Completed Projects
Postdoctoral Research | Doctoral Research
Postdoctoral Research*
Andrea Behrends (2000-2006)
Conflict, violence and integration: Transnational and local fields of governance on the Chad/ Sudan border
Astrid Bochow (2010-2013)
Fertility, elites and HIV/AIDS in Botswana: social identities and new reproductive orders
Elisabetta Chiodo (2006-2007)
Ritual Songs of Khorchin Mongol Shamans
Luca Ciabarri (2006-2009)
Post-conflict Somaliland: the commercial factor in state building practices and territorial integration. An ethnography of commercial routes
Andreas Dafinger (2000-2007)
Social and spatial orders: Farmer-herdsmen relations in south-east Burkina Faso
Tsypylma Darieva (2003-2005)
Uzbek Ethnicity between Loyalty and Conflict in Kazakhstan and Russia
Data Dea Barata (2003-2006)
Boundaries of Sacred Power: Religion and Integration in Southwest Ethiopia
Youssouf Diallo (1999-2004)
Pastoralism, migration and identity: The Fulbe in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire
Rozita Dimova (2003-2006)
Lost Objects: ethnicity, consumption and gendered spaces in Macedonia
Peter Finke (2000-2006)
Diasporas and Re-Patriants: The Kazaks Return "Home"
The Kazaks of Western Mongolia: A Pastoral Community in Transition
Interest, Identity and Ideology: Social Groups, Individual Behaviour and the Nation-State in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Veronika Fuest (2006-2009)
Travelling Models in Conflict Management - A comparative research and network building project in six African countries. Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation
Veronika Fuest(2005-2007)
Shifting identities, conflict and foreign interventions in post-war Liberia. Refigurations of ethnic, intergenerational and gender relationships
Tilo Grätz (1999-2004)
The Social and Cultural Context of Small-scale Gold-mining in West Africa Today
Martine Guichard (2002-2005)
Friendship and Kinship: On the difference and relevance of two systems of social relationships. The case of the Fulbe societies of northern Cameroon and northern Benin
Martine Guichard (2000-2001)
Ethnicity and Integration: The Fulbe of northern Benin and northern Cameroon and their neighbours
Markus V. Hoehne (2011-2013)
Vergangenheitsbewältigung in andauernden Konflikten: Lokale und diasporische Vorstellungen von Gerechtigkeit zwischen Schari’a, traditionellem Recht und internationalem Recht in Somalia und der Somali Region Äthiopiens
Christian Højbjerg (✝ 2014)
Historical consciousness, conflict and integration in the Upper Guinea coastal and forest region (Guinea and Liberia)
Wolfgang Holzwarth (2008-2012)
Zwischen Machtverlust und Marktintegration: Mittelasiatische Nomaden in der Kolonialzeit
Svetlana Jacquesson (2006-2009)
The Social Dynamics of Kinship
Jacqueline Knörr (2004-2006)
Orang Betawi, Orang Jakarta, Orang Indonesia: Construction and transformation of ethnic, urban and national identity in Jakarta
Hussein A. Mahmoud (2005-2008)
The genesis and transformation of conflict in northern Kenya: implications for pastoral livelihoods
Azim Malikov (2010-2013)
Khodja in Central Asia: construction and transformation of identity
Andrea Nicolas (2010-2012)
Feasting and the politics of age: Tulama-Oromo Gadaa organisation
Anita von Poser (2010-2011)
Bosmun Konzepte des Alterns im Wandel (Ramu-Fluss, Papua-Neuguinea)
Adano Wario Roba (2007-2011)
Natural Resource Scarcity and Conflicts: A comparative inquiry focusing on pastoralists in the northern region of Kenya
Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (2006-2008)
Cultural Models, Social Interaction, and Individual Experience. Towards a Social Anthropological Theory of Emotions
Fault Lines of Emotion Cultures: On the Clash of Feeling Rules in the Context of Migration
Sophia Thubauville (2009-2010)
Karen Witsenburg (2007-2009)
Ethnic Violence in Northern Kenya
Wolde Gossa Tadesse (2002-2003)
Ethnic Groups, the state and the religious landscape in south western Ethiopia
John Wood (2000-2001)
Roads to Nowhere: imagining modernity in the form of heavy equipment
Saulesh Yessenova (2005-2007)
Integration, Conflict, and Development along the Caspian in Kazakhstan
Ababu Minda Yimene (2005-2008)
An Afro-Indian Community in Karnataka, India: A Study of Ethnic Identity, its Maintenance and Change
