Writing-ups, Visiting Fellows und Gäste 2020

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Dissertation Writing-up Fellows (in chronologischer Reihenfolge)


Ana Chiritoiu (Januar–Juni 2020)
  • Dissertation: Exchange, Morality, and the Politics of Social Reproduction in a Roma Neighbourhood in Southern Romania
  • Promoviert: (voraussichtlich) September 2021

David Thompson (January–March 2020)
  • Institution: University of California, Berkeley
  • Dissertation: "Resocialize to Conquer the Future": Incarceration and Reform in Rio de Janeiro
  • Promoviert: 2020
  • Derzeitige Position: Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

Mert Peksen (September–December 2020)
  • Institution:The Graduate Center, City University New York
  • Dissertation: Displacing the Border: Refugees, Law and Geography in Turkey
  • Promoviert: voraussichtlich 2021

Gäste (in chronologischer Reihenfolge/ Auswahl)

Marie Courtoy (Febr–März 2020)

Catholic University of Leuven 

Derzeitige Position: FRESH Doctoral Fellow, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


Mariuca Oana Constantin (Oktober 2020)

National University of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest 

Derzeitige Position: Researcher/ Lecturer, National University Bucharest, Romania


Alexander Ganepola (Nov–Dez 2020)

Institute for Minority Rights, Bozen

Derzeitige Position: Junior Researcher

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