sexual Relations in Krasnoiarsk and Novosibirsk” (research project)
23 April – 20 May 2008
Suchandana Chatterjee
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, India
“From Siberia to the Kazakh Steppe: re-exploring regional histories of Eurasia” (research project)
8 – 14 June 2008
Yuri Shabaev
Komi Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation
“The European North of Russia: ethnicity as a resource for social development” (research project)
28 September – 22 October 2008
Marina Mongush
Tuvan Institute of Humanities, Kyzyl, Russian Federation
“Religions in Tuva, Yesterday and Today” (research project)
9 October – 8 November 2008
Mark Dwyer
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
“Techniques and Methods of Reindeer Husbandry in Northern Russia” (research project) (the visit was supported by SFB 586 “Difference and Integration”)
3 – 16 November 2008
Yulian Konstantinov
Centre for Sámi Studies, University of Tromso, Norway
“Reindeer Husbandry on Kola Peninsula and Synergies Between Social and Climate Change” (research project) (the visit was supported by SFB 586 “Difference and Integration”)
3 November 2008 – 15 November 2008
Dmitrii Funk
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Languages of the Turkish Peoples in South Siberia” (presentation at the conference "Sprachstudien bei den Russischen Sibirienexpeditionen im 18. Jahrhundert")
5 – 9 November 2008
Viktor Dyatlov
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
“Chinese Migrants in Siberia and the Russian Far East at the Beginning of 21th Century” (research project)
10 November – 12 December 2008
Olga Povoroznyuk
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Anthropology of Contemporary Socio-Economic and Cultural Transformations in the Russian North and Siberia: a case study of Evenks of Transbaikalia” (research project)
14 January – 13 February 2007
Kazunobu Ikeya (in cooperation with Department I)
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan
“Pastoralism among the San (Kalahari) and the Chukchi (Northeast Siberia)” (presentation)
24 – 26 January 2007
Erzhen Khilkhanova
East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation
“Subjective Factors of Language Choice by the Buryat Ethnic Group in a Bilingual Situation: a cultural-anthropological approach” (research project)
1 July – 31 August 2007
Galina Dyatchkova
Anadyr’ Heritage Centre, Anadyr’, Russian Federation
“Life Experiences of Visitors to the House of Culture in Anadyr’ in Soviet and Post-Soviet Contexts” (research project)
15 August – 30 September 2007
Tatiana Bulgakova
Herzen State Pedagogical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
“Successors to Shamans Facing New Religious Choices (Khabarovsk Region)” (research project)
23 August – 22 December 2007
Tatiana Safonova
Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
“Pokazukha in the House of Culture: patterns of behaviour in the public space of Kurumkan, Eastern Buryatia” (presentation at the Workshop “Reconstructing the House of Culture”)
3 – 17 September 2007
Dessislav Sabev
Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
“Ethnicity, Identity and Environmental Perception: tundra-village liaison agents in Kola Peninsula” (research project)
4 September – 4 December 2007
István Sántha
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
“Companionship among Evenki of Eastern Buryatia” (research project)
7 September 2007 – 17 September 2007
Dmitrii Funk
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
“Language, Folklore and Mythology among the Turkish Peoples in South Siberia” (presentation at the conference "Bücher als Quelle (Inspiration) und Ergebnis der Russischen Sibirienexpeditionen im 18. Jahrhundert")
19 – 25 November 2007
Igor Nabok
State Russian Herzen Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
“The Aboriginal Peoples of Siberia in St. Petersburg: education as a factor of ethno-cultural identification and adaptation” (presentation)
5 – 12 December 2007