Writing-ups, Visiting Fellows und Gäste 2017
Jahr 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2012–2013
Catherine Larouche (March–September 2017)Institution: McGill University
- Dissertation: Spiritual and Material Development: The Politics of Islamic Charitable Work in North India
- Promotion: 2018
- Auszeichnung: Nominated by McGill University for the Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Derzeitige Position: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Laval University, Canada.
Felix-Anselm van Lier (May–November 2017)
- Institution: Oxford University
- Dissertation: Legal Politics in the Libyan Constitution-Making Process
- Promotion: 2019
- Derzeitige Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Law & Anthropology Department, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Salman Hussain (September 2017–April 2018)
- Institution: City University of New York (CUNY)
- Dissertation: Together without Consensus: Class, Emotions and the Politics of the Rule of Law in the Lawyers’ Movement (2007–09) in Pakistan
- Promotion: 2018
- Auszeichnung: UC Berkeley S.S. Pirzada Dissertation Prize in Pakistan Studies
- Derzeitige Position: Lecturer/Research and Teaching Fellowship, Amherst Legal Studies Program, University of Massachusetts
Anna Wyss (October 2017– March 2018)
- Institution: University of Bern, Institute for Sociology
- Dissertation: Interrupted Journeys – Disrupted Control. Male Migrants with Precarious Legal Status and the European Migration Regime
- Promotion: 2019
- Auszeichnung: SNIS award for the best PhD thesis in international studies
- Derzeitige Position: Postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory for the Study of Social Processes at the University of Neuchâte
Visiting Fellows (in chronologischer Reihenfolge)
Kyriaki Topidi (Okt 2016–Jan 2017)
University of Lucerne
Derzeitige Position: Senior Research Associate, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg, Germany.
Monica Maria Gusmao Costa (Nov 2016–März 2017)
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Derzeitige Position: advocate in human rights cases and in the defense of users of Health Plans and the Single Health System (SUS)
Katja Seidel (März–Juni 2017)
University of Vienna
Derzeitige Position: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Maynooth University, Ireland
Joseph David (Mai–Juni 2017)
Associate Professor of Law, Sapir Academic College, Israel
Derzeitige Position: Visiting Professor, Yale Law School, USA
Rama Srinivasan (Mai–August 2017)
Brown University, Providence
Derzeitige Position: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Valentino Cattelan (Mai–August 2017)
IE Business School, Madrid
Derzeitige Position: Associate Researcher, Saudi-Spanish Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance (SCIEF), IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
Matthew Canfield (Juli–August 2017)
University of New York
Derzeitige Position: Assistant Professor of Law, Politics, and Society, Drake University