

2016 - To date
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
PhD Candidate 
Thesis Working Title: ‘The Realities of Time’: Demography, Temporal Subjectivities and Belonging in northern Kenya

2013 - 2014
University of Oxford
MSc African Studies
Dissertation title:
The Road to Kenya? understanding and the nature of the (post) colonial state (under) development in Northern Kenya through the lens of the Isiolo-Moyale highway.
(Part published as journal article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17531055.2016.1266198)

2008 - 2012
University of Nairobi
BA Anthropology
Dissertation title: ‘Living on the edge’: space and identity among the Boran of Marsabit County, Northern Kenya.


Commonwealth Shared Scholarship - Masters scholarship jointly funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the University of Oxford
British Institute in Eastern Africa Minor Grant – fieldwork funding for Masters dissertation research.

Konferenzen und Workshops - eine Auswahl

"Do the Locals Count?: State documentation and (il) legible temporalities in Northern Kenya", Watson Institute, Brown University, Providence (USA), Webinar
26 March
"The Visual Politics of Political Campaign Posters in Kenya", British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairoib (Kenya), Workshop, Webinar
14 December
“They don’t know how we got the tarmac”: Infrastructure, Affect and Intergenerational Subjectivities in Northern Kenya, 62nd Annual Meeting of African Studies Association; Being, Belonging and Becoming in Africa, Material entanglements   Boston, United States of America
November 22 -23
The Impact of Political Parties on County level Ethnic Dynamics: The Case of Marsabit in the 2017 elections, Conference: Portraying Devolution: Leaders, Identities, Policies, French Institute for Research in Africa Nairobi (IFRA), Kenya  
June 12-13
Pastoralism and the Politics of ‘Megaprojects’: land acquisition (and dispossession) on the ‘Shifting Frontiers’ of Northern Kenya, MPI for Social Anthropology & McGill University – International Workshop: Transformations and Visions: responses, alternatives and resistances to large-scale land deals in the Global South, Halle (Saale)
May 23-25
"Who will herd the livestock?": Ageing and Social Change among the Boran of northern Kenya. Poster Presentation at the MaxNetAging Conference 2017, Longevity: Future, Present, Past and across the Tree of Life, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany. 
May 16-19
Coping with Aging and Change among the Boran of Northern Kenya, 7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS: Rethinking African ageing: Growing old in an urbanising Africa, University of Basel, Basel Switzerland
29 June to 1 July
The Road to Kenya: The Visions of a Nation and Landscape of Development and Modernity in Northern Kenya. Sixth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Paris
July 7-12
Beyond little Mogadishu: The case of the Oromo in Eastleigh (with Neil Carrier). Conference: Eastleigh and Beyond: The Somali Factor in Urban Kenya, The Rift Valley Institute, Nairobi,
September 7-28
Infrastructural Development and the changing physical and political landscape in Northern Kenya. Conference: Reconfiguring Landscapes and Bio-cultural Frontiers British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi
March 21-22


African Studies Association
American Anthropological Association

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