
Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Het nieuwe Marokkaanse echtscheidingsrecht (2004) en Belgisch internationaal privaatrecht: nieuwe regels en hun weerslag voor Marokkanen in België. Recht van de Islam 23: 93–126.

Book Chapter (11)

Book Chapter
Bosset, Pierre and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Accommodating diversity in Quebec and Europe: different legal concepts, similar results? In: Council of Europe (ed.). Institutional accomodation and the citizen: legal and political interaction in a pluralist society. Trends in Social Cohesion 21. Strasbourg: Council of Europe publ., pp. 37–65.
Book Chapter
Deklerck, Stijn, Ellen Desmet, Marie-Claire Foblets, Joke Kusters, and Jogchum Vrielink. 2009. Limits of human rights protection from the perspective of legal anthropology. In: Erik Claes, Wouter Devroe, and Bert Keirsbilck (eds.). Facing the limits of the law. Berlin: Springer, pp. 375–414.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. The fragmented development of EU immigration and integration policy: which status for third-country nationals in Europe? In: Jan Wouters, Luc Verhey, and Philipp Kiiver (eds.). European constitutionalism beyond Lisbon. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 81–109.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Mariage et divorce dans le nouveau code marocain de la famille: quelles implications pour les Marocains en Europe? In: Marc Aoun (ed.). Les statuts personnels en droit comparé: évolutions récentes et implications pratiques. Law and Religion Studies 5. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 197–237.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Migration and integration of third-country nationals in Europe: the need for the development of an efficient, effective and legitimate system of governance. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Julia Eckert (eds.). Rules of law and laws of ruling: on the governance of law. Law, Justice and Power. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 191–216.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. La régulation des vies de famille(s) sur arrière-fond de société plurielle: le droit entre libéralisme et individualisme. In: Hugues Fulchiron (ed.). Mariage-conjugalité, parenté-parentalité. Thèmes et commentaires: actes. Paris: Dalloz, pp. 297–321.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Perspective 1: legal anthropology. In: Christoph Castelein, René Foqué, and Alain Verbeke (eds.). Imperative inheritance law in a late-modern society: five perspectives. European Family Law 26. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 39–63.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Vervlogen of bedrogen beleidsvisies?: 30 jaar Belgische vreemdelingenwet (1980-2010). In: Willy Bruggeman, Eveline De Wree, Johan Goethals, Paul Ponsaer, Patrick Van Calster, Tom Vander Beken, and Gert Vermeulen (eds.). Van pionier naar onmisbaar: 30 jaar Panopticon. Panopticon Libri 1. Antwerpen: Maklu, pp. 680–729.
Book Chapter
Overbeeke, Adriaan, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Eva Brems. 2009. Woord vooraf. Culturele diversiteit in het onderwijs: een werkboek. Leuven: Acco, pp. 9–10.
Book Chapter
Renteln, Alison Dundes and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Introduction. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Oxford: Hart, pp. 1–4.
Book Chapter
Renteln, Alison Dundes and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Conclusion. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Oxford: Hart, pp. 335–338.

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Maes, Marleen, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Dirk Vanheule. 2009. EU and non-EU harmonised protection statuses in Belgium. Brussel: EMN Belgish contactpunt.

Collected Edition (3)

Collected Edition
Bouckaert, Steven, Marie-Claire Foblets, Marleen Maes, and Dirk Vanheule (eds.). 2009. Wetboek vreemdelingenrecht. Brugge: Vanden Broele.
Collected Edition
Debersaques, Geest, Dirk Vanheule, and Marie-Claire Foblets (eds.). 2009. Vreemdelingenrecht: geannoteerd. Geannoteerde wetboeken. Brugge: die Keure.
Collected Edition
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). 2009. Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Oxford: Hart.

Monograph (1)

Overbeeke, Adriaan, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Eva Brems. 2009. Culturele diversiteit in het onderwijs: een werkboek. Leuven: Acco.
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