
7 October 2024
One World Heritage? Culture, Nation and the North-South Divide in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Bibliotheca Hertziana/Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

9 July 2024
One World Heritage? Culture, Nation and the North-South Divide in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Kunsthistorisches Institut/Max Planck Institute for Art History, Florence

31 May 2024
What the Critical Heritage Perspective Hides: Heritage as Collective Appropriation
Conference "What Heritage Hides", Centre for Advanced Study "inherit: Heritage in Transformation", Humboldt University Berlin

8 April 2024
From Private to Public and Back? Kyoto's Cityscape Councils and the Urban Commons
Institute for Asian and Transcultural Studies, University of Vilnius

5 May 2023
Africa in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena: Marginalisation, Discontent and Complicity
Panel "Legal Aspects on the Protection of African Cultural Heritage", Afrikanist*innentag, University of Leipzig

9 March 2023
Commoning the City: The Townscape Councils of Kyoto
Nissan Institute for Japanese Studies, University of Oxford

11 February 2023
Urban Destruction and Reconstitution in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena (online)
Conference "Urban Traumas and Healings: Re-Constructing Cities in Ukraine", Free University of Brussels

1 February 2023
Universal Aspirations and Eurocentric Realities in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena: OUV, OuV or ouV?
World Heritage Studies Program, Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus

10 January 2023
One World Heritage? Nation, Culture and the North-South Divide in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Department of Anthropology, University of Hamburg

22 November 2022
The Best We Share: Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Department of Anthropology, University of Zurich

13 October 2022
The Dharma and the Dime: Notes on the Economy of Buddhism in Asia
Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna

1 October 2022
Heritage, Capitalism and the Commons
Conference “Culture and Heritage in the Capitalist World”, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipeh (online)

20 September 2022
Technologies and Moralities of Global Sharing: Nation, Culture, Expertise and World-Making Networks in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Department of Anthropology, University of Milan

22 February 2022
There's Life in the Old House Yet: The Creative Career of Kyoto's machiya Heritage
Workshop “Living Heritage”, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Kyoto (online)

2 December 2021
The Best We Share: Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Lecture series “Shaping Asia: Heritage”, University of Bielefeld (online)

21 September 2021
The Best We Share: Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Book talk with Jens Sejrup, Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen

1 July 2021
The Best We Share: Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Lecture series „Religions and the Politics of Heritage in Asia“, University of Heidelberg (online)

27 May 2021
From Private to Public and Back? The Townscape Councils of Kyoto
u:japan lecture series, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna (online)

25 March 2021
The Best We Share: Nation, Culture and World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Research seminar series “Anthropology of Heritage and Material Culture”, Department of Archaeology, University of Reading (online)

22 July 2020
From Private to Public and Back? The Townscape Worriers/Warriors of Kyoto
Panel “Public Goods: Urban Governance and the Politics of Value”, Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), University of Lisbon (online)

6 September 2019
Connectivities and Comparison in Urban Asia
Workshop “Entangled Comparisons: Grounding Research on Asia – Expanding Research Methodologies”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), University of Bielefeld

14 January 2019
The 1972 World Heritage Convention and the Asian Specificities
Workshop “International conventions and Recommendations on Cultural Heritage: Social Effects and Practices of Opportunity”, University of Cergy-Pontoise

14-17 August 2018
Sustainable Pasts: Turning Back to Find the Future in Kyoto, Japan
Panel "Urban Temporalities", Biannual Conference of the European

Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), University of Stockholm

22 June 2018
Aus Alt mach Neu: Kulturerbe, Bürgerprotest und Stadtgestaltung in Kyoto
[From Old to New: Cultural Heritage, Citizen Protest and Urban Planning in Kyoto]

Weltkulturenmuseum Frankfurt

19 June 2018
UNESCO World Heritage from the Inside: Ethnography and Archives (with Aurélie Elisa Gfeller)
Conference "Researching the United Nations and Other International Organizations; Rethinking Methods of Investigation", University of Geneva

16 May 2018
Whose World Heritage? Japanese Industrial Sites, Korean Forced Labour and the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Workshop "The Politics of Heritage in East Asia", University of Oslo

12 April 2018
Appropriating the World in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena: East Asia and Beyond
Center for Global Asia, New York University Shanghai

20 March 2018
Urban Heritage/Heritage Studies
Workshop “Heritage, Memory and Urban Space”, Technical University Darmstadt

4 October 2017
Aspiration, Imagination and Belonging in Contemporary Kyoto
Panel "The City: Aspiration, Belonging, Imagination"
Biannual Conference of the German Anthropological Association (DGV), University of Frankfurt

19 May 2017
Global Linkages, Connectivity and the Indian Ocean in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Max Planck Workshop "Travelling Pasts: The Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean World", MPI for Social Anthropology, Halle

18 November 2016
Kyoto, the City of the Future? Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF)
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg

13 October 2016
Crisis? What Crisis? Family Relations and Temple Economies in Kyoto, Japan
Conference "Buddhism, Business and Economic Relations: In Asia and Beyond", University of Copenhagen

10 March 2016
Peace in the Minds of Men and Women? The North-South Divide in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Cultural Heritage Studies Program, Central European University, Budapest

7 March 2016
Aspekte einer Liebesbeziehung: Japan und das UNESCO-Welterbe [Aspects of a Love Affair: Japan and UNESCO World Heritage]
Institute for East Asian Studies, University of Vienna