Doctoral Research*
Olumide Abimbola (2006-2010)
Informal transborder trade networks and regional integration: towards an ethnographic study of networks
Fekadu Adugna Tufaa (2005-2009)
Oromo-Somali Relations
Ogato Ambaye Anata (2007-2012)
Age-grade system of the Sidama in Persective
Getinet Assefa (2006-2013)
Shared Values, Institutions and Development: The Case of the Gurage and Oromo of south-western Ethopia
Jutta Bakonyi (2006-2008)
Research on Somalia in cooperation with GTZ
Frank Donath (2006-2008)
Performative negotiations and constructions of identity in a hybrid culture: The Indo- Muslim community in Mauritius
Christiane Falge (2000-2006)
Nuer vernacular modernism in Ethiopia and the USA
Dereje Feyissa Dori (1999-2003)
Ethnic Conflict and Integration: the case of Gambela, western Ethiopia
Christina Gabbert (2006-2012)
Knowledge about War and Peace among the Arbore of Southern Ethiopia
Dejene Gemechu Chala (2008-2012)
Local response to the Ethiopian ethnic based federalism: conflict and conflict management among the Borana and their neighbors
Felix Girke (2005-2009)
The Aedamo of the Karà Rhetoric in social relations, conflict and integration on the Lower Omo
Georg Haneke (1999-2003)
Identities in Ethiopia and the Struggle for the Nation State
Markus V. Hoehne (2008-2011)
Diasporas and Peace. Patterns, Trends and Potential of Long-distance diaspora Involvement in Conflict Settings. Case Studies from the Horn of Africa
Markus V. Hoehne (2003-2011)
Conflicting political identities in northern Somalia
Remadji Hoinathy (2008-2012)
Oil Exploitation and its Impact on Logone Oriental Communities' Modes and Conditions of Living
Aksana Ismailbekova (2006-2012)
Patron-Client Relations within the context of a Kyrgyz community, Kyrgyzstan
Soledad Jiménez Tovar (2010-2014)
Cultural Adaptation of Uighur and Dungan Migrant Communities in Kyrgyzstan
Barbara Kiepenheuer-Drechsler (2005-2007)
Nathaniel King (2007-2012)
Contested Spaces in Post-war Society: The ‘Devil Business’ in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Christoph Kohl (2005-2010)
Creole Identity, Interethnic Relations and Post-Colonial Nation-Building in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Mateusz Laszczkowski (2007-2012)
'City of the Future': Built Space and Social Change in Astana, Kazakhstan
Jolanda Lindenberg (2006-2010)
Identity dynamics among Belgians
Andrea Nicolas (2000-2007)
From process to procedure: Mediation by elders, formality and peace (Eastern Shewa, Ethiopia)
Sven Nicolas (2000-2004)
Transcendental Worlds and Pilgrimages – The Limits of Politics in the Awliya-Cult
Boris Nieswand (1999-2008)
Ghanaians in Germany – transnational social fields and social status
Michaela Pelican (2000-2006)
Getting along in the Grassfields: Interethnic relations and identity politics in North West Cameroon
Kristin Pfeifer (2006-2012)
Judith Reissner (2008-2011)
Pregnancy and Birth in a Transcultural Field
Andrea Riester (2005-2011)
Labour migration from and reintegration to Burkina Faso
Sophie Roche (2005-2010)
Demographic behaviour in the transformation process in Tajikistan Sophie Roche
Markus Rudolf (2009-2013)
Conflict and integration in the Basse Casamance, Senegal
Meltem Sancak (2005-2007)
Diasporas and Re-Patriants: The Kazaks Return "Home"
Economic transformation, social change and interethnic relations in post-socialist Uzbekistan
Rita Sanders (2006-2011)
Identity and integration of Germans in Kazakhstan
Merle Schatz (2006-2013)
Chinese Influence on Oral tradition in Mongolia: bensen üliger
Anita Schroven (2005-2011)
Local authorities and oral history in processes of conflict and integration in Guinea
Philipp Schröder (2006-2012)
Working Title: Bishkek after or before the Revolution? Integration, Conflict, and Identification among Youth in a post-Soviet Urban Context
Rano Turaeva (2005-2010)
Identification, Discrimination, and Communication: Khorezmian migrants in Tashkent
Olaf Zenker (2003-2008)
Irish identity and the Irish language in discourse and practice in Catholic West Belfast
*Completed research projects sorted alphabetically by researcher. Please note that project pages will not be updated after completion of the research at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
(Update: July 7, 2017)