

The Convivencia Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology contributes to the historical, legal and artistic debates around and around convivencia by testing and building understandings of coexistence in the light of ethnographic accounts of how societies manage difference.
Founded in 2008, the International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (REMEP) is a research and teaching network. REMEP provides unique multi- and interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for university graduates who wish to work towards a doctoral degree in the fields of law and social sciences. mehr
The Department 'Integration and Conflict' participates in the Max Planck International Research Network on Aging (MaxNetAging) which is a virtual institute for the advancement of research on the causes, patterns, processes, and consequences of aging. It is part of the broad activities carried out by the Max Planck Society in this field. mehr
Die Abteilung ‚Integration und Konflikt‘ am MPI für ethnologische Forschung (Prof. Günther Schlee) und das Ethnologische Seminar an der Universität Zürich (Prof. Peter Finke) gründen ein „Zentrum für ethnologische Studien zu Zentralasien“ mehr
Weltweite Vergleiche zählen zu den Zielen der Forschungen der Abteilung. Ein Überblick. mehr
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