12 December 2015
The Heritage Games: North against South in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
2015 Ladislav Hóly Lecture, Czech Association for Social Anthropology, Prague

29 November 2015
Selbstbehauptung am Rande der Megastadt. Stadtbild- und Kulturerbepolitik in Kyoto [Self-Assertion on the Fringe of the Megacity: Townscape and heritage policy in Kyoto]
Conference "Weltstädte, Metropolen, Megastädte: Dynamiken von Stadt und Raum von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [Global Cities, Metropolises, Megacities: Urban and Spatial Dynamics from Antiquity to the Present]" University of Zurich

22 November 2015
Streit ums Erbe: Japanische Industrieanlagen, koreanische Zwangsarbeiter und das UNESCO-Welterbe [Heritage Trouble: Japanese Industrial Facilities, Korean Forced Labourer and UNESCO World Heritage]
Section "Sociology and Social Anthropology", Annual Meeting of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF), University of Leipzig

2 November 2015
The Rise of Cultural Heritage: Anthropological Perspectives
Capital Normal University, Beijing

28 October 2015
Aspects of a Love Affair: Japan and UNESCO World Heritage
University of Frankfurt

1 October 2015
Workshop "Countering the Crisis: Controlling Change in Contemporary Cities?"
Biannual Conference of the German Anthropological Association (DGV), University of Marburg (co-convened with Katja Werthmann)

4 September 2015
Panel "Anthropology and the City"
Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS) meeting, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul (convenor)

27 August 2015
Anthropology Section on "Die Stützen der Gesellschaft: Feldforschung in japanischen Organisationen [The Pillars of Society: Fieldwork in Japanese Organisations]"
Triennial Conference of German-Speaking Japanologists (Japanologentag), University of Munich (convenor)

18 July 2015
The Power of (Religious) Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives (Cologne Cathedral Through the Ages)
Summer School of the International Max Planck Research School "Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Eurasia" (IMPRS ANARCHIE), Erfurt

14 July 2015
Aspekte einer Liebesbeziehung: Japan, China und das UNESCO-Welterbe [Aspects of a Love Affair: Japan, China and UNESCO World Heritage]
East Asian Seminar, University of Cologne (jointly with Leah Cheung Ah Li)

5 May 2015
The Best of the Best: Positing, Measuring, and Sensing Value in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
City University of New York Graduate Center

1 May 2015
The Best of the Best: Positing, Measuring, and Sensing Value in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Conference "Palaces of Hope: The Anthropology of Global Institutions", McGill University, Montreal

18 March 2015
The Best We Share: Ethnographic Insights from the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Department of Ethnology, University of Lucerne

3 December 2014
Invited discussant, panel "The Assembled City: Rethinking the Politics of Ontology as Urban Landscape"
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Washington, D.C.

26 October 2014
Global Identity at Risk in an Overheating Arena: UNESCO World Heritage at Crisis Point
Workshop “Identity and Accelerated Change”, University of Oslo

1 August 2014
The Best of the Best: Positing, Measuring, and Sensing Value in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Panel "Generating Value and Valuation as Collaborative Practice", Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), University of Tallinn

10 July 2014
Being and Feeling Authentic in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena: Originals, Copies, and Imagining Continuity
Workshop "The Ethics of Copying", Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University

4 July 2014
Blasting Value: Dealing with Destruction in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Conference "Meaningful Destruction and Contingent Preservation", University of Heidelberg

21 June 2014
Messy Meetings: Procedure and Pragmatics in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee Session/s
Panel "Meetings: Procedure and Artifacts of Modern Knowledge", Decennial Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, University of Edinburgh

15 February 2014
How to Be Authentic in the UNESCO World Heritage System: Copies, Replicas, Reconstructions and Renovations in a Global Conservation Arena
Workshop "The Transformative Power of the Copy: A Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Approach", University of Heidelberg

24 January 2014
Messing up Big Time in the Committee: When Things Go Wrong in UNESCO World Heritage Meetings
Workshop "Inside the UNESCO Heritage Conventions: Ethnographic and Historical Approaches", Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

29 November 2013
In Love with the Global: Japan and the UNESCO Heritage Conventions
Conference "Lived Traditionalism: Japanese Traditions Beyond Invention", University of Düsseldorf

16 November 2013
Vom Nutzen der Verbindungen: Die „cultural routes“ im UNESCO-Welterbegeschehen [The Uses of Connections: "Cultural Routes" in UNESCO World Heritage Processes]
Conference "Kulturstrassen", Europäisches Romanik Zentrum, Merseburg

4 November 2013
How Global Can Heritage Get? An Ethnographic Analysis of the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Atelier de Réflexion Prospective sur le Patrimoine, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris

12 July 2013
Glanz und Elend des UNESCO-Welterbes: Eine globale Institution im Nord-Süd-Konflikt [The Glory and Misery of UNESCO World Heritage: North-South Tensions in a Global Institution]
Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne

6 July 2013
Tod am Strand: Erstkontakte, Struktur und Geschichte beim tragischen Ende von Captain James Cook [Death on the Beach: First Contact, Structure and History in the Tragical End of Captain James Cook]
Conference "Bewilderment as an Opportunity for Learning", Research Cluster "Society and Culture in Motion", Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

24 May 2013
Parliament or Court? On the Law-Likeness of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee Sessions
Second Exploratory Meeting, Department "Law & Anthropology", Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle

17 April 2013
The Best We Share: Making and Unmaking the World in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena
Laboratoire de l'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporaines, Université Libre de Bruxelles

